15041+7722 LDS 1807

15h 04m 06.32s +77° 22' 18.5" P.A. 105.00 sep 53.3 mag 7.66,18.80 Sp F7Vm dist. 67.34 pc (219.66 l.y.)
Coord 2000 15041+7722 Discov num LDS1807 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 15 04 06.32 +77 22 18.5
Date first 1953 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 106 Pa last 104.8 P.A. Now (θ) 104.8°
Sep first 48.2 Sep last 53.281 Sep. Now (ρ) 53.281"
Mag pri 7.66 Mag sec 18.80 delta mag (ΔM) 11.14 Spectral class F7Vm (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra -073 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +010 Sec motion dec
Notes U (Proper motion indicates non-physical)
This double is not physical.
Constellation Ursa Minor SAO 8158 HIP 73715 Tycho2 4559-00026-1
Gaia DR2 1702260401725478400 HD 134678 BD BD+77 571 Distance 67.34
Distance ly 219.66
WDS 15041+7722 LDS 1807 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15041+7722 LDS1807 1999 2 105 52.1 7.66 18.80 F7Vm D 150406.32+772218.5
15041+7722 LDS1807 2010 4 105 53.0 7.66 18.80 F7Vm UD 150406.32+772218.5
15041+7722 LDS1807 2015 5 105 53.3 7.66 18.80 F7Vm U 150406.32+772218.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 15041+7722 LDS 1807 : MEASURES
No records found.


15041+7722 LDS1807A mag 7.66 Sp F7Vm 15041+7722 LDS1807B sep 17.7 P.A. 140.40 mag 18.8 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 15041+7722 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 15h 04m 06.32s +77° 22' 18.5"
WDS 15041+7722 LDS 1807 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

15041+7722  LDS1807 distance=0' 15051+7703  LDS1809 distance=20' 15038+7751  MFL 175 distance=29' 14558+7733  MFL 180 distance=30' 15103+7648  LDS1812 distance=40' 14531+7706  MFL 151 distance=40' 14529+7753  TDS9333 distance=48' 15026+7634  PKO  28 distance=49' 15004+7635  MFL 190 distance=50' 15195+7710  SKF1235 distance=53' 15202+7708  LDS1819 distance=56' 15050+7626  MLR 343 distance=57' 14531+7811  HU  908AB distance=60' 14531+7811  HU  908AC distance=60' 15082+7624  UC 2938 distance=60' 14442+7707  HJ 2754 distance=68' 15178+7817  TDS9472 distance=70' 14557+7618  HDS2107 distance=71' 14529+7622  MFL 192 distance=71' 15079+7612  MET  10Aa,Ab distance=72' 15079+7612  LEP  72AB distance=72' 15079+7612  LAF  53AC distance=72' 15079+7612  LWR  13AD distance=72' 15189+7626  MFL 198 distance=76' 14490+7830  MFL 184 distance=83' 15231+7620  MFL 148 distance=90' 15118+7849  MFL 188 distance=91' 15223+7835  KPP 342 distance=93' 14581+7549  BVD 325 distance=96' 15052+7904  STF1933 distance=102' 14465+7853  BVD 324 distance=106' 15021+7528  LDT   8Ea,Eb distance=115' 15198+7923  MFL 197 distance=130' 15049+7943  PKO  29 distance=141' 14544+7940  LDS1805 distance=141' 14568+7454  S   666 (Baekdu) distance=151' 15130+7452  KPP3288 distance=154' 15189+7441  TDS9478 distance=170' 15021+7427  UC 2902 distance=176' 15102+7422  LDS1811 distance=181' 14573+8029  MFL 154 distance=188' 14507+7409  BUP 159 (Kochab) distance=200' 15071+8055  KPP1179 distance=213' 15233+7401  KPP3956 distance=214' 15081+7341  LDS1810 distance=221' 15149+8102  TDS9464 distance=222' 14582+8104  SKF1310 distance=222' 14552+8107  MLR 340 distance=226' 14562+8114  MFL 152 distance=234' 15238+7325  A  1368 distance=249' 15035+7304  A  1115 distance=258' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 15041+7722 LDS1807 105 53.3 0
Show 15051+7703 LDS1809 351 4.2 20
Show 15038+7751 MFL 175 108 8.4 29
Show 14558+7733 MFL 180 336 15.5 30
Show 15103+7648 LDS1812 160 90.2 40
Show 14531+7706 MFL 151 141 5.7 40
Show 14529+7753 TDS9333 201 0.5 48
Show 15026+7634 PKO 28 248 5.2 49
Show 15004+7635 MFL 190 315 17.4 50
Show 15195+7710 SKF1235 159 7.1 53
Show 15202+7708 LDS1819 226 11.8 56
Show 15050+7626 MLR 343 278 0.2 57
Show 14531+7811 HU 908 AB 236 1.6 60
Show 14531+7811 HU 908 AC 141 112.6 60
Show 15082+7624 UC 2938 27 51.8 60
Show 14442+7707 HJ 2754 253 8.0 68
Show 15178+7817 TDS9472 95 1.1 70
Show 14557+7618 HDS2107 141 0.2 71
Show 14529+7622 MFL 192 229 13.8 71
Show 15079+7612 MET 10 Aa,Ab 133 0.4 72
Show 15079+7612 LEP 72 AB 2 116.4 72
Show 15079+7612 LAF 53 AC 126 9.5 72
Show 15079+7612 LWR 13 AD 19 14.6 72
Show 15189+7626 MFL 198 237 11.0 76
Show 14490+7830 MFL 184 244 14.0 83
Show 15231+7620 MFL 148 143 60.0 90
Show 15118+7849 MFL 188 60 8.7 91
Show 15223+7835 KPP 342 323 3.7 93
Show 14581+7549 BVD 325 19 23.3 96
Show 15052+7904 STF1933 275 24.0 102
Show 14465+7853 BVD 324 28 18.2 106
Show 15021+7528 LDT 8 Ea,Eb 136 0.6 115
Show 15198+7923 MFL 197 94 5.4 130
Show 15049+7943 PKO 29 173 5.7 141
Show 14544+7940 LDS1805 139 11.2 141
Show Baekdu 14568+7454 S 666 34 167.6 151
Show 15130+7452 KPP3288 1 4.0 154
Show 15189+7441 TDS9478 25 0.6 170
Show 15021+7427 UC 2902 280 72.2 176
Show 15102+7422 LDS1811 94 3.2 181
Show 14573+8029 MFL 154 34 30.4 188
Show Kochab 14507+7409 BUP 159 341 212.3 200
Show 15071+8055 KPP1179 168 9.2 213
Show 15233+7401 KPP3956 186 58.6 214
Show 15081+7341 LDS1810 118 8.1 221
Show 15149+8102 TDS9464 59 0.5 222
Show 14582+8104 SKF1310 199 26.7 222
Show 14552+8107 MLR 340 113 2.4 226
Show 14562+8114 MFL 152 346 29.8 234
Show 15238+7325 A 1368 257 5.8 249
Show 15035+7304 A 1115 327 2.1 258

WDS 15041+7722 : COMPONENTS
B pa=140.4°
15041+7722 A
Coord arcsec 2000 150406.32+772218.5 Mag 7.66 Spectral class F7Vm (yellow-white) PmRA -73.00
PmDE 10.0 SAO 8158 HIP 73715 Tycho2 4559-00026-1
HD 134678 BD BD+77 571
Tycho2 4559-00026-1 Pflag RAmdeg 226.02543925 DEmdeg 77.37184317
PmRA -78.8 PmDE 14.4 E RAmdeg 5 E DEmdeg 5
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1991.47 EpDEm 1991.49
Num 8 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 0.4 Q pmRA 0.5
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 8.234 E BTmag 0.016 VTmag 7.738
E VTmag 0.011 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 73715
CCDM RAdeg 226.02626889 DEdeg 77.37181000 EpRA 1990 1.71
EpDE 1990 1.72 E RAdeg 5.4 E DEdeg 4.8 Posflg
Corr 0.1
SAO 8158 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 -0.0276
DE1950 PmDE1950 0.011 Vmag 7.5 SpType F8
Double code Source 1 CatNum 441 DM BD+77 571
DMcomp BDsup HD 134678 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 3.94955352 DE1950rad 1.35375349 PmRA2000 -0.0257
PmDE2000 0.012
Catalog H HIP 73715 Proxy RAhms 15 04 06.32
DEdms +77 22 18.5 Vmag 7.68 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 226.026 DEdeg 77.3718 AstroRef Plx 14.26
CCDM 15042+7722 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 134678 BD BD+77 571
CD CP Dm number +77 571 VIred 0.51
SpType F7Vm R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 150406.32+772218.5
Hipparcos 2
HIP 73715 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 3.9449034956 DErad 1.3503928456 Plx 14.85 PmRA -80.66
PmDE 13.38 E RArad 0.37 E DErad 0.5 E Plx 0.47
E pmRA 0.44 E pmDE 0.61 Hpmag 7.7857 E Hpmag 0.001
SHp 0.009 VA 0 BV 0.475 E BV 0.01
VI 0.55
15041+7722 B
Coord arcsec 2000 150409.75+772204.9 Mag 18.8 Calc delta mag 11.14 Calc coord yes