01391-2308 B 21

01h 39m 08.85s -23° 07' 41.5" P.A. 267.00 sep 2.7 mag 9.04,12.62 Sp G0V dist. 158.23 pc (516.15 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01391-2308 Discov num B    21 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 39 08.85 -23 07 41.5
Date first 1925 Date last 2016 Obs 6
Pa first 264 Pa last 266.5 P.A. Now (θ) 266.5°
Sep first 2.5 Sep last 2.709 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.709"
Mag pri 9.04 Mag sec 12.62 delta mag (ΔM) 3.58 Spectral class G0V (yellow)
Pri motion ra -063 Sec motion ra -066
Pri motion dec -117 Sec motion dec -118
rPM=0.023 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Cetus SAO 167201 HIP 7704 Tycho2 6426-00310-1
Gaia DR2 5039360964635345536 HD 10177 CD CD-23 614 Distance 158.23
Distance ly 516.15
WDS 01391-2308 B 21 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 B van den Bos, W.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01391-2308 B 21 1991 4 265 2.6 9.04 12.62 G0V 013908.85-230741.5
01391-2308 B 21 2016 6 267 2.7 9.04 12.62 G0V 013908.85-230741.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01391-2308 B 21 : MEASURES
No records found.


01391-2308 B    21A mag 9.04 Sp G0V 01391-2308 B    21B sep 2.5 P.A. 266.20 mag 12.62 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01391-2308 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 39m 08.85s -23° 07' 41.5"
WDS 01391-2308 B 21 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01391-2308  B    21 distance=0' 01363-2249  ARA1964BC distance=44' 01363-2249  ARA1964AB distance=44' 01360-2330  SKF 150 distance=49' 01358-2239  LDS2214 distance=55' 01351-2327  SKF2156 distance=59' 01434-2310  B    22 distance=59' 01405-2413  AHD  12 distance=68' 01349-2342  RST2264 distance=69' 01347-2407  HJ 2060 distance=86' 01415-2428  HJ 2076 distance=87' 01412-2143  SEE  15 distance=90' 01387-2131  SKF1380 distance=97' 01431-2428  UC  609 distance=97' 01333-2411  LDS2209AB distance=103' 01333-2411  LAF  25AC distance=103' 01333-2411  LAF  25AD distance=103' 01406-2125  LDS3298 distance=105' 01432-2137  HJ 3456AB distance=107' 01432-2137  CVN  70BC distance=108' 01358-2444  LDS2215 distance=108' 01454-2159  HDS 233 distance=111' 01415-2454  ENO   1 distance=112' 01388-2501  I   448 distance=114' 01331-2149  KPP2861 distance=115' 01366-2500  LDS2217 distance=119' 01391-2509  I   449 distance=121' 01432-2113  BRT 296 distance=127' 01353-2112  LSC  14 distance=128' 01300-2231  I   445BC distance=132' 01330-2128  SKF 120 distance=132' 01300-2231  I   445A,BC distance=132' 01380-2519  RST  36 distance=133' 01355-2102  SKF1378 distance=136' 01344-2108  HJ 2058 distance=138' 01410-2051  SKF1381 distance=139' 01465-2445  UC  629 distance=140' 01312-2436  SKF2153 distance=141' 01434-2100  UC  612 distance=141' 01456-2503  HJ 3461AB distance=146' 01456-2503  HJ 3461AC distance=146' 01456-2503  HJ 3461AD distance=146' 01308-2138  ARA1609 distance=147' 01430-2526  SHN  69 distance=149' 01473-2131  ARA1611 distance=149' 01303-2140  SLW  68 distance=151' 01282-2319  RAO 533 distance=152' 01291-2410  SKF 334 distance=152' 01370-2538  YSC  84 distance=154' 01398-2031  DON  21 distance=157' 01503-2346  HU 1212 distance=159' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01391-2308 B 21 267 2.7 0
Show 01363-2249 ARA1964 BC 263 10.0 44
Show 01363-2249 ARA1964 AB 174 12.8 44
Show 01360-2330 SKF 150 258 11.8 49
Show 01358-2239 LDS2214 14 2.7 55
Show 01351-2327 SKF2156 239 88.0 59
Show 01434-2310 B 22 294 5.2 59
Show 01405-2413 AHD 12 137 14.9 68
Show 01349-2342 RST2264 141 10.4 69
Show 01347-2407 HJ 2060 98 25.7 86
Show 01415-2428 HJ 2076 289 7.7 87
Show 01412-2143 SEE 15 313 3.1 90
Show 01387-2131 SKF1380 122 3.0 97
Show 01431-2428 UC 609 120 51.8 97
Show 01333-2411 LDS2209 AB 220 335.9 103
Show 01333-2411 LAF 25 AC 309 5.5 103
Show 01333-2411 LAF 25 AD 121 6.7 103
Show 01406-2125 LDS3298 331 25.5 105
Show 01432-2137 HJ 3456 AB 353 15.0 107
Show 01432-2137 CVN 70 BC 240 0.4 108
Show 01358-2444 LDS2215 330 385.9 108
Show 01454-2159 HDS 233 302 0.2 111
Show 01415-2454 ENO 1 52 13.0 112
Show 01388-2501 I 448 350 20.3 114
Show 01331-2149 KPP2861 271 2.1 115
Show 01366-2500 LDS2217 323 14.3 119
Show 01391-2509 I 449 1 1.8 121
Show 01432-2113 BRT 296 92 4.2 127
Show 01353-2112 LSC 14 306 0.2 128
Show 01300-2231 I 445 BC 355 2.1 132
Show 01330-2128 SKF 120 21 1.0 132
Show 01300-2231 I 445 A,BC 40 69.8 132
Show 01380-2519 RST 36 67 0.7 133
Show 01355-2102 SKF1378 219 8.3 136
Show 01344-2108 HJ 2058 96 8.9 138
Show 01410-2051 SKF1381 256 3.6 139
Show 01465-2445 UC 629 140 18.2 140
Show 01312-2436 SKF2153 253 58.0 141
Show 01434-2100 UC 612 212 27.0 141
Show 01456-2503 HJ 3461 AB 18 5.0 146
Show 01456-2503 HJ 3461 AC 12 10.6 146
Show 01456-2503 HJ 3461 AD 204 141.7 146
Show 01308-2138 ARA1609 304 7.2 147
Show 01430-2526 SHN 69 -1 0.4 149
Show 01473-2131 ARA1611 226 13.2 149
Show 01303-2140 SLW 68 303 33.9 151
Show 01282-2319 RAO 533 355 1.1 152
Show 01291-2410 SKF 334 249 20.1 152
Show 01370-2538 YSC 84 96 0.3 154
Show 01398-2031 DON 21 353 2.7 157
Show 01503-2346 HU 1212 197 4.7 159

WDS 01391-2308 : COMPONENTS
B pa=266.2°
01391-2308 A
Coord arcsec 2000 013908.85-230741.5 Mag 9.04 Spectral class G0V (yellow) PmRA -63.00
PmDE -117.0 SAO 167201 HIP 7704 Tycho2 6426-00310-1
HD 10177 CD CD-23 614
Tycho2 6426-00310-1 Pflag RAmdeg 24.78686301 DEmdeg -23.12819131
PmRA -62.8 PmDE -116.5 E RAmdeg 10 E DEmdeg 12
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.7 EpRAm 1990.77 EpDEm 1990.28
Num 7 Q RAmdeg 0.9 Q DEmdeg 0.5 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 0.5 BTmag 9.672 E BTmag 0.023 VTmag 9.039
E VTmag 0.017 Prox 26 TYC T HIP 7704
CCDM A RAdeg 24.78702111 DEdeg -23.12791806 EpRA 1990 1.67
EpDE 1990 1.55 E RAdeg 9.8 E DEdeg 11.8 Posflg
Corr 0.0
SAO 167201 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 -0.0068
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.089 Vmag 8.6 SpType F8
Double code Source 25 CatNum 780 DM CD-23 614
DMcomp BDsup HD 10177 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 0.42230923 DE1950rad -0.40805565 PmRA2000 -0.0066
PmDE2000 -0.093
Catalog H HIP 7704 Proxy H RAhms 01 39 08.89
DEdms -23 07 40.5 Vmag 8.97 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 24.787 DEdeg -23.1279 AstroRef A Plx 5.34
CCDM 01391-2308 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source Qual C M HIP AB
Theta 265 Rho 2.645 HD 10177 BD
CD CD-23 614 CP Dm number -23 614 VIred 0.56
SpType G0V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 013908.89-230740.5
Hipparcos 2
HIP 7704 Sn 15 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 0.4326153173 DErad -0.4036581114 Plx 6.32 PmRA -64.89
PmDE -117.45 E RArad 1.02 E DErad 0.71 E Plx 1.15
E pmRA 1.13 E pmDE 0.78 Hpmag 9.0742 E Hpmag 0.0025
SHp 0.019 VA 0 BV 1.3 E BV 0.495
VI 0.56
Ccdm 01391-2308 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 2.69 DDEs 20.1
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 8.8 Sp F8 PmNote *
PmRA -93 PmDE -89 Dm number -23 614 Cat1 CD
Name2 167201 Cat2 SAO HD 10177 M HD
ADS BDS A 1302 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 01344S2338A
HIC 7704
01391-2308 B
Coord arcsec 2000 013908.67-230741.7 Mag 12.62 PmRA -66.00 PmDE -118.0
Calc delta mag 3.58 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 01391-2308 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num B 21 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1925 Theta 263 Rho 2.6
Obs 2 Vmag 12.5 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
ADS BDS A 1302 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 01344S2338B
HIC 7704