01403-0253 RST 4183

01h 40m 20.54s -02° 52' 37.0" P.A. 276.00 sep 1.6 mag 10.50,11.30
Coord 2000 01403-0253 Discov num RST4183 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 40 20.54 -02 52 37.0
Date first 1939 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 275 Pa last 275.7 P.A. Now (θ) 275.7°
Sep first 1.5 Sep last 1.647 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.647"
Mag pri 10.50 Mag sec 11.30 delta mag (ΔM) 0.8 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +007 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -006 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cetus Tycho2 4685-01686-1 Gaia DR2 2481441789333603328
WDS 01403-0253 RST 4183 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RST Rossiter, R.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01403-0253 RST4183 2001 4 275 1.5 10.50 11.30 014020.54-025237.0
01403-0253 RST4183 2016 5 276 1.6 10.50 11.30 014020.54-025237.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01403-0253 RST 4183 : MEASURES
No records found.


01403-0253 RST4183A mag 10.5 01403-0253 RST4183B sep 1.6 P.A. 275.70 mag 11.3 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01403-0253 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 40m 20.54s -02° 52' 37.0"
WDS 01403-0253 RST 4183 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01403-0253  RST4183 distance=0' 01396-0233  CVR 395 distance=23' 01396-0231  HJ  641 distance=24' 01388-0320  GWP 209 distance=37' 01372-0305  GWP 203 distance=50' 01376-0223  RST4181BC distance=52' 01376-0223  RST4181AB distance=52' 01439-0254  LDS5343 distance=54' 01451-0221  LDS5344 distance=64' 01380-0200  CVR1076 distance=64' 01442-0217  LDS5345 distance=68' 01433-0152  SKF 116 distance=76' 01360-0338  NSN  63 distance=80' 01396-0414  GWP 210 distance=83' 01456-0224  HJ  643CD distance=83' 01456-0224  J  1448AB distance=83' 01456-0224  HJ  643AC distance=83' 01456-0224  J  1448BC distance=83' 01464-0224  STF 160AB distance=96' 01464-0224  STF 160AC distance=96' 01464-0224  STF 160CD distance=96' 01400-0112  SLW  78 distance=101' 01463-0343  ITF 121 distance=103' 01464-0340  ITF 120 distance=103' 01476-0255  WIS  45 distance=109' 01335-0331  HJ  640 distance=110' 01479-0242  LDS5351 distance=113' 01429-0103  SKF 309 distance=116' 01479-0320  STF 166 distance=117' 01340-0141  SKF 296 distance=119' 01344-0412  LDS5336 distance=120' 01446-0112  SKF 117 distance=120' 01365-0439  WIS  39 distance=121' 01484-0334  LDS5352 distance=128' 01350-0430  LDS5338 distance=128' 01450-0104  LDS9123 distance=130' 01317-0245  BRT 352 distance=131' 01356-0447  LDS5339 distance=136' 01327-0139  FIL   2 distance=137' 01485-0357  NSC   7 distance=138' 01309-0255  TDS1895 distance=142' 01312-0338  HJ  639 distance=144' 01505-0243  LDS5354 distance=152' 01410-0524  TOK 228 distance=152' 01329-0109  SLW  70 distance=153' 01488-0125  BU  511BC distance=154' 01488-0125  FOX 121BD distance=154' 01488-0125  STF 171AB distance=154' 01425-0523  KPP  78 distance=154' 01380-0522  GWP 207 distance=154' 01450-0512  LDS5347 distance=158' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01403-0253 RST4183 276 1.6 0
Show 01396-0233 CVR 395 85 23.5 23
Show 01396-0231 HJ 641 123 5.7 24
Show 01388-0320 GWP 209 17 67.0 37
Show 01372-0305 GWP 203 30 10.6 50
Show 01376-0223 RST4181 BC 186 0.2 52
Show 01376-0223 RST4181 AB 144 0.8 52
Show 01439-0254 LDS5343 124 324.5 54
Show 01451-0221 LDS5344 26 50.6 64
Show 01380-0200 CVR1076 346 4.0 64
Show 01442-0217 LDS5345 326 111.7 68
Show 01433-0152 SKF 116 22 4.9 76
Show 01360-0338 NSN 63 175 1.9 80
Show 01396-0414 GWP 210 322 47.6 83
Show 01456-0224 HJ 643 CD 185 10.4 83
Show 01456-0224 J 1448 AB 143 7.3 83
Show 01456-0224 HJ 643 AC 225 14.3 83
Show 01456-0224 J 1448 BC 254 14.8 83
Show 01464-0224 STF 160 AB 270 9.9 96
Show 01464-0224 STF 160 AC 164 173.6 96
Show 01464-0224 STF 160 CD 245 31.1 96
Show 01400-0112 SLW 78 204 30.5 101
Show 01463-0343 ITF 121 129 9.0 103
Show 01464-0340 ITF 120 336 3.2 103
Show 01476-0255 WIS 45 9 739.1 109
Show 01335-0331 HJ 640 112 5.3 110
Show 01479-0242 LDS5351 270 107.8 113
Show 01429-0103 SKF 309 149 65.4 116
Show 01479-0320 STF 166 1 7.7 117
Show 01340-0141 SKF 296 21 431.9 119
Show 01344-0412 LDS5336 352 344.0 120
Show 01446-0112 SKF 117 267 1.4 120
Show 01365-0439 WIS 39 359 549.8 121
Show 01484-0334 LDS5352 219 30.1 128
Show 01350-0430 LDS5338 226 40.3 128
Show 01450-0104 LDS9123 311 41.5 130
Show 01317-0245 BRT 352 13 3.6 131
Show 01356-0447 LDS5339 100 325.2 136
Show 01327-0139 FIL 2 339 30.6 137
Show 01485-0357 NSC 7 131 11.8 138
Show 01309-0255 TDS1895 5 0.4 142
Show 01312-0338 HJ 639 100 4.6 144
Show 01505-0243 LDS5354 156 152.8 152
Show 01410-0524 TOK 228 32 125.1 152
Show 01329-0109 SLW 70 335 31.3 153
Show 01488-0125 BU 511 BC 317 4.1 154
Show 01488-0125 FOX 121 BD 137 54.2 154
Show 01488-0125 STF 171 AB 165 34.5 154
Show 01425-0523 KPP 78 105 3.7 154
Show 01380-0522 GWP 207 79 55.3 154
Show 01450-0512 LDS5347 246 142.9 158

WDS 01403-0253 : COMPONENTS
B pa=275.7°
01403-0253 A
Coord arcsec 2000 014020.54-025237.0 Mag 10.5 PmRA 7.00 PmDE -6.0
Tycho2 4685-01686-1 DM BD-03 237
Tycho2 4685-01686-1 Pflag RAmdeg 25.08561125 DEmdeg -2.87695499
PmRA 18.4 PmDE -7.1 E RAmdeg 33 E DEmdeg 34
E pmRA 2.9 E pmDE 3.0 EpRAm 1984.23 EpDEm 1983.74
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 4.7 Q DEmdeg 1.2 Q pmRA 4.8
Q pmDE 1.2 BTmag 11.298 E BTmag 0.089 VTmag 10.719
E VTmag 0.082 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 25.08563556 DEdeg -2.87694944 EpRA 1990 1.63
EpDE 1990 1.45 E RAdeg 52.8 E DEdeg 58.0 Posflg
Corr -0.2
Ccdm 01403-0253 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 2.42 DDEs 23.0
R dRAs 65 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.5 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number -03 237 Cat1 BD
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
01403-0253 B
Coord arcsec 2000 014020.43-025236.8 Mag 11.3 Calc delta mag 0.8 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 01403-0253 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num RST4183 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1939 Theta 275 Rho 1.5
Obs 3 Vmag 11.3 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD