01375+1150 HJ 16

01h 36m 55.04s +11° 49' 11.6" P.A. 146.00 sep 22.6 mag 12.48,12.65
Coord 2000 01375+1150 Discov num HJ   16 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 36 55.04 +11 49 11.6
Date first 1825 Date last 2015 Obs 12
Pa first 150 Pa last 145.8 P.A. Now (θ) 145.8°
Sep first 22.5 Sep last 22.599 Sep. Now (ρ) 22.599"
Mag pri 12.48 Mag sec 12.65 delta mag (ΔM) 0.17 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +010 Sec motion ra +017
Pri motion dec -009 Sec motion dec -021
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pisces Tycho2 0624-00879-1 Gaia DR2 2585841788485456768
WDS 01375+1150 HJ 16 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01375+1150 HJ 16 1922 2 145 21.0 10.40 10.80 X
01375+1150 HJ 16 2000 3 146 22.4 10.40 10.80 013655.04+114911.6
01375+1150 HJ 16 2010 6 146 23.0 10.40 10.80 D 013655.04+114911.6
01375+1150 HJ 16 2015 9 146 22.6 12.48 12.65 013655.04+114911.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01375+1150 HJ 16 : MEASURES
No records found.


01375+1150 HJ   16A mag 12.48 01375+1150 HJ   16B sep 22.4 P.A. 146.40 mag 12.65 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01375+1150 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 36m 55.04s +11° 49' 11.6"
WDS 01375+1150 HJ 16 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01375+1150  HJ   16 distance=0' 01372+1147  TOB9002 distance=5' 01354+1126  HDS 213 distance=33' 01394+1205  KPP1187 distance=40' 01391+1211  HJ   17 distance=41' 01349+1234  STF 136AB distance=54' 01349+1234  STF 136AC distance=54' 01349+1234  STF 136AD distance=54' 01333+1157  HJ   15 distance=55' 01329+1200  GWP 197 distance=60' 01329+1153  UC  577 distance=60' 01407+1218  KPP1142 distance=62' 01326+1153  OCC 426 distance=65' 01409+1117  A  2320 distance=67' 01322+1142  A  2215 distance=70' 01320+1150  OCC 391AB distance=72' 01320+1150  OCC 391AB,C distance=72' 01344+1253  AG   21 distance=75' 01370+1305  SLW  73 distance=76' 01321+1218  AG   20 distance=77' 01364+1311  HEI 306Aa,Ab distance=83' 01364+1311  UC  591AB distance=83' 01363+1026  LDS1109 distance=84' 01373+1315  HEI 307 distance=86' 01413+1246  GWP 214 distance=86' 01407+1311  SLW  79 distance=99' 01302+1203  BRT1168 distance=100' 01330+1027  GWP 198 distance=102' 01355+1010  TDS1922 distance=102' 01438+1206  HJ   18 distance=103' 01298+1128  KPP  72 distance=108' 01303+1239  STF 129 distance=110' 01319+1026  GWP 196 distance=112' 01444+1208  BU 1364 distance=113' 01398+1333  SLW  77 distance=113' 01413+1007  STF 146 distance=122' 01311+1022  GRV  89 distance=122' 01380+0946  TOK 688 distance=125' 01444+1250  OCC 730 distance=125' 01456+1148  GWP 217 distance=127' 01423+1010  UC  607 distance=128' 01458+1200  BPM  35 distance=131' 01291+1040  XMI1205BC distance=134' 01291+1040  GWP 195AB distance=135' 01317+1343  LDS1101 distance=137' 01333+1357  UC  581 distance=139' 01282+1244  GWP 193 distance=140' 01298+1014  CHR 197 distance=142' 01291+1026  HDS 195 distance=143' 01361+0926  SLE 258 distance=144' 01270+1200  LDS3282 distance=148' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01375+1150 HJ 16 146 22.6 0
Show 01372+1147 TOB9002 22 14.4 5
Show 01354+1126 HDS 213 193 0.3 33
Show 01394+1205 KPP1187 3 9.2 40
Show 01391+1211 HJ 17 281 8.2 41
Show 01349+1234 STF 136 AB 77 15.6 54
Show 01349+1234 STF 136 AC 312 77.1 54
Show 01349+1234 STF 136 AD 7 124.2 54
Show 01333+1157 HJ 15 62 30.3 55
Show 01329+1200 GWP 197 226 11.0 60
Show 01329+1153 UC 577 305 18.1 60
Show 01407+1218 KPP1142 127 8.9 62
Show 01326+1153 OCC 426 -1 0.1 65
Show 01409+1117 A 2320 284 0.2 67
Show 01322+1142 A 2215 356 1.7 70
Show 01320+1150 OCC 391 AB 149 2.8 72
Show 01320+1150 OCC 391 AB,C 122 7.8 72
Show 01344+1253 AG 21 98 7.6 75
Show 01370+1305 SLW 73 264 125.4 76
Show 01321+1218 AG 20 249 2.7 77
Show 01364+1311 HEI 306 Aa,Ab 11 0.2 83
Show 01364+1311 UC 591 AB 149 24.4 83
Show 01363+1026 LDS1109 179 4.7 84
Show 01373+1315 HEI 307 352 2.3 86
Show 01413+1246 GWP 214 148 31.7 86
Show 01407+1311 SLW 79 47 91.8 99
Show 01302+1203 BRT1168 37 4.4 100
Show 01330+1027 GWP 198 122 35.0 102
Show 01355+1010 TDS1922 34 0.9 102
Show 01438+1206 HJ 18 150 17.2 103
Show 01298+1128 KPP 72 327 5.0 108
Show 01303+1239 STF 129 282 8.9 110
Show 01319+1026 GWP 196 319 45.8 112
Show 01444+1208 BU 1364 76 74.0 113
Show 01398+1333 SLW 77 30 76.3 113
Show 01413+1007 STF 146 307 24.3 122
Show 01311+1022 GRV 89 119 37.5 122
Show 01380+0946 TOK 688 79 0.0 125
Show 01444+1250 OCC 730 -1 0.1 125
Show 01456+1148 GWP 217 55 140.7 127
Show 01423+1010 UC 607 147 25.6 128
Show 01458+1200 BPM 35 127 18.6 131
Show 01291+1040 XMI1205 BC 214 0.9 134
Show 01291+1040 GWP 195 AB 66 5.6 135
Show 01317+1343 LDS1101 181 3.3 137
Show 01333+1357 UC 581 355 70.0 139
Show 01282+1244 GWP 193 261 17.2 140
Show 01298+1014 CHR 197 13 0.2 142
Show 01291+1026 HDS 195 185 0.2 143
Show 01361+0926 SLE 258 346 31.5 144
Show 01270+1200 LDS3282 219 24.5 148

WDS 01375+1150 : COMPONENTS
B pa=146.4°
01375+1150 A
Coord arcsec 2000 013655.04+114911.6 Mag 12.48 PmRA 10.00 PmDE -9.0
Tycho2 0624-00879-1
Tycho2 0624-00879-1 Pflag RAmdeg 24.23292300 DEmdeg 11.81478530
PmRA 18.2 PmDE -16.3 E RAmdeg 112 E DEmdeg 129
E pmRA 3.6 E pmDE 3.6 EpRAm 1975.95 EpDEm 1969.22
Num 2 Q RAmdeg Q DEmdeg Q pmRA
Q pmDE BTmag 13.243 E BTmag 0.420 VTmag 12.277
E VTmag 0.261 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 24.23288056 DEdeg 11.81482444 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.40 E RAdeg 125.4 E DEdeg 151.6 Posflg
Corr -0.3
01375+1150 B
Coord arcsec 2000 013655.89+114852.9 Mag 12.65 PmRA 17.00 PmDE -21.0
Calc delta mag 0.17 Calc coord yes