14203+1608 LDS 1416

14h 20m 06.93s +16° 08' 13.0" P.A. 31.00 sep 6.0 mag 14.80,16.00
Coord 2000 14203+1608 Discov num LDS1416 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 14 20 06.93 +16 08 13.0
Date first 1963 Date last 2016 Obs 10
Pa first 328 Pa last 31 P.A. Now (θ) 31°
Sep first 6.0 Sep last 6.009 Sep. Now (ρ) 6.009"
Mag pri 14.80 Mag sec 16.00 delta mag (ΔM) 1.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -216 Sec motion ra -120
Pri motion dec -112 Sec motion dec +015
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Bootes Gaia DR2 1232322706742627968
WDS 14203+1608 LDS 1416 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
14203+1608 LDS1416 1963 1 328 6.0 14.00 17.50 X
14203+1608 LDS1416 2000 2 31 6.0 14.80 16.00 142006.93+160813.0
14203+1608 LDS1416 2010 4 31 5.1 14.80 16.00 142006.93+160813.0
14203+1608 LDS1416 2015 5 31 6.0 14.80 16.00 142006.93+160813.0
14203+1608 LDS1416 2016 10 31 6.0 14.80 16.00 142006.93+160813.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 14203+1608 LDS 1416 : MEASURES
No records found.


14203+1608 LDS1416A mag 14.8 14203+1608 LDS1416B sep 6.0 P.A. 30.00 mag 16 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 14203+1608 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 14h 20m 06.93s +16° 08' 13.0"
WDS 14203+1608 LDS 1416 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

14203+1608  LDS1416 distance=0' 14199+1634  CBL 450 distance=26' 14200+1640  GWP2365 distance=32' 14180+1547  KPP1952 distance=38' 14226+1634  FOX9051CD distance=42' 14226+1634  A  2068AB distance=45' 14226+1634  FOX9051AC distance=45' 14172+1646  SLW 988 distance=57' 14242+1616  MCA  39 distance=60' 14185+1714  BPMA 47 distance=70' 14186+1720  CBL 448 distance=76' 14147+1601  LDS1410 distance=79' 14175+1722  A  2067 distance=84' 14251+1512  GWP2380 distance=92' 14265+1557  CLO   1 distance=94' 14201+1432  GWP2367 distance=97' 14267+1625  A  2069 distance=97' 14158+1730  UC 2717 distance=103' 14130+1553  A  2066 distance=104' 14133+1645  GWP2301 distance=105' 14264+1515  UC 2763AB distance=106' 14137+1734  COU  60 distance=110' 14125+1620  GWP2290 distance=111' 14173+1424  GWP2340 distance=112' 14125+1636  WSI 117 distance=114' 14126+1532  VKI  20 distance=115' 14240+1747  BRT2290 distance=115' 14265+1459  LDS5818 distance=116' 14138+1720  YSC  54Aa,Ab distance=116' 14138+1720  HDS1998AB distance=116' 14276+1527  UC 2766 distance=117' 14125+1646  LDS1408 distance=118' 14235+1416  TDS9182 distance=123' 14189+1812  LDS 956AB distance=126' 14189+1812  RAO 315Aa,Ab distance=126' 14251+1758  GWP2379 distance=132' 14246+1804  CBL 453 distance=133' 14192+1824  GWP2362 distance=136' 14244+1813  COU  62 distance=140' 14133+1430  BPM 614 distance=140' 14109+1525  CVR1569 distance=140' 14222+1350  HDS2022 distance=142' 14298+1550  HEI 532 distance=142' 14112+1506  GRV 882 distance=143' 14109+1513  HDS1989Aa,Ab distance=144' 14109+1513  LDS1406AB distance=144' 14109+1513  SKF 343AC distance=144' 14109+1513  SKF 343AD distance=144' 14142+1805  TOK 723 distance=145' 14164+1348  SOZ   3 distance=150' 14135+1810  LDS1409 distance=155' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 14203+1608 LDS1416 31 6.0 0
Show 14199+1634 CBL 450 267 63.2 26
Show 14200+1640 GWP2365 82 370.5 32
Show 14180+1547 KPP1952 103 15.4 38
Show 14226+1634 FOX9051 CD 164 5.0 42
Show 14226+1634 A 2068 AB 159 3.4 45
Show 14226+1634 FOX9051 AC 262 179.7 45
Show 14172+1646 SLW 988 159 21.3 57
Show 14242+1616 MCA 39 148 0.0 60
Show 14185+1714 BPMA 47 239 245.9 70
Show 14186+1720 CBL 448 296 56.6 76
Show 14147+1601 LDS1410 297 68.8 79
Show 14175+1722 A 2067 255 0.1 84
Show 14251+1512 GWP2380 249 393.4 92
Show 14265+1557 CLO 1 344 0.3 94
Show 14201+1432 GWP2367 225 321.8 97
Show 14267+1625 A 2069 102 0.2 97
Show 14158+1730 UC 2717 241 6.0 103
Show 14130+1553 A 2066 220 4.8 104
Show 14133+1645 GWP2301 64 6.4 105
Show 14264+1515 UC 2763 AB 129 40.8 106
Show 14137+1734 COU 60 282 7.3 110
Show 14125+1620 GWP2290 45 7.7 111
Show 14173+1424 GWP2340 99 5.7 112
Show 14125+1636 WSI 117 48 0.9 114
Show 14126+1532 VKI 20 295 3.5 115
Show 14240+1747 BRT2290 103 3.0 115
Show 14265+1459 LDS5818 55 5.7 116
Show 14138+1720 YSC 54 Aa,Ab 358 0.3 116
Show 14138+1720 HDS1998 AB 358 1.0 116
Show 14276+1527 UC 2766 100 18.3 117
Show 14125+1646 LDS1408 310 12.7 118
Show 14235+1416 TDS9182 120 0.4 123
Show 14189+1812 LDS 956 AB 216 15.5 126
Show 14189+1812 RAO 315 Aa,Ab 77 0.4 126
Show 14251+1758 GWP2379 175 218.0 132
Show 14246+1804 CBL 453 225 33.3 133
Show 14192+1824 GWP2362 84 282.8 136
Show 14244+1813 COU 62 200 2.4 140
Show 14133+1430 BPM 614 156 45.4 140
Show 14109+1525 CVR1569 22 3.5 140
Show 14222+1350 HDS2022 54 0.3 142
Show 14298+1550 HEI 532 253 1.7 142
Show 14112+1506 GRV 882 249 60.0 143
Show 14109+1513 HDS1989 Aa,Ab 326 0.4 144
Show 14109+1513 LDS1406 AB 160 26.4 144
Show 14109+1513 SKF 343 AC 274 12.7 144
Show 14109+1513 SKF 343 AD 145 23.5 144
Show 14142+1805 TOK 723 351 0.1 145
Show 14164+1348 SOZ 3 344 8.8 150
Show 14135+1810 LDS1409 251 126.7 155

WDS 14203+1608 : COMPONENTS
B pa=30.0°
14203+1608 A
Coord arcsec 2000 142006.93+160813.0 Mag 14.8 PmRA -216.00 PmDE -112.0
14203+1608 B
Coord arcsec 2000 142007.14+160818.2 Mag 16 PmRA -120.00 PmDE 15.0
Calc delta mag 1.2 Calc coord yes