00094+4819 LDS 3128

00h 09m 23.68s +48° 19' 39.8" P.A. 296.00 sep 51.9 mag 14.44,16.41
Coord 2000 00094+4819 Discov num LDS3128 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 09 23.68 +48 19 39.8
Date first 1960 Date last 2017 Obs 12
Pa first 296 Pa last 295.8 P.A. Now (θ) 295.8°
Sep first 52.0 Sep last 51.88 Sep. Now (ρ) 51.88"
Mag pri 14.44 Mag sec 16.41 delta mag (ΔM) 1.97 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +200 Sec motion ra +207
Pri motion dec -006 Sec motion dec -012
Notes N (See Notes)
rPM=0.044 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Andromeda Gaia DR2 393188386048280704
WDS 00094+4819 LDS 3128 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LDS3128 NLTT 412/405 Chm2004
refcode metd author reference
Chm2004 E - Chaname, J. & Gould, A. 2004ApJ...601..289C
Chm2004 ApJ 601, 289, 2004
Chm2004 (Photometry, coordinates, and astrometry from rNLTT. Astrometry from early
Chm2004 versions of 2MASS and UCAC, with date given only as "circa 2000". Measures
Chm2004 identical to discovery observations - predominantly close pairs - were assumed
Chm2004 not new observations, so not included in WDS. Similar concerns when primary and
Chm2004 secondary magnitudes or proper motions were the same.)
idgroup discov author
1 CHM Chaname, J. & Gould, A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00094+4819 LDS3128 2000 3 296 52.0 14.44 16.41 D 000923.68+481939.8
00094+4819 LDS3128 2002 4 296 51.9 14.44 16.41 N D 000923.68+481939.8
00094+4819 LDS3128 2010 5 296 52.0 14.44 16.41 N 000923.68+481939.8
00094+4819 LDS3128 2017 7 296 51.9 14.44 16.41 N 000923.68+481939.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00094+4819 LDS 3128 : MEASURES
No records found.


00094+4819 LDS3128A mag 14.44 00094+4819 LDS3128B sep 38.4 P.A. 306.00 mag 16.41 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00094+4819 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 09m 23.68s +48° 19' 39.8"
WDS 00094+4819 LDS 3128 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00094+4819  LDS3128 distance=0' 00090+4823  TDS1314 distance=5' 00110+4820  ES 1127AB distance=17' 00110+4820  ES 1127BC distance=17' 00109+4807  LEP   2AB distance=21' 00109+4807  TOK 443AC distance=21' 00096+4758  ES 1126 distance=22' 00070+4820  TDS1298 distance=24' 00130+4806  TDS1344 distance=39' 00138+4801  TDS1352 distance=48' 00043+4848  TDS1280 distance=59' 00072+4723  ES 1193 distance=60' 00103+4920  COU1851 distance=61' 00102+4717  TDS1329 distance=64' 00160+4835  HJ 1009AB distance=68' 00160+4835  HJ 1009AC distance=68' 00035+4853  ES 1191 distance=68' 00132+4723  TDS1345 distance=69' 00046+4723  ES 1293 distance=73' 00114+4710  TDS1336 distance=74' 00141+4919  HU  504 distance=75' 00112+4933  ES 2577 distance=76' 00165+4749  BVD 172 distance=78' 00017+4805  CON  47 distance=79' 00121+4704  FMR 177 distance=81' 00014+4828  COU1850AB distance=81' 00014+4828  GII 112Aa,Ab distance=81' 00157+4730  KPP2491 distance=81' 00152+4723  TDS1360AB distance=82' 00091+4943  BVD 171 distance=84' 00014+4758  TDS1250 distance=84' 00147+4925  TDS1354 distance=84' 00064+4938  TDS1292 distance=84' 00060+4937  HU  502 distance=85' 00137+4934  STF   9 distance=86' 00108+4945  UC    1 distance=87' 00162+4915  FOX 104AB distance=88' 00162+4915  FOX 104AC distance=88' 00049+4939  ES  864 distance=91' 00029+4715  A   800 distance=93' 00104+4952  ES 2576 distance=94' 00137+4656  BRT  63 distance=96' 00088+4955  ROE  82AB distance=96' 00088+4955  ROE  82AC distance=96' 00122+4647  A   802 distance=98' 00040+4942  TOB   9 distance=98' 00107+4957  HU  503AB distance=99' 00107+4957  HU  503AC distance=99' 00036+4944  FOX  53AB distance=103' 00138+4648  ROE  59AB distance=103' 00138+4648  ROE  59AC distance=103' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00094+4819 LDS3128 296 51.9 0
Show 00090+4823 TDS1314 217 1.0 5
Show 00110+4820 ES 1127 AB 1 89.7 17
Show 00110+4820 ES 1127 BC 301 2.1 17
Show 00109+4807 LEP 2 AB 47 24.0 21
Show 00109+4807 TOK 443 AC 152 999.9 21
Show 00096+4758 ES 1126 319 6.4 22
Show 00070+4820 TDS1298 233 0.8 24
Show 00130+4806 TDS1344 104 0.7 39
Show 00138+4801 TDS1352 291 2.3 48
Show 00043+4848 TDS1280 257 2.1 59
Show 00072+4723 ES 1193 65 2.3 60
Show 00103+4920 COU1851 171 0.7 61
Show 00102+4717 TDS1329 72 0.7 64
Show 00160+4835 HJ 1009 AB 28 16.3 68
Show 00160+4835 HJ 1009 AC 138 36.5 68
Show 00035+4853 ES 1191 10 3.2 68
Show 00132+4723 TDS1345 294 6.0 69
Show 00046+4723 ES 1293 185 5.9 73
Show 00114+4710 TDS1336 18 0.6 74
Show 00141+4919 HU 504 261 2.4 75
Show 00112+4933 ES 2577 311 66.1 76
Show 00165+4749 BVD 172 301 20.1 78
Show 00017+4805 CON 47 97 1.0 79
Show 00121+4704 FMR 177 290 9.6 81
Show 00014+4828 COU1850 AB 8 0.7 81
Show 00014+4828 GII 112 Aa,Ab 112 0.1 81
Show 00157+4730 KPP2491 16 22.3 81
Show 00152+4723 TDS1360 AB 107 2.2 82
Show 00091+4943 BVD 171 19 29.1 84
Show 00014+4758 TDS1250 289 1.1 84
Show 00147+4925 TDS1354 110 0.8 84
Show 00064+4938 TDS1292 120 2.0 84
Show 00060+4937 HU 502 104 2.6 85
Show 00137+4934 STF 9 165 20.0 86
Show 00108+4945 UC 1 1 54.0 87
Show 00162+4915 FOX 104 AB 50 16.5 88
Show 00162+4915 FOX 104 AC 293 27.4 88
Show 00049+4939 ES 864 167 9.0 91
Show 00029+4715 A 800 113 1.5 93
Show 00104+4952 ES 2576 294 77.0 94
Show 00137+4656 BRT 63 309 5.6 96
Show 00088+4955 ROE 82 AB 282 0.9 96
Show 00088+4955 ROE 82 AC 246 21.2 96
Show 00122+4647 A 802 138 0.2 98
Show 00040+4942 TOB 9 26 43.9 98
Show 00107+4957 HU 503 AB 28 5.3 99
Show 00107+4957 HU 503 AC 46 40.4 99
Show 00036+4944 FOX 53 AB 192 3.8 103
Show 00138+4648 ROE 59 AB 214 12.2 103
Show 00138+4648 ROE 59 AC 15 104.7 103

WDS 00094+4819 : COMPONENTS
B pa=306.0°
00094+4819 A
Coord arcsec 2000 000923.68+481939.8 Mag 14.44 PmRA 200.00 PmDE -6.0
00094+4819 B
Coord arcsec 2000 000920.57+482002.4 Mag 16.41 PmRA 207.00 PmDE -12.0
Calc delta mag 1.97 Calc coord yes