14121+2401 POU 3160

14h 12m 06.25s +24° 00' 53.4" P.A. 252.00 sep 4.8 mag 12.10,12.90
Coord 2000 14121+2401 Discov num POU3160 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 14 12 06.25 +24 00 53.4
Date first 1899 Date last 2019 Obs 9
Pa first 253 Pa last 252.2 P.A. Now (θ) 252.2°
Sep first 4.2 Sep last 4.75 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.75"
Mag pri 12.10 Mag sec 12.90 delta mag (ΔM) 0.8 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +015 Sec motion ra -009
Pri motion dec -042 Sec motion dec -044
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Bootes Gaia DR2 1257208365730957824
WDS 14121+2401 POU 3160 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 POU Pourteau, M. A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
14121+2401 POU3160 1999 3 252 4.7 12.10 12.90 D 141206.25+240053.4
14121+2401 POU3160 2001 4 253 4.7 12.10 12.90 D 141206.25+240053.4
14121+2401 POU3160 2010 5 250 3.6 12.10 12.90 141206.25+240053.4
14121+2401 POU3160 2015 6 252 4.7 12.10 12.90 141206.25+240053.4
14121+2401 POU3160 2016 8 252 4.7 12.10 12.90 141206.25+240053.4
14121+2401 POU3160 2019 9 252 4.8 12.10 12.90 141206.25+240053.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 14121+2401 POU 3160 : MEASURES
No records found.


14121+2401 POU3160A mag 12.1 14121+2401 POU3160B sep 4.4 P.A. 250.60 mag 12.9 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 14121+2401 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 14h 12m 06.25s +24° 00' 53.4"
WDS 14121+2401 POU 3160 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

14121+2401  POU3160 distance=0' 14127+2349  YSC  53AB distance=15' 14127+2349  GII 202Aa,Ab distance=15' 14109+2412  HDS1988 distance=21' 14102+2354  CVR 727 distance=28' 14134+2424  POU3162 distance=30' 14145+2358  LDS4445 distance=33' 14136+2334  LDS4444 distance=34' 14135+2331  CBL 444 distance=36' 14136+2433  POU3163AB distance=38' 14136+2433  POU3164AC distance=38' 14154+2413  LDS4446 distance=47' 14126+2314  POU3161 distance=49' 14086+2349  POU3157 distance=50' 14082+2415  POU3159 distance=56' 14073+2411  KPP2558 distance=67' 14170+2412  STF1828 distance=68' 14104+2506  ISO  14 distance=69' 14163+2321  HWE  32 distance=70' 14166+2328  BU 1441 distance=70' 14078+2443  A   346 distance=72' 14069+2425  POU3158 distance=76' 14156+2255  ROE  74 distance=83' 14155+2511  CVR 150 distance=84' 14066+2443  COU 303AB distance=87' 14127+2233  HDS1993 distance=89' 14073+2505  A  2384 distance=93' 14190+2406  HJ 2708 distance=96' 14193+2421  LDS 957 distance=100' 14127+2547  COU 480AB distance=107' 14127+2547  SCA 195Aa,Ab distance=107' 14197+2330  STF3083 distance=109' 14180+2245  LDS4455 distance=111' 14152+2216  LDS 954 distance=114' 14139+2209  RAO 313 distance=115' 14164+2539  HDS2006 distance=115' 14204+2412  POU3169 distance=115' 14048+2458  KPP3277 distance=116' 14034+2409  COU 302 distance=121' 14031+2423  SLW 958 distance=125' 14045+2514  SLW 962 distance=127' 14029+2434  COU 301AB distance=131' 14029+2434  GII 201Aa,Ab distance=131' 14147+2152  DRS  15 distance=134' 14040+2232  RAS   9 distance=143' 14016+2357  CVR 718 distance=145' 14135+2138  LDS 953 distance=145' 14063+2200  HDS1978 distance=146' 14048+2549  BGH  50 distance=148' 14122+2626  J   750 distance=148' 14053+2200  AZC  83 distance=154' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 14121+2401 POU3160 252 4.8 0
Show 14127+2349 YSC 53 AB 138 1.2 15
Show 14127+2349 GII 202 Aa,Ab 104 0.2 15
Show 14109+2412 HDS1988 149 3.5 21
Show 14102+2354 CVR 727 114 15.7 28
Show 14134+2424 POU3162 345 6.7 30
Show 14145+2358 LDS4445 173 2.5 33
Show 14136+2334 LDS4444 226 55.8 34
Show 14135+2331 CBL 444 299 11.4 36
Show 14136+2433 POU3163 AB 279 47.5 38
Show 14136+2433 POU3164 AC 184 11.4 38
Show 14154+2413 LDS4446 199 33.6 47
Show 14126+2314 POU3161 324 4.3 49
Show 14086+2349 POU3157 17 8.2 50
Show 14082+2415 POU3159 297 3.9 56
Show 14073+2411 KPP2558 150 23.1 67
Show 14170+2412 STF1828 159 2.1 68
Show 14104+2506 ISO 14 8 1.1 69
Show 14163+2321 HWE 32 194 4.6 70
Show 14166+2328 BU 1441 80 3.6 70
Show 14078+2443 A 346 309 1.0 72
Show 14069+2425 POU3158 216 13.5 76
Show 14156+2255 ROE 74 287 7.1 83
Show 14155+2511 CVR 150 312 26.2 84
Show 14066+2443 COU 303 AB 289 1.9 87
Show 14127+2233 HDS1993 203 0.2 89
Show 14073+2505 A 2384 112 1.1 93
Show 14190+2406 HJ 2708 314 22.2 96
Show 14193+2421 LDS 957 107 27.2 100
Show 14127+2547 COU 480 AB 73 2.1 107
Show 14127+2547 SCA 195 Aa,Ab 230 0.2 107
Show 14197+2330 STF3083 232 4.8 109
Show 14180+2245 LDS4455 27 50.6 111
Show 14152+2216 LDS 954 198 23.7 114
Show 14139+2209 RAO 313 159 0.8 115
Show 14164+2539 HDS2006 248 0.7 115
Show 14204+2412 POU3169 304 5.4 115
Show 14048+2458 KPP3277 279 2.3 116
Show 14034+2409 COU 302 175 0.9 121
Show 14031+2423 SLW 958 38 10.2 125
Show 14045+2514 SLW 962 196 172.2 127
Show 14029+2434 COU 301 AB 124 0.8 131
Show 14029+2434 GII 201 Aa,Ab 113 0.2 131
Show 14147+2152 DRS 15 174 4.1 134
Show 14040+2232 RAS 9 175 0.0 143
Show 14016+2357 CVR 718 38 22.8 145
Show 14135+2138 LDS 953 172 10.6 145
Show 14063+2200 HDS1978 122 1.1 146
Show 14048+2549 BGH 50 32 97.0 148
Show 14122+2626 J 750 92 2.3 148
Show 14053+2200 AZC 83 146 48.5 154

WDS 14121+2401 : COMPONENTS
B pa=250.6°
14121+2401 A
Coord arcsec 2000 141206.25+240053.4 Mag 12.1 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -42.0
Ccdm 14121+2401 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.15 DDEs -5.9
R dRAs 65 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 12.1 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
14121+2401 B
Coord arcsec 2000 141205.95+240051.9 Mag 12.9 PmRA -9.00 PmDE -44.0
Calc delta mag 0.8 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 14121+2401 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num POU3160 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1899 Theta 253 Rho 4.2
Obs 1 Vmag 12.9 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD