01349+2237 J 2410

01h 34m 49.36s +22° 38' 27.6" P.A. 344.00 sep 8.7 mag 13.00,13.90
Coord 2000 01349+2237 Discov num J  2410 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 34 49.36 +22 38 27.6
Date first 1942 Date last 2015 Obs 11
Pa first 350 Pa last 344.1 P.A. Now (θ) 344.1°
Sep first 5.0 Sep last 8.706 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.706"
Mag pri 13.00 Mag sec 13.90 delta mag (ΔM) 0.9 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +015 Sec motion ra -011
Pri motion dec -013 Sec motion dec -002
Notes R (Red magnitudes)
This double is not physical.
Constellation Pisces Gaia DR2 289296734927572864
WDS 01349+2237 J 2410 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 J Jonckheere, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01349+2237 J 2410 2007 3 345 8.7 9.90 11.00 X 013449.36+223827.7
01349+2237 J 2410 2010 7 345 8.1 13.00 13.90 R 013449.36+223827.6
01349+2237 J 2410 2015 8 344 8.7 13.00 13.90 R 013449.36+223827.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01349+2237 J 2410 : MEASURES
No records found.


01349+2237 J  2410A mag 13 01349+2237 J  2410B sep 8.7 P.A. 345.30 mag 13.9 virtual eyepiece
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Components only
WDS 01349+2237 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 34m 49.36s +22° 38' 27.6"
WDS 01349+2237 J 2410 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01349+2237  J  2410 distance=1' 01365+2236  AZC  14 distance=25' 01326+2240  J  3331 distance=31' 01376+2233  STTA 20AB distance=40' 01376+2233  STTA 20AC distance=40' 01375+2302  TOK 458 distance=45' 01383+2232  J   587 distance=49' 01380+2153  HJL1010 distance=64' 01308+2311  HDS 197 distance=64' 01353+2131  LDS3292 distance=69' 01297+2250  A  1910AB distance=72' 01297+2250  A  1910AB,C distance=72' 01371+2354  J   228 distance=83' 01333+2359  MET  13 distance=83' 01296+2156  A  1909 distance=84' 01338+2110  UC  583 distance=90' 01291+2143  HO    9BC distance=97' 01291+2143  HO    9AB distance=97' 01291+2143  HO    9AD distance=97' 01388+2400  UC  596 distance=99' 01414+2337  POU 137 distance=109' 01265+2233  KPP1746 distance=116' 01279+2344  POU 131 distance=116' 01419+2350  POU 139 distance=123' 01422+2350  POU 141 distance=125' 01317+2436  POU 133 distance=125' 01383+2042  LDS3295 distance=127' 01265+2146  WIS  32 distance=128' 01434+2327  FMR 182 distance=128' 01252+2302  GRV  86 distance=135' 01381+2447  POU 135 distance=136' 01445+2238  J  3332 distance=136' 01256+2331  TOK  11 distance=138' 01276+2104  COU 148 distance=139' 01266+2108  BRT2305 distance=146' 01452+2317  GIC  25 distance=150' 01428+2421  GRF   1 distance=151' 01431+2101  JNN 251 distance=152' 01338+2512  AZC  13 distance=155' 01448+2351  COU 450 distance=155' 01279+2442  POU 129 distance=157' 01311+2009  KPP  16 distance=158' 01462+2254  BU  784 distance=160' 01417+2449  POU 138 distance=161' 01293+2501  STF 126BC distance=162' 01293+2501  STF 126AB distance=162' 01450+2115  UC  621 distance=165' 01281+2457  POU 132 distance=167' 01329+1954  LDS3289 distance=167' 01279+2455  POU 130 distance=167' 01334+2525  POU 134 distance=168' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01349+2237 J 2410 344 8.7 1
Show 01365+2236 AZC 14 289 34.0 25
Show 01326+2240 J 3331 277 3.2 31
Show 01376+2233 STTA 20 AB 316 88.2 40
Show 01376+2233 STTA 20 AC 257 27.3 40
Show 01375+2302 TOK 458 356 543.5 45
Show 01383+2232 J 587 30 1.8 49
Show 01380+2153 HJL1010 239 407.9 64
Show 01308+2311 HDS 197 162 0.1 64
Show 01353+2131 LDS3292 0 82.5 69
Show 01297+2250 A 1910 AB 176 0.2 72
Show 01297+2250 A 1910 AB,C 352 18.8 72
Show 01371+2354 J 228 102 3.6 83
Show 01333+2359 MET 13 344 2.8 83
Show 01296+2156 A 1909 122 2.0 84
Show 01338+2110 UC 583 228 92.1 90
Show 01291+2143 HO 9 BC 93 3.0 97
Show 01291+2143 HO 9 AB 41 52.0 97
Show 01291+2143 HO 9 AD 218 82.2 97
Show 01388+2400 UC 596 325 26.2 99
Show 01414+2337 POU 137 248 3.2 109
Show 01265+2233 KPP1746 241 13.5 116
Show 01279+2344 POU 131 18 3.5 116
Show 01419+2350 POU 139 35 21.4 123
Show 01422+2350 POU 141 68 5.8 125
Show 01317+2436 POU 133 323 3.4 125
Show 01383+2042 LDS3295 107 90.3 127
Show 01265+2146 WIS 32 40 999.9 128
Show 01434+2327 FMR 182 353 4.7 128
Show 01252+2302 GRV 86 64 30.6 135
Show 01381+2447 POU 135 216 5.1 136
Show 01445+2238 J 3332 286 5.1 136
Show 01256+2331 TOK 11 70 1.5 138
Show 01276+2104 COU 148 247 1.2 139
Show 01266+2108 BRT2305 280 3.0 146
Show 01452+2317 GIC 25 67 24.3 150
Show 01428+2421 GRF 1 4 46.9 151
Show 01431+2101 JNN 251 326 0.4 152
Show 01338+2512 AZC 13 275 39.8 155
Show 01448+2351 COU 450 172 1.6 155
Show 01279+2442 POU 129 97 7.7 157
Show 01311+2009 KPP 16 330 6.0 158
Show 01462+2254 BU 784 43 2.1 160
Show 01417+2449 POU 138 113 8.7 161
Show 01293+2501 STF 126 BC 246 21.4 162
Show 01293+2501 STF 126 AB 211 41.8 162
Show 01450+2115 UC 621 329 10.5 165
Show 01281+2457 POU 132 331 15.7 167
Show 01329+1954 LDS3289 346 89.5 167
Show 01279+2455 POU 130 159 15.9 167
Show 01334+2525 POU 134 49 19.2 168

WDS 01349+2237 : COMPONENTS
B pa=345.3°
01349+2237 A
Coord arcsec 2000 013449.36+223827.6 Mag 13 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -13.0
01349+2237 B
Coord arcsec 2000 013449.20+223836.0 Mag 13.9 PmRA -11.00 PmDE -2.0
Calc delta mag 0.9 Calc coord yes