14267+7830 MLR 335 (HD 127806)

14h 26m 43.20s +78° 29' 55.4" P.A. 85.00 sep 1.9 mag 7.20,12.50 Sp F5 dist. 61.24 pc (199.76 l.y.)
Coord 2000 14267+7830 Discov num MLR 335 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 14 26 43.20 +78 29 55.4
Date first 1972 Date last 2016 Obs 3
Pa first 94 Pa last 85.2 P.A. Now (θ) 85.2°
Sep first 1.0 Sep last 1.853 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.853"
Mag pri 7.20 Mag sec 12.50 delta mag (ΔM) 5.3 Spectral class F5 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra -015 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +093 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 127806 Constellation Ursa Minor SAO 8023 HIP 70618
Tycho2 4562-00309-1 Gaia DR2 1714573763725923840 HD 127806 GC 19547
BD BD+79 447 Distance 61.24 Distance ly 199.76
WDS 14267+7830 MLR 335 (HD 127806) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 MLR Muller, P.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
14267+7830 MLR 335 1972 1 94 1.0 7.20 12.50 F5 142643.20+782955.4
14267+7830 MLR 335 2012 2 84 1.8 7.20 12.50 F5 142643.20+782955.4
14267+7830 MLR 335 2016 3 85 1.9 7.20 12.50 F5 142643.20+782955.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 14267+7830 MLR 335 (HD 127806) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 14267+7830 (HD 127806) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

14267+7830 MLR 335A mag 7.2 Sp F5 14267+7830 MLR 335B sep 0.4 P.A. 67.20 mag 12.5 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 14267+7830 (HD 127806) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 14h 26m 43.20s +78° 29' 55.4"
WDS 14267+7830 MLR 335 (HD 127806) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

14267+7830  MLR 335 distance=1' 14236+7815  LDS1791 distance=18' 14319+7847  LDS1799 distance=24' 14361+7821  MFL 150AB distance=30' 14253+7909  LDS1793 distance=40' 14176+7753  UC 2724 distance=47' 14393+7903  TDS9261 distance=50' 14306+7919  LDS1798 distance=51' 14278+7921  MFL 189 distance=52' 14196+7917  LDS1789 distance=53' 14436+7816  TDS9288 distance=53' 14078+7851  MFL 104 distance=60' 14068+7845  MFL 103 distance=61' 14465+7853  BVD 324 distance=63' 14167+7933  LDS1787BC distance=69' 14167+7933  UC 2721AB distance=71' 14167+7936  BVD 106 distance=72' 14387+7723  UC 2808 distance=77' 14332+7947  STF1880 distance=79' 14088+7733  BNU   9 distance=80' 14196+7709  MFL  93 distance=84' 14172+7952  STF1851 distance=86' 14340+7957  LDS1801 distance=91' 14193+7701  MLR 334 distance=92' 14088+7715  HJ 2706AB distance=95' 14155+8000  MFL  76 distance=96' 14442+7707  HJ 2754 distance=100' 14193+7651  MFL 140 distance=102' 14116+7701  KPP3916 distance=102' 14177+7648  STF1844 distance=107' 14411+7654  LDS1804 distance=107' 14198+7642  STF1849 distance=111' 14323+8020  STTA130 distance=112' 14312+7634  HJ 2738AB distance=117' 14312+7634  HJ 2738BC distance=117' 14248+7619  LDS1792 distance=132' 14125+7626  HU  900 distance=133' 14232+7607  LDS1790 distance=144' 14403+8050  MFL 158 distance=145' 14216+8055  MFL 177 distance=147' 14069+8057  MFL  87 distance=157' 14141+8110  TDS9138 distance=164' 14275+7542  HJ 2733AB distance=169' 14275+7542  HJ 2733AC distance=169' 14176+7538  LDS1786 distance=175' 14262+8125  TDS9202 distance=175' 14372+7537  LDS1803 distance=177' 14118+8135  MFL  89 distance=190' 14134+8147  TDS9134 distance=201' 14283+8152  UC 2768 distance=203' 14075+8201  MFL 127 distance=217' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 14267+7830 MLR 335 85 1.9 1
Show 14236+7815 LDS1791 107 114.8 18
Show 14319+7847 LDS1799 125 30.5 24
Show 14361+7821 MFL 150 AB 48 11.0 30
Show 14253+7909 LDS1793 323 10.0 40
Show 14176+7753 UC 2724 251 42.6 47
Show 14393+7903 TDS9261 288 0.7 50
Show 14306+7919 LDS1798 180 3.8 51
Show 14278+7921 MFL 189 321 5.7 52
Show 14196+7917 LDS1789 305 1.7 53
Show 14436+7816 TDS9288 236 0.5 53
Show 14078+7851 MFL 104 303 15.1 60
Show 14068+7845 MFL 103 341 4.5 61
Show 14465+7853 BVD 324 28 18.2 63
Show 14167+7933 LDS1787 BC 109 2.7 69
Show 14167+7933 UC 2721 AB 132 121.8 71
Show 14167+7936 BVD 106 344 24.4 72
Show 14387+7723 UC 2808 314 29.4 77
Show 14332+7947 STF1880 253 26.1 79
Show 14088+7733 BNU 9 179 0.0 80
Show 14196+7709 MFL 93 236 38.2 84
Show 14172+7952 STF1851 329 10.5 86
Show 14340+7957 LDS1801 150 16.5 91
Show 14193+7701 MLR 334 225 0.2 92
Show 14088+7715 HJ 2706 AB 84 13.3 95
Show 14155+8000 MFL 76 18 33.9 96
Show 14442+7707 HJ 2754 253 8.0 100
Show 14193+7651 MFL 140 329 6.3 102
Show 14116+7701 KPP3916 334 2.6 102
Show 14177+7648 STF1844 209 1.9 107
Show 14411+7654 LDS1804 303 4.0 107
Show 14198+7642 STF1849 10 0.9 111
Show 14323+8020 STTA130 297 51.4 112
Show 14312+7634 HJ 2738 AB 265 9.2 117
Show 14312+7634 HJ 2738 BC 210 7.5 117
Show 14248+7619 LDS1792 218 8.4 132
Show 14125+7626 HU 900 223 0.6 133
Show 14232+7607 LDS1790 164 131.7 144
Show 14403+8050 MFL 158 171 17.0 145
Show 14216+8055 MFL 177 70 35.0 147
Show 14069+8057 MFL 87 220 4.3 157
Show 14141+8110 TDS9138 226 0.7 164
Show 14275+7542 HJ 2733 AB 128 25.0 169
Show 14275+7542 HJ 2733 AC 133 60.3 169
Show 14176+7538 LDS1786 278 84.7 175
Show 14262+8125 TDS9202 263 0.5 175
Show 14372+7537 LDS1803 137 18.1 177
Show 14118+8135 MFL 89 87 5.1 190
Show 14134+8147 TDS9134 220 2.5 201
Show 14283+8152 UC 2768 250 74.6 203
Show 14075+8201 MFL 127 264 6.2 217

WDS 14267+7830 : COMPONENTS
B pa=67.2°
14267+7830 A
Name HD 127806 Coord arcsec 2000 142643.20+782955.4 Mag 7.2 Spectral class F5 (yellow-white)
PmRA -15.00 PmDE 93.0 SAO 8023 HIP 70618
Tycho2 4562-00309-1 HD 127806 GC 19547 BD BD+79 447
Tycho2 4562-00309-1 Pflag RAmdeg 216.67983796 DEmdeg 78.49892811
PmRA -12.0 PmDE 86.4 E RAmdeg 4 E DEmdeg 4
E pmRA 1.0 E pmDE 1.1 EpRAm 1991.33 EpDEm 1991.37
Num 14 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 0.5 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 0.5 BTmag 7.764 E BTmag 0.015 VTmag 7.276
E VTmag 0.010 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 70618
CCDM RAdeg 216.67997639 DEdeg 78.49872722 EpRA 1990 1.68
EpDE 1990 1.63 E RAdeg 4.1 E DEdeg 4.2 Posflg
Corr 0.1
SAO 8023 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 -0.0024
DE1950 PmDE1950 0.076 Vmag 7.2 SpType F5
Double code Source 70 CatNum 19547 DM BD+79 447
DMcomp BDsup HD 127806 M HD 0
GC 19547 RA1950rad 3.78505848 DE1950rad 1.37393127 PmRA2000 -0.0014
PmDE2000 0.079
Catalog H HIP 70618 Proxy RAhms 14 26 43.20
DEdms +78 29 55.4 Vmag 7.22 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 216.68 DEdeg 78.4987 AstroRef Plx 16.27
CCDM 14267+7830 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 127806 BD BD+79 447
CD CP Dm number +79 447 VIred 0.55
SpType F5 R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 142643.20+782955.4
Hipparcos 2
HIP 70618 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 3.7817793977 DErad 1.3700610944 Plx 16.33 PmRA -12.35
PmDE 86.81 E RArad 0.4 E DErad 0.43 E Plx 0.45
E pmRA 0.45 E pmDE 0.49 Hpmag 7.3204 E Hpmag 0.001
SHp 0.01 VA 0 BV 0.454 E BV 0.008
VI 0.52
Ccdm 14267+7830 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 1.09 DDEs -3.5
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 7.2 Sp F5 PmNote *
PmRA -18 PmDE 92 Dm number +79 447 Cat1 BD
Name2 +78 361 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD 127806 M HD
HIC 70618
14267+7830 B
Coord arcsec 2000 142643.32+782955.6 Mag 12.5 Calc delta mag 5.3 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 14267+7830 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num MLR 335 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1972 Theta 94 Rho 1.0
Obs 1 Vmag 12.5 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
HIC 70618