15133-2015 HU 1158 (HD 134968)

15h 13m 17.61s -20° 15' 15.1" P.A. 281.00 sep 0.6 mag 9.44,11.06 Sp F5V dist. 112.11 pc (365.7 l.y.)
Coord 2000 15133-2015 Discov num HU 1158 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 15 13 17.61 -20 15 15.1
Date first 1904 Date last 1991 Obs 8
Pa first 291 Pa last 281 P.A. Now (θ) 281°
Sep first 0.7 Sep last 0.556 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.556"
Mag pri 9.44 Mag sec 11.06 delta mag (ΔM) 1.62 Spectral class F5V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +011 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -061 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 134968 Constellation Libra SAO 183272 HIP 74492
Tycho2 6178-00427-1 Gaia DR2 6255960272847315200 HD 134968 ADS 9534
BD BD-19 4054 Distance 112.11 Distance ly 365.7
WDS 15133-2015 HU 1158 (HD 134968) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 HU Hussey, W.F.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15133-2015 HU 1158 1991 8 281 0.6 9.44 11.06 F5V D 151317.61-201515.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

WDS 15133-2015 HU 1158 (HD 134968) : VISUAL OBSERVATIONS REPORTS
No records found.

WDS 15133-2015 HU 1158 (HD 134968) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 15133-2015 (HD 134968) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

15133-2015 HU 1158A mag 9.44 Sp F5V 15133-2015 HU 1158B sep 0.5 P.A. 281.70 mag 11.06 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 15133-2015 (HD 134968) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 15h 13m 17.61s -20° 15' 15.1"
WDS 15133-2015 HU 1158 (HD 134968) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

15133-2015  HU 1158 distance=0' 15129-2007  OCC 108 distance=10' 15122-1948  BU  618BC distance=31' 15122-1948  B  2351Aa,Ab distance=32' 15122-1948  H 6  44AB distance=32' 15098-2031  OCC1062 distance=52' 15103-1945  UC 2947 distance=52' 15090-2024  B  1774 distance=61' 15092-1946  B  2349 distance=65' 15115-2119  HDS2133 distance=68' 15127-1905  GWP2502 distance=72' 15076-2015  KPP2210 distance=80' 15149-1843  UC 2970 distance=96' 15149-1841  DON 724 distance=98' 15203-1958  HDS2154 distance=101' 15090-2144  HJ 2764 distance=107' 15145-1826  SHJ 195 distance=111' 15060-1933  UC 2917 distance=111' 15213-2020  KPP3044 distance=114' 15111-2205  B  1775 distance=114' 15053-1936  RST3907 distance=120' 15217-2040  BVD 114 distance=121' 15064-2130  DON 715 distance=122' 15065-1858  GWP2493 distance=123' 15108-1817  TDS9432 distance=124' 15084-2206  B  1773 distance=131' 15226-2043  UC 2991 distance=134' 15144-2228  OCC 221 distance=134' 15196-2158  ARA1490 distance=135' 15225-2056  UC 2990 distance=137' 15036-2042  LDS4524 distance=138' 15036-1938  KPP2640 distance=143' 15232-1947  B  1782 distance=143' 15175-2227  UC 2977 distance=145' 15195-1820  HU  306 distance=145' 15061-2201  DAM 689BC distance=147' 15061-2201  LDS4529AB distance=147' 15098-2234  KPP 339 distance=148' 15100-2243  BU  809 distance=155' 15113-2249  ARA1805 distance=156' 15021-2017  HLD  22AB distance=157' 15021-2017  HLD  22AC distance=157' 15069-1806  HU 1157 distance=159' 15023-1934  FOX  16AB distance=160' 15023-1934  FOX  16BC distance=161' 15077-2236  UC 2933 distance=161' 15218-1822  ARA 237 distance=166' 15144-2301  KPP3042 distance=166' 15043-2205  WNO  20 distance=168' 15234-1842  RST2953 distance=171' 15140-1721  NSN 419 distance=175' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 15133-2015 HU 1158 281 0.6 0
Show 15129-2007 OCC 108 -1 0.3 10
Show 15122-1948 BU 618 BC 13 2.1 31
Show 15122-1948 B 2351 Aa,Ab 117 0.1 32
Show 15122-1948 H 6 44 AB 111 57.7 32
Show 15098-2031 OCC1062 -1 0.1 52
Show 15103-1945 UC 2947 119 35.8 52
Show 15090-2024 B 1774 328 5.0 61
Show 15092-1946 B 2349 318 0.5 65
Show 15115-2119 HDS2133 161 0.3 68
Show 15127-1905 GWP2502 198 11.3 72
Show 15076-2015 KPP2210 106 18.3 80
Show 15149-1843 UC 2970 100 14.1 96
Show 15149-1841 DON 724 64 1.9 98
Show 15203-1958 HDS2154 53 8.6 101
Show 15090-2144 HJ 2764 139 21.9 107
Show 15145-1826 SHJ 195 141 47.5 111
Show 15060-1933 UC 2917 37 78.5 111
Show 15213-2020 KPP3044 102 1.4 114
Show 15111-2205 B 1775 57 3.7 114
Show 15053-1936 RST3907 103 0.1 120
Show 15217-2040 BVD 114 119 21.4 121
Show 15064-2130 DON 715 341 0.3 122
Show 15065-1858 GWP2493 285 104.3 123
Show 15108-1817 TDS9432 12 2.1 124
Show 15084-2206 B 1773 151 2.0 131
Show 15226-2043 UC 2991 18 38.0 134
Show 15144-2228 OCC 221 -1 0.1 134
Show 15196-2158 ARA1490 90 11.9 135
Show 15225-2056 UC 2990 321 16.4 137
Show 15036-2042 LDS4524 44 9.1 138
Show 15036-1938 KPP2640 57 24.5 143
Show 15232-1947 B 1782 68 1.5 143
Show 15175-2227 UC 2977 245 15.0 145
Show 15195-1820 HU 306 84 0.3 145
Show 15061-2201 DAM 689 BC 113 121.3 147
Show 15061-2201 LDS4529 AB 43 5.4 147
Show 15098-2234 KPP 339 235 4.9 148
Show 15100-2243 BU 809 131 2.0 155
Show 15113-2249 ARA1805 275 7.3 156
Show 15021-2017 HLD 22 AB 7 2.0 157
Show 15021-2017 HLD 22 AC 313 49.1 157
Show 15069-1806 HU 1157 245 2.6 159
Show 15023-1934 FOX 16 AB 236 52.9 160
Show 15023-1934 FOX 16 BC 304 2.0 161
Show 15077-2236 UC 2933 106 10.4 161
Show 15218-1822 ARA 237 295 14.1 166
Show 15144-2301 KPP3042 139 5.1 166
Show 15043-2205 WNO 20 322 5.2 168
Show 15234-1842 RST2953 257 1.5 171
Show 15140-1721 NSN 419 107 16.6 175

WDS 15133-2015 : COMPONENTS
B pa=281.7°
15133-2015 A
Name HD 134968 Coord arcsec 2000 151317.61-201515.1 Mag 9.44 Spectral class F5V (yellow-white)
PmRA 11.00 PmDE -61.0 SAO 183272 HIP 74492
Tycho2 6178-00427-1 HD 134968 ADS 9534 BD BD-19 4054
Tycho2 6178-00427-1 Pflag RAmdeg 228.32341579 DEmdeg -20.25434060
PmRA 23.4 PmDE -64.0 E RAmdeg 14 E DEmdeg 15
E pmRA 1.4 E pmDE 1.4 EpRAm 1989.04 EpDEm 1988.13
Num 9 Q RAmdeg 1.4 Q DEmdeg 1.1 Q pmRA 1.4
Q pmDE 1.1 BTmag 9.802 E BTmag 0.030 VTmag 9.221
E VTmag 0.023 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 74492
CCDM AB RAdeg 228.32336139 DEdeg -20.25418833 EpRA 1990 1.75
EpDE 1990 1.65 E RAdeg 14.5 E DEdeg 16.8 Posflg P
Corr 0.2
SAO 183272 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0001
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.072 Vmag 8.8 SpType F8
Double code Source 22 CatNum 6299 DM BD-19 4054
DMcomp BDsup HD 134968 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 3.97248255 DE1950rad -0.35023731 PmRA2000 0.0002
PmDE2000 -0.068
Catalog H HIP 74492 Proxy H RAhms 15 13 17.61
DEdms -20 15 15.1 Vmag 9.09 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 228.323 DEdeg -20.2542 AstroRef A Plx 10.79
CCDM 15133-2015 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source Qual A M HIP AB
Theta 281 Rho 0.556 HD 134968 BD BD-19 4054
CD CP Dm number -19 4054 VIred 0.61
SpType F5V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 151317.61-201515.1
Hipparcos 2
HIP 74492 Sn 15 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 3.9849947273 DErad -0.3535022929 Plx 8.92 PmRA 21.07
PmDE -61.81 E RArad 1.48 E DErad 0.91 E Plx 1.75
E pmRA 1.9 E pmDE 1.27 Hpmag 9.2218 E Hpmag 0.002
SHp 0.015 VA 0 BV 0.592 E BV 0.033
VI 0.66
Ccdm 15133-2015 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -0.46 DDEs -16.1
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.1 Sp F8 PmNote *
PmRA 1 PmDE -72 Dm number -19 4054 Cat1 BD
Name2 183272 Cat2 SAO HD 134968 M HD
ADS BDS A 9534 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 15076S1953A
HIC 74492
15133-2015 B
Coord arcsec 2000 151317.57-201515.0 Mag 11.06 Calc delta mag 1.62 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 15133-2015 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num HU 1158 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1904 Theta 292 Rho 0.7
Obs 7 Vmag 10.1 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
ADS BDS A 9534 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 15076S1953B
HIC 74492