01410+5435 STI 1653

01h 40m 59.88s +54° 35' 32.3" P.A. 240.00 sep 15.2 mag 11.60,12.60
Coord 2000 01410+5435 Discov num STI1653 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 40 59.88 +54 35 32.3
Date first 1911 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 234 Pa last 239.6 P.A. Now (θ) 239.6°
Sep first 15.0 Sep last 15.21 Sep. Now (ρ) 15.21"
Mag pri 11.60 Mag sec 12.60 delta mag (ΔM) 1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +001 Sec motion ra -001
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec +005
This double is not physical.
Constellation Perseus Gaia DR2 408955103615602944
WDS 01410+5435 STI 1653 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 STI Stein, J. (see Vat1926)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01410+5435 STI1653 2000 2 239 15.2 11.60 12.60 D 014059.88+543532.3
01410+5435 STI1653 2002 3 240 15.2 11.60 12.60 D 014059.88+543532.3
01410+5435 STI1653 2011 4 240 15.3 11.60 12.60 014059.88+543532.3
01410+5435 STI1653 2015 6 240 15.2 11.60 12.60 014059.88+543532.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01410+5435 STI 1653 : MEASURES
No records found.


01410+5435 STI1653A mag 11.6 01410+5435 STI1653B sep 10.8 P.A. 224.60 mag 12.6 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01410+5435 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 40m 59.88s +54° 35' 32.3"
WDS 01410+5435 STI 1653 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01410+5435  STI1653 distance=0' 01406+5443  STI1652 distance=9' 01393+5436  A  1266 distance=15' 01393+5439  KPP3460 distance=16' 01403+5451  HJ 2064 distance=17' 01389+5432  STI1646 distance=20' 01406+5457  A  1267 distance=22' 01375+5456  STI1640 distance=30' 01438+5408  TDS1968AB distance=37' 01444+5425  SMA  21 distance=39' 01446+5503  STI1671 distance=42' 01399+5517  STI1650 distance=43' 01447+5505  STI1672 distance=43' 01387+5514  ES   46AB distance=43' 01387+5514  ES   46AC distance=43' 01366+5415  MMA  17 distance=44' 01459+5446  STI1681 distance=44' 01359+5444  STI1635 distance=46' 01447+5404  SMA  22 distance=46' 01357+5440  STI1634 distance=46' 01376+5511  A  1265AB distance=46' 01376+5511  A  1265A,CD distance=46' 01435+5516  STI1664 distance=47' 01376+5511  A  1265CD distance=47' 01361+5458  ES  617 distance=49' 01463+5452  SKF1993 distance=49' 01359+5502  MLR 629 distance=51' 01413+5335  FMR 181 distance=61' 01437+5532  STI1666 distance=62' 01400+5334  TDS1946 distance=62' 01460+5520  ES  946 distance=63' 01465+5354  TDS1998 distance=64' 01436+5334  ES 1055 distance=66' 01417+5541  STI1656 distance=67' 01373+5534  HJ 2059 distance=67' 01404+5543  TDS1948 distance=68' 01331+5416  ES 2585 distance=72' 01411+5547  STI1654 distance=72' 01420+5547  HJ 2066 distance=73' 01326+5445  ES 2584 distance=74' 01417+5323  A  1268 distance=74' 01480+5353  BU 1312 distance=75' 01470+5528  ES  947AB distance=75' 01470+5528  ES  947AC distance=75' 01444+5546  HJ 2074 distance=77' 01434+5550  STI1663 distance=78' 01485+5519  TDS2012 distance=78' 01438+5553  STT  35 distance=81' 01435+5318  HJ 2069 distance=82' 01462+5326  HJ 2079 distance=83' 01463+5328  HJ 2080 distance=83' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01410+5435 STI1653 240 15.2 0
Show 01406+5443 STI1652 115 12.5 9
Show 01393+5436 A 1266 239 0.2 15
Show 01393+5439 KPP3460 159 5.7 16
Show 01403+5451 HJ 2064 327 23.2 17
Show 01389+5432 STI1646 152 10.7 20
Show 01406+5457 A 1267 10 0.3 22
Show 01375+5456 STI1640 134 4.6 30
Show 01438+5408 TDS1968 AB 136 0.5 37
Show 01444+5425 SMA 21 275 7.0 39
Show 01446+5503 STI1671 28 7.6 42
Show 01399+5517 STI1650 168 6.1 43
Show 01447+5505 STI1672 107 13.3 43
Show 01387+5514 ES 46 AB 37 3.1 43
Show 01387+5514 ES 46 AC 289 54.3 43
Show 01366+5415 MMA 17 193 12.1 44
Show 01459+5446 STI1681 106 14.3 44
Show 01359+5444 STI1635 114 4.3 46
Show 01447+5404 SMA 22 303 11.2 46
Show 01357+5440 STI1634 219 9.4 46
Show 01376+5511 A 1265 AB 254 53.6 46
Show 01376+5511 A 1265 A,CD 280 59.5 46
Show 01435+5516 STI1664 158 4.2 47
Show 01376+5511 A 1265 CD 353 0.4 47
Show 01361+5458 ES 617 307 2.7 49
Show 01463+5452 SKF1993 296 8.3 49
Show 01359+5502 MLR 629 132 0.4 51
Show 01413+5335 FMR 181 51 3.7 61
Show 01437+5532 STI1666 175 5.7 62
Show 01400+5334 TDS1946 210 0.6 62
Show 01460+5520 ES 946 203 5.5 63
Show 01465+5354 TDS1998 328 1.1 64
Show 01436+5334 ES 1055 259 8.4 66
Show 01417+5541 STI1656 81 13.1 67
Show 01373+5534 HJ 2059 34 24.6 67
Show 01404+5543 TDS1948 130 0.6 68
Show 01331+5416 ES 2585 29 15.1 72
Show 01411+5547 STI1654 229 4.9 72
Show 01420+5547 HJ 2066 72 20.8 73
Show 01326+5445 ES 2584 197 15.6 74
Show 01417+5323 A 1268 267 0.1 74
Show 01480+5353 BU 1312 284 5.0 75
Show 01470+5528 ES 947 AB 209 4.8 75
Show 01470+5528 ES 947 AC 29 26.6 75
Show 01444+5546 HJ 2074 122 6.9 77
Show 01434+5550 STI1663 351 11.6 78
Show 01485+5519 TDS2012 292 0.5 78
Show 01438+5553 STT 35 92 14.5 81
Show 01435+5318 HJ 2069 242 17.2 82
Show 01462+5326 HJ 2079 119 7.3 83
Show 01463+5328 HJ 2080 111 13.8 83

WDS 01410+5435 : COMPONENTS
B pa=224.6°
01410+5435 A
Coord arcsec 2000 014059.88+543532.3 Mag 11.6 PmRA 1.00 PmDE -4.0
01410+5435 B
Coord arcsec 2000 014059.01+543524.6 Mag 12.6 PmRA -1.00 PmDE 5.0
Calc delta mag 1 Calc coord yes