01388-1758 LDS 838 (UV Cet)

01h 39m 01.54s -17° 57' 01.8" P.A. 333.00 sep 1.7 mag 12.70,13.20 Sp M5.5V+M6V
Coord 2000 01388-1758 Discov num LDS 838 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 39 01.54 -17 57 01.8
Date first 1935 Date last 2021 Obs 122
Pa first 118 Pa last 333.4 P.A. Now (θ) 318.7°
Sep first 2.0 Sep last 1.723 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.255"
Mag pri 12.70 Mag sec 13.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.5 Spectral class M5.5V+M6V (red/red)
Pri motion ra +339 Sec motion ra +330
Pri motion dec +056 Sec motion dec +056
Notes N O P (See Notes, Orbital solution, 100-year proper motion)
rPM=0.026 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Var name UV Cet Constellation Cetus
Period (P)26.359y± 0.025 Periastron (T)60591.9d (2024.771y)± 9.4 Semi-major axis (a)2049.6m± 3.4
Eccentricity (e)0.6222± 0.0015 Inclination (i)128.09°± 0.15 Longitude of periastron (ω)283.34°± 0.085
Node (Ω)146.29°± 0.14 Notesn ReferenceMnA2019
Equinox Last observation2015 Grade2(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 140.6 1.192
2001 124.7 1.432
2002 112.5 1.571
2003 101.9 1.661
2004 92.2 1.727
2005 83.2 1.783
2006 74.8 1.835
2007 66.8 1.888
2008 59.2 1.942
2009 52.1 1.997
2010 45.3 2.053
2011 38.9 2.107
2012 32.8 2.159
2013 27.0 2.204
2014 21.4 2.242
2015 15.9 2.268
2016 10.6 2.279
2017 5.2 2.270
2018 359.8 2.236
2019 354.1 2.170
2020 347.9 2.060
2021 340.9 1.890
2022 332.0 1.636
2023 318.7 1.255
2024 288.4 0.714
2025 192.8 0.578
2026 148.4 1.063
2027 129.8 1.362
2028 116.6 1.529
2029 105.5 1.632
2030 95.6 1.705
2031 86.4 1.763
2032 77.8 1.816
2033 69.6 1.869
2034 61.9 1.922
2035 54.6 1.977
2036 47.7 2.033
2037 41.2 2.088
2038 35.0 2.141
2039 29.1 2.189
2040 23.4 2.229
2041 17.9 2.260
2042 12.5 2.277
2043 7.2 2.276
2044 1.8 2.252
2045 356.2 2.198
2046 350.2 2.105
2047 343.5 1.959
2048 335.5 1.739
2049 324.3 1.410
2050 303.5 0.922

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds01388-1758d.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic
WDS 01388-1758 LDS 838 (UV Cet) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LDS 838 LUY 726-8. L 726-8 = UV Cet. Both components are active flare stars
According to Harrington & Behall the mass ratio is 0.487 +/- 0.011 and
the individual masses are 0.115 (0.008) 0.109 (0.008) Msun for A & B,
respectively. Hrr1973
See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component. Baz1989d
This pm star with flare characteristics is a difficult object. VBs1954
Magnitude uncertain due to flares. USN1988b
AB: Kervella et al. (2016) derive a new orbit for GJ 65 and determine
the following physical parameters:
masses (Msun): A = 0.1225 +- 0.0043 B = 0.1195 +- 0.0043
radii (Rsun): 0.165 +- 0.006 0.159 +- 0.006
[Fe/H] (dex): -0.03 +- 0.20 -0.12 +- 0.20
log (cgs): 5.092 +- 0.015 5.113 +- 0.015 Krv2016
refcode metd author reference
Baz1989d - Baize, P. & Petit, M. 1989A&AS...77..497B
Baz1989d A&AS 77, 497, 1989
Hrr1973 H - Harrington, R.S. & Behall, A.L. 1973AJ.....78.1096H
Hrr1973 AJ 78, 1096, 1973
Hrr1973 (no dates given for measures; default date = decade of publication added.)
Krv2016 A j Kervella, P., Merand, A., Ledoux, C., Demory, B.-O., & Le Bouquin, J.-B. 2016A&A...593A.127K
Krv2016 +Kv A&A 593, A127, 2016
MnA2019 C j Mann, A.W., Dupuy, T., Kraus, A.L., Gaidos, E., Ansdell, M., Ireland, M., Rizzuto, 2019ApJ...871...63M
MnA2019 +orb A.C., Hung, C..-L., Dittmann, J., Factor, S., Feiden, G., Martinez, R.A.,
MnA2019 Ruiz-Rodriguez, D. & Chia Thao, P.
MnA2019 ApJ 871, 63, 2019
USN1988b Po j Geyer, D., Harrington, R., & Worley, C. 1988AJ.....95.1841G
USN1988b +orb AJ 95, 1841, 1988
USN1988b +H
VBs1954 Ma - Van Biesbroeck, G. 1954PYerO...8....6V
VBs1954 +Mb Pub. Yerkes Obs. 8, pt. 6, 1954
VBs1954 +orb
idgroup discov author
1 BAZ Baize, P.
310 KRV Kervella, P., Gallenne, A., Evans, N.R., Szabados, L., Arenouu, F., Merand, A.,
310 KRV Proto, Y., Karczmarek, P., Nardetto, N., Gieren, W. & Pietrzynski, G.
311 KRV Kervella, P., Gallenne, A., Evans, N.R., Szabados, L., Arenouu, F., Merand, A.,
311 KRV Nardetto, N., Gieren, W. & Pietrzynski, G.
313 KRV Kervella, P., Borgniet, S., de Souza, A.D., Merand, A., Gallenne, A., Rivinius, T.,
313 KRV Lacour, S., Carciofi, A., Faes, D.M., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Taormina, M., Pilecki, B.,
313 KRV Berger, J.-P., Bendjoya, P., Klement, R., Millour, F., Janot-Pacheco, E., Spang, A.
316 MNA Mann, A.W., Dupuy, T., Muirhead, P.S., Johnson, M.C., Liu, M.C., Ansdell, M.,
316 MNA Dalba, P.A., Swift, J.J., & Hadden, S.
317 MNA Mann, A.W., Dupuy, T., Kraus, A.L., Gaidos, E., Ansdell, M., Ireland, M., Rizzuto,
317 MNA A.C., Hung, C..-L., Dittmann, J., Factor, S., Feiden, G., Martinez, R.A.,
317 MNA Ruiz-Rodriguez, D. & Chia Thao, P.
321 USN Franz, O.G., Gossner, J.L., Josties, F.J., Lindenblad, I.W., Mikesell, A.H.,
321 USN Mintz, B.F. & Riddle, R.K.
322 USN Kallarakal, V.V., Lindenblad, I.W., Josties, F.J., Riddle, R.K., Miranian, M.,
322 USN Mintz, B.F., & Klugh, A.P.
329 USN Harrington, R.S., Dahn, C.C., Behall, A.L., Priser, J.B., Christy, J.W., Riepe,
329 USN B.Y., Ables, H.D., Guetter, H.H., et al.
330 USN Dahn, C.C., Harrington, R., Riepe, B.Y., Christy, J.W., Guetter, H.H.,
330 USN Behall, A.L., Walker, R.L., Hewitt, A.V., & Ables, H.D.
333 USN Dahn, C.C., Harrington, R.S., Riepe, B.Y., Christy, J.W., Guetter, H.H.,
333 USN Kallarakal, V.V., Miranian, M., Walker, R.L., et al.
336 USN Harrington, R.S., Kallarakal, V.V., Christy, J.W., Dahn, C.C., Riepe, B.Y.,
336 USN Guetter, H.H., Ables, H.D., Hewitt, A.V., et al.
337 USN Dahn, C.C., Harrington, R.S., Kallarakal, V.V., Guetter, H.H., Luginbuhl, C.B.,
337 USN Riepe, B.Y., Walker, R.L., Pier, J.R., et al.
342 USN Harrington, R.S., Dahn, C.C., Kallarakal, V.V., Guetter, H.H., Riepe, B.Y.,
342 USN Walker, R.L., Pier, J.R., Vrba, F.J., et al.
343 USN Monet, D., Bird A., Canzian B., Dahn C., Guetter H., Harris H., Henden A.,
343 USN Levine S., Luginbuhl C., Monet A.K.B., Rhodes A., Riepe B., et al.
374 USN Harris, H.C., Dahn, C.C., Dupuy, T.J., Canzian, B., Guetter, H.H., Hartkopf, W.I.,
374 USN Ireland, M.J., Leggett, S.K., Levine, S.E., Liu, M.C., Luginbuhl, C.B.,
374 USN Monet, A.K.B., Stone, R.C., Subasavage, J.P., Tilleman, T., & Walker, R.L.
383 USN Dahn, C.C., Harris, H.C., Subasavage, J.P., Ables, H.D., Canzian, B.J., Guetter,
383 USN H.H., Harris, F.H., Henden, A.H., Leggett, S.K., Levine, S.E., Luginbuhl, C.B.,
383 USN Monet, A.B., Monet, D.G., Munn, J.A., Pier, J.R., Stone, R.C., Vrba, F.J., Walker,
383 USN R.L. & Tillerman, T.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01388-1758 LDS 838 1997 82 291 0.7 12.70 13.20 dM5.5e NODP 013901.54-175701.8
01388-1758 LDS 838 2007 84 61 1.9 12.70 13.20 dM5.5e NODP 013901.54-175701.8
01388-1758 LDS 838 2010 85 41 2.1 12.70 13.20 dM5.5e NODP 013901.54-175701.8
01388-1758 LDS 838 2011 102 33 2.1 12.70 13.20 M5.5V+M6V NO P 013901.54-175701.8
01388-1758 LDS 838 2015 103 13 2.3 12.70 13.20 M5.5V+M6V NO P 013901.54-175701.8
01388-1758 LDS 838 2019 104 346 1.9 12.70 13.20 M5.5V+M6V NO P 013901.54-175701.8
01388-1758 LDS 838 2020 106 342 1.9 12.70 13.20 M5.5V+M6V NO P 013901.54-175701.8
01388-1758 LDS 838 2021 119 336 1.8 12.70 13.20 M5.5V+M6V NO P 013901.54-175701.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01388-1758 LDS 838 (UV Cet) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 01388-1758 (UV Cet) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

01388-1758 LDS 838A mag 12.7 Sp M5.5V 01388-1758 LDS 838B sep 1.7 P.A. 334.50 mag 13.2 Sp M6V virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01388-1758 (UV Cet) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 39m 01.54s -17° 57' 01.8"
WDS 01388-1758 LDS 838 (UV Cet) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01388-1758  LDS 838 distance=1' 01392-1759  UC  597 distance=3' 01394-1748  HJ 2067 distance=11' 01396-1825  UC  598 distance=30' 01410-1808  LDS1112 distance=30' 01377-1822  CVR1075 distance=32' 01415-1759  HJ 2072 distance=36' 01400-1830  GWP 211 distance=36' 01361-1805  GWP 202 distance=43' 01360-1805  SKF2157 distance=45' 01421-1808  SMW   1 distance=46' 01387-1842  SLW  75 distance=46' 01422-1753  BUP  24 distance=47' 01359-1732  HJ 2061 distance=52' 01388-1849  SLW  76 distance=52' 01373-1843  WIS  40 distance=53' 01352-1829  RSS  49 distance=65' 01433-1736  HJ 3455 distance=65' 01411-1656  FEN   1 distance=69' 01442-1753  SLW  82 distance=74' 01431-1852  UC  608 distance=81' 01438-1712  CVR  29 distance=82' 01432-1853  ARA 520 distance=82' 01448-1732  KPP4349BC distance=86' 01448-1732  SKF 123AB distance=87' 01448-1732  KPP4349AC distance=87' 01355-1648  HU  419 distance=87' 01411-1634  UC  601 distance=89' 01455-1803  LDS3307 distance=95' 01455-1822  TDS1992 distance=96' 01460-1736  GWP 220 distance=103' 01323-1834  RST2262AB distance=104' 01323-1834  BHA   1AC distance=104' 01350-1630  GWP 200 distance=105' 01360-1618  GWP 201 distance=109' 01313-1741  KPP2685 distance=112' 01363-1601  RST3360 distance=123' 01327-1922  SKF 332 distance=124' 01316-1901  HJ 2052 distance=125' 01305-1734  B  2516 distance=125' 01384-1552  YSC 233 distance=126' 01344-1607  FAR  25 distance=129' 01304-1846  B   653AB distance=133' 01304-1846  SKF2152AC distance=133' 01304-1903  ARA 518 distance=140' 01346-1552  RST3357 distance=141' 01441-1556  BUP  25 distance=141' 01331-1951  LDS1103 distance=142' 01489-1823  BU 1001 distance=143' 01361-1541  RST3359 distance=143' 01490-1746  LSC  16 distance=144' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01388-1758 LDS 838 333 1.7 1
Show 01392-1759 UC 597 130 9.4 3
Show 01394-1748 HJ 2067 91 31.0 11
Show 01396-1825 UC 598 348 15.1 30
Show 01410-1808 LDS1112 216 12.5 30
Show 01377-1822 CVR1075 204 4.6 32
Show 01415-1759 HJ 2072 289 3.3 36
Show 01400-1830 GWP 211 214 85.5 36
Show 01361-1805 GWP 202 175 18.5 43
Show 01360-1805 SKF2157 236 10.0 45
Show 01421-1808 SMW 1 354 0.4 46
Show 01387-1842 SLW 75 14 152.6 46
Show 01422-1753 BUP 24 283 140.1 47
Show 01359-1732 HJ 2061 317 104.9 52
Show 01388-1849 SLW 76 56 13.0 52
Show 01373-1843 WIS 40 173 670.2 53
Show 01352-1829 RSS 49 2 8.4 65
Show 01433-1736 HJ 3455 73 23.8 65
Show 01411-1656 FEN 1 338 4.9 69
Show 01442-1753 SLW 82 355 13.4 74
Show 01431-1852 UC 608 22 12.3 81
Show 01438-1712 CVR 29 166 10.8 82
Show 01432-1853 ARA 520 109 8.0 82
Show 01448-1732 KPP4349 BC 25 46.4 86
Show 01448-1732 SKF 123 AB 284 11.7 87
Show 01448-1732 KPP4349 AC 17 45.7 87
Show 01355-1648 HU 419 49 0.1 87
Show 01411-1634 UC 601 69 7.5 89
Show 01455-1803 LDS3307 308 159.2 95
Show 01455-1822 TDS1992 43 1.3 96
Show 01460-1736 GWP 220 174 18.0 103
Show 01323-1834 RST2262 AB 163 2.3 104
Show 01323-1834 BHA 1 AC 115 3.4 104
Show 01350-1630 GWP 200 86 24.4 105
Show 01360-1618 GWP 201 120 72.6 109
Show 01313-1741 KPP2685 168 2.7 112
Show 01363-1601 RST3360 288 4.9 123
Show 01327-1922 SKF 332 176 1.2 124
Show 01316-1901 HJ 2052 114 80.8 125
Show 01305-1734 B 2516 94 5.6 125
Show 01384-1552 YSC 233 87 0.5 126
Show 01344-1607 FAR 25 145 0.2 129
Show 01304-1846 B 653 AB 138 2.0 133
Show 01304-1846 SKF2152 AC 182 62.9 133
Show 01304-1903 ARA 518 312 12.6 140
Show 01346-1552 RST3357 10 0.9 141
Show 01441-1556 BUP 25 150 160.5 141
Show 01331-1951 LDS1103 23 117.3 142
Show 01489-1823 BU 1001 6 1.6 143
Show 01361-1541 RST3359 22 0.6 143
Show 01490-1746 LSC 16 235 0.1 144

WDS 01388-1758 : COMPONENTS
B pa=334.5°
01388-1758 A
Name UV Cet Coord arcsec 2000 013901.54-175701.8 Mag 12.7 Spectral class M5.5V (red)
PmRA 339.00 PmDE 56.0
01388-1758 B
Coord arcsec 2000 013901.49-175700.3 Mag 13.2 Spectral class M6V (red) PmRA 330.00
PmDE 56.0 Calc delta mag 0.5 Calc coord yes