13400-6346 RST 647 (HD 118642)

13h 39m 53.97s -63° 46' 29.5" P.A. 182.00 sep 1.3 mag 10.29,11.25 Sp G0
Coord 2000 13400-6346 Discov num RST 647 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 13 39 53.97 -63 46 29.5
Date first 1930 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 183 Pa last 181.5 P.A. Now (θ) 181.5°
Sep first 1.2 Sep last 1.315 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.315"
Mag pri 10.29 Mag sec 11.25 delta mag (ΔM) 0.96 Spectral class G0 (yellow)
Pri motion ra -077 Sec motion ra -077
Pri motion dec -011 Sec motion dec -011
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 118642 Constellation Centaurus Tycho2 8999-01092-1 Gaia DR2 5864229495623675520
HD 118642
WDS 13400-6346 RST 647 (HD 118642) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RST Rossiter, R.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
13400-6346 RST 647 1991 3 178 1.3 10.29 11.25 G0 133953.97-634629.5
13400-6346 RST 647 2015 4 180 1.3 10.29 11.25 G0 133953.97-634629.5
13400-6346 RST 647 2016 5 182 1.3 10.29 11.25 G0 133953.97-634629.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 13400-6346 RST 647 (HD 118642) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 13400-6346 (HD 118642) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

13400-6346 RST 647A mag 10.29 Sp G0 13400-6346 RST 647B sep 1.3 P.A. 180.70 mag 11.25 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 13400-6346 (HD 118642) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 13h 39m 53.97s -63° 46' 29.5"
WDS 13400-6346 RST 647 (HD 118642) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

13400-6346  RST 647 distance=0' 13392-6401  R   224AB distance=16' 13392-6401  R   224AC distance=16' 13392-6401  R   224AD distance=16' 13422-6343  HDS1927 distance=16' 13411-6332  TDS8932 distance=17' 13381-6334  DAM 798 distance=18' 13389-6404  TDS8917 distance=20' 13393-6327  B  2760 distance=21' 13430-6344  TDS8939 distance=21' 13387-6406  TDS8915 distance=22' 13425-6327  RST4988 distance=26' 13374-6408  KPP2988 distance=27' 13388-6412  HRG  89 distance=27' 13378-6414  HRG  90 distance=31' 13383-6416  HRG  88AB distance=32' 13383-6416  DAM 778BC distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AB distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AC distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AD distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AE distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AF distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AG distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AH distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AI distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AJ distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AK distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AL distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AM distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AN distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AO distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AP distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AQ distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AR distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AS distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AT distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AU distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AV distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AW distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AX distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50AY distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50A,Za distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50A,Zb distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50A,Zc distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50A,Zd distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50A,Ze distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50A,Zf distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50A,Zg distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50A,Zh distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50A,Zi distance=32' 13447-6348  CVN  50A,Zj distance=32' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 13400-6346 RST 647 182 1.3 0
Show 13392-6401 R 224 AB 18 18.1 16
Show 13392-6401 R 224 AC 326 6.0 16
Show 13392-6401 R 224 AD 72 11.2 16
Show 13422-6343 HDS1927 117 0.3 16
Show 13411-6332 TDS8932 181 0.4 17
Show 13381-6334 DAM 798 222 10.8 18
Show 13389-6404 TDS8917 146 2.7 20
Show 13393-6327 B 2760 162 4.1 21
Show 13430-6344 TDS8939 128 1.6 21
Show 13387-6406 TDS8915 149 0.4 22
Show 13425-6327 RST4988 26 1.0 26
Show 13374-6408 KPP2988 261 1.8 27
Show 13388-6412 HRG 89 30 15.8 27
Show 13378-6414 HRG 90 184 12.8 31
Show 13383-6416 HRG 88 AB 250 9.2 32
Show 13383-6416 DAM 778 BC 252 20.0 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AB 174 1.5 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AC 28 1.6 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AD 297 1.9 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AE 308 2.4 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AF 218 2.5 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AG 120 2.8 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AH 131 2.8 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AI 310 2.7 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AJ 258 2.8 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AK 300 2.9 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AL 136 3.1 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AM 273 3.1 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AN 152 3.2 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AO 218 3.6 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AP 245 3.6 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AQ 25 4.0 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AR 60 3.8 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AS 212 4.3 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AT 145 4.3 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AU 254 4.7 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AV 248 4.7 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AW 184 4.5 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AX 326 4.8 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 AY 134 4.9 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 A,Za 81 5.1 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 A,Zb 341 5.3 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 A,Zc 235 5.5 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 A,Zd 312 5.5 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 A,Ze 52 5.6 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 A,Zf 179 5.9 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 A,Zg 145 6.1 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 A,Zh 163 6.2 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 A,Zi 51 7.1 32
Show 13447-6348 CVN 50 A,Zj 80 6.8 32

WDS 13400-6346 : COMPONENTS
B pa=180.7°
13400-6346 A
Name HD 118642 Coord arcsec 2000 133953.97-634629.5 Mag 10.29 Spectral class G0 (yellow)
PmRA -77.00 PmDE -11.0 Tycho2 8999-01092-1 HD 118642
Tycho2 8999-01092-1 Pflag P RAmdeg 204.97486916 DEmdeg -63.77487022
PmRA -76.6 PmDE -10.9 E RAmdeg 25 E DEmdeg 24
E pmRA 4.5 E pmDE 4.0 EpRAm 1991.19 EpDEm 1991.24
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.2 Q DEmdeg 0.4 Q pmRA 0.2
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 11.078 E BTmag 0.044 VTmag 10.286
E VTmag 0.032 Prox 13 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 204.97526750 DEdeg -63.77476056 EpRA 1990 1.61
EpDE 1990 1.74 E RAdeg 25.2 E DEdeg 23.5 Posflg D
Corr -0.2
13400-6346 B
Coord arcsec 2000 133953.97-634630.8 Mag 11.25 PmRA -77.00 PmDE -11.0
Tycho2 8999-01092-2 Calc delta mag 0.96 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 8999-01092-2 Pflag P RAmdeg 204.97486916 DEmdeg -63.77487022
PmRA -76.6 PmDE -10.9 E RAmdeg 25 E DEmdeg 24
E pmRA 4.5 E pmDE 4.0 EpRAm 1991.19 EpDEm 1991.24
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.2 Q DEmdeg 0.4 Q pmRA 0.2
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 11.896 E BTmag 0.085 VTmag 11.246
E VTmag 0.076 Prox 13 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 204.97529306 DEdeg -63.77511833 EpRA 1990 1.60
EpDE 1990 1.74 E RAdeg 54.0 E DEdeg 50.0 Posflg D
Corr -0.2