01385+7302 HJ 2054 (40 Cas)

01h 38m 30.94s +73° 02' 24.3" P.A. 236.00 sep 52.9 mag 5.39,11.74 Sp G8IIIa dist. 140.45 pc (458.15 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01385+7302 Discov num HJ 2054 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 38 30.94 +73 02 24.3
Date first 1831 Date last 2010 Obs 11
Pa first 242 Pa last 235.7 P.A. Now (θ) 235.7°
Sep first 45.0 Sep last 52.87 Sep. Now (ρ) 52.87"
Mag pri 5.39 Mag sec 11.74 delta mag (ΔM) 6.35 Spectral class G8IIIa (yellow)
Pri motion ra -011 Sec motion ra +020
Pri motion dec -014 Sec motion dec -027
Notes N (See Notes)
This double is not physical.
Name 40 Cas Var name NSV567 Cas Constellation Cassiopeia SAO 4453
HIP 7650 Tycho2 4318-02488-1 Gaia DR2 534739611789943808 HD 9774
HR 456 GC 1955 ADS 1268 BD BD+72 86
Flamsteed 40 Cassiopeiae Flamsteed name 40 Cas FK5 51 Distance 140.45
Distance ly 458.15
WDS 01385+7302 HJ 2054 (40 Cas) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 2054 40 Cas.
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01385+7302 HJ 2054 1999 9 235 52.1 5.26 11.98 G8IIIa N D 013830.94+730224.3
01385+7302 HJ 2054 2003 10 235 51.3 5.26 11.98 G8IIIa N D 013830.94+730224.3
01385+7302 HJ 2054 2010 11 234 52.0 5.39 11.74 G8IIIa N 013830.94+730224.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01385+7302 HJ 2054 (40 Cas) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 01385+7302 (40 Cas) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

01385+7302 HJ 2054A mag 5.39 Sp G8IIIa 01385+7302 HJ 2054B sep 32.4 P.A. 203.20 mag 11.74 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01385+7302 (40 Cas) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 38m 30.94s +73° 02' 24.3"
WDS 01385+7302 HJ 2054 (40 Cas) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01385+7302  HJ 2054 distance=0' 01402+7303  HJ 2055AB distance=8' 01402+7303  BU 9026AC distance=8' 01339+7252  HJ 2049 distance=23' 01338+7251  HJ 2048 distance=24' 01383+7235  HJ 2053 distance=28' 01356+7227  A   816 distance=39' 01280+7303  TDS1884 distance=46' 01278+7327  LDS1528 distance=54' 01514+7247  TDS  63 distance=60' 01457+7209  HJ 2068 distance=63' 01241+7251  STF 114 distance=65' 01448+7200  KPP 668 distance=69' 01533+7329  LDS1542AB distance=71' 01533+7329  NSN 521Ba,Bb distance=71' 01468+7412  TDS1999 distance=79' 01290+7412  HJ 2045 distance=81' 01255+7407  HDS 185 distance=85' 01459+7142  HJ 1090CD distance=87' 01459+7142  HJ 1089AB distance=88' 01459+7142  FOX 119AC distance=88' 01425+7433  BU  783 distance=92' 01197+7348  KPP1367 distance=93' 01476+7137  LDS1539 distance=95' 01334+7438  HDS 204 distance=98' 01408+7439  LDS1534 distance=98' 01553+7158  LDS1546 distance=100' 01275+7437  LDS1527 distance=107' 01246+7136  TDS1868 distance=108' 01392+7114  GAI9001 distance=109' 01572+7143  HDS 264 distance=116' 01500+7456  BAG  16AB distance=124' 01500+7456  MLR 297AC distance=124' 01500+7456  BAG  16BC distance=124' 01583+7131  SKF2670 distance=129' 01481+7506  MLR 662 distance=130' 01432+7515  DAM 994 distance=135' 01297+7054  HJ 1080 distance=135' 01417+7516  DAM 993 distance=135' 01195+7119  HJ 2032 distance=136' 01540+7513  HJ 2083 distance=144' 01487+7528  HJ 2075AB distance=152' 01487+7528  HJ 2075AC distance=152' 01416+7025  A   946 distance=158' 01241+7036  TDS1866 distance=161' 01526+7023  TDS2032 distance=173' 01217+7540  LDS1526 distance=173' 01451+7555  TDS1985 distance=176' 01357+7600  LDS1533 distance=179' 01296+7602  LDS1530 distance=182' 01325+7001  HDS 199 distance=184' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01385+7302 HJ 2054 236 52.9 0
Show 01402+7303 HJ 2055 AB 313 23.1 8
Show 01402+7303 BU 9026 AC 47 12.7 8
Show 01339+7252 HJ 2049 165 5.8 23
Show 01338+7251 HJ 2048 302 23.4 24
Show 01383+7235 HJ 2053 37 32.9 28
Show 01356+7227 A 816 129 0.9 39
Show 01280+7303 TDS1884 83 0.7 46
Show 01278+7327 LDS1528 48 74.0 54
Show 01514+7247 TDS 63 262 0.9 60
Show 01457+7209 HJ 2068 142 6.6 63
Show 01241+7251 STF 114 356 3.7 65
Show 01448+7200 KPP 668 111 6.0 69
Show 01533+7329 LDS1542 AB 345 36.5 71
Show 01533+7329 NSN 521 Ba,Bb 304 1.2 71
Show 01468+7412 TDS1999 13 2.2 79
Show 01290+7412 HJ 2045 82 27.2 81
Show 01255+7407 HDS 185 228 0.2 85
Show 01459+7142 HJ 1090 CD 335 9.1 87
Show 01459+7142 HJ 1089 AB 89 26.2 88
Show 01459+7142 FOX 119 AC 28 104.3 88
Show 01425+7433 BU 783 315 0.9 92
Show 01197+7348 KPP1367 353 10.3 93
Show 01476+7137 LDS1539 182 7.9 95
Show 01334+7438 HDS 204 38 0.3 98
Show 01408+7439 LDS1534 340 3.0 98
Show 01553+7158 LDS1546 55 21.4 100
Show 01275+7437 LDS1527 17 101.2 107
Show 01246+7136 TDS1868 261 0.9 108
Show 01392+7114 GAI9001 197 1.4 109
Show 01572+7143 HDS 264 273 0.6 116
Show 01500+7456 BAG 16 AB 118 0.1 124
Show 01500+7456 MLR 297 AC 259 0.2 124
Show 01500+7456 BAG 16 BC 175 0.2 124
Show 01583+7131 SKF2670 62 57.7 129
Show 01481+7506 MLR 662 43 0.5 130
Show 01432+7515 DAM 994 238 8.7 135
Show 01297+7054 HJ 1080 311 18.0 135
Show 01417+7516 DAM 993 38 5.0 135
Show 01195+7119 HJ 2032 142 12.1 136
Show 01540+7513 HJ 2083 81 10.2 144
Show 01487+7528 HJ 2075 AB 231 30.7 152
Show 01487+7528 HJ 2075 AC 241 38.5 152
Show 01416+7025 A 946 339 0.8 158
Show 01241+7036 TDS1866 12 1.3 161
Show 01526+7023 TDS2032 359 0.7 173
Show 01217+7540 LDS1526 347 3.3 173
Show 01451+7555 TDS1985 206 0.9 176
Show 01357+7600 LDS1533 12 186.8 179
Show 01296+7602 LDS1530 92 3.1 182
Show 01325+7001 HDS 199 187 0.1 184

WDS 01385+7302 : COMPONENTS
B pa=203.2°
01385+7302 A
Name 40 Cas Coord arcsec 2000 013830.94+730224.3 Mag 5.39 Spectral class G8IIIa (yellow)
PmRA -11.00 PmDE -14.0 SAO 4453 HIP 7650
Tycho2 4318-02488-1 HD 9774 HR 456 GC 1955
ADS 1268 BD BD+72 86 Flamsteed 40 Cassiopeiae Flamsteed name 40 Cas
FK5 51
Tycho2 4318-02488-1 Pflag RAmdeg 24.62882142 DEmdeg 73.04003806
PmRA -12.1 PmDE -13.7 E RAmdeg 4 E DEmdeg 4
E pmRA 0.7 E pmDE 0.7 EpRAm 1991.06 EpDEm 1991.12
Num 17 Q RAmdeg 1.0 Q DEmdeg 0.5 Q pmRA 1.0
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 6.511 E BTmag 0.014 VTmag 5.389
E VTmag 0.009 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 7650
CCDM RAdeg 24.62891667 DEdeg 73.04007000 EpRA 1990 1.74
EpDE 1990 1.66 E RAdeg 3.5 E DEdeg 3.6 Posflg
Corr 0.2
SAO 4453 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 -0.0024
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.009 Vmag 5.5 SpType K0
Double code Source 74 CatNum 51 DM BD+72 86
DMcomp BDsup HD 9774 M HD 0
GC 1955 RA1950rad 0.41222277 DE1950rad 1.27035952 PmRA2000 -0.0029
PmDE2000 -0.016
Catalog H HIP 7650 Proxy RAhms 01 38 30.94
DEdms +73 02 24.3 Vmag 5.28 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 24.6289 DEdeg 73.0401 AstroRef Plx 7.3
CCDM 01385+7302 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 9774 BD BD+72 86
CD CP Dm number +72 86 VIred 0.96
SpType G8II-IIIvar R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 013830.94+730224.3
Hipparcos 2
HIP 7650 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 0.4298557559 DErad 1.2747897398 Plx 7.12 PmRA -11.24
PmDE -13.53 E RArad 0.19 E DErad 0.21 E Plx 0.31
E pmRA 0.25 E pmDE 0.22 Hpmag 5.4463 E Hpmag 0.0006
SHp 0.006 VA 0 BV 0.972 E BV 0.004
VI 0.96
Ccdm 01385+7302 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.90 DDEs 24.1
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 5.5 Sp K0 PmNote *
PmRA -11 PmDE -9 Dm number +72 86 Cat1 BD
Name2 +72 45 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD 9774 M HD
ADS BDS A 1268 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 01305N7232A
HIC 7650
01385+7302 B
Coord arcsec 2000 013828.03+730154.5 Mag 11.74 PmRA 20.00 PmDE -27.0
Calc delta mag 6.35 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 01385+7302 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num HJ 2054 DRAs -9.33 DDEs -4.7
R dRAs 90 Year 1879 Theta 237 Rho 53.3
Obs 4 Vmag 11.5 Sp PmNote
PmRA -11 PmDE -9 Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
ADS BDS A 1268 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 01305N7232B