13379-4556 B 2317

13h 37m 52.29s -45° 55' 49.0" P.A. 12.00 sep 1.7 mag 10.28,12.80 Sp F5
Coord 2000 13379-4556 Discov num B  2317 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 13 37 52.29 -45 55 49.0
Date first 1930 Date last 2016 Obs 3
Pa first 19 Pa last 12.4 P.A. Now (θ) 12.4°
Sep first 2.0 Sep last 1.723 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.723"
Mag pri 10.28 Mag sec 12.80 delta mag (ΔM) 2.52 Spectral class F5 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra -052 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -026 Sec motion dec
Notes S (Parallax indidates non-physical)
This double is not physical.
Constellation Centaurus Tycho2 8261-01957-1 Gaia DR2 6084076845597197440
WDS 13379-4556 B 2317 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 B van den Bos, W.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
13379-4556 B 2317 1930 1 19 2.0 10.28 12.80 F5 133752.29-455549.0
13379-4556 B 2317 2015 2 12 1.7 10.28 12.80 F5 S 133752.29-455549.0
13379-4556 B 2317 2016 3 12 1.7 10.28 12.80 F5 S 133752.29-455549.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 13379-4556 B 2317 : MEASURES
No records found.


13379-4556 B  2317A mag 10.28 Sp F5 13379-4556 B  2317B sep 1.7 P.A. 8.70 mag 12.8 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 13379-4556 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 13h 37m 52.29s -45° 55' 49.0"
WDS 13379-4556 B 2317 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

13379-4556  B  2317 distance=0' 13364-4556  NSN 398 distance=16' 13402-4543  B  2018AB distance=29' 13402-4543  HJ 4602AB,C distance=29' 13407-4556  DON 613 distance=30' 13360-4524  UC 2567 distance=38' 13359-4524  BRT 818 distance=39' 13413-4537  YMG  51 distance=42' 13412-4621  DON1106 distance=43' 13355-4635  DON 607 distance=46' 13404-4633  UC 2584 distance=46' 13340-4641  SKF1590BC distance=61' 13353-4500  RST4986 distance=62' 13392-4454  WIS 226 distance=64' 13316-4537  CPO 372 distance=69' 13438-4637  DON 615 distance=75' 13449-4535  SKF 470 distance=77' 13440-4643  RST 650 distance=79' 13348-4709  UC 2561 distance=80' 13392-4714  KPP1019 distance=80' 13315-4644  KOU  20 distance=82' 13404-4435  CPO 374 distance=86' 13297-4611  HDS1890 distance=87' 13444-4650  UC 2602 distance=87' 13428-4444  BRT 820 distance=89' 13302-4512  BRT 817 distance=92' 13398-4725  RST 648 distance=92' 13415-4431  YMG  52Aa,Ab distance=94' 13415-4431  YMG  52AB distance=94' 13457-4643  RST 656 distance=94' 13385-4419  SWR 143 distance=97' 13291-4629  UC 2546 distance=97' 13376-4736  SKF2385AB distance=101' 13408-4736  SKF1129 distance=105' 13472-4640  HRG  91 distance=107' 13361-4742  RST 644 distance=108' 13448-4434  RST4990 distance=111' 13413-4740  RST 649 distance=111' 13469-4453  UC 2614 distance=114' 13383-4750  RST 646 distance=115' 13414-4744  TDS8934 distance=115' 13440-4738  CPO 375 distance=121' 13262-4603  I   926 distance=122' 13495-4537  UC 2620 distance=124' 13257-4602  UC 2535 distance=127' 13487-4658  HDS1941 distance=128' 13481-4447  KPP1443 distance=129' 13264-4505  BRT 815 distance=131' 13434-4754  SKF1130 distance=132' 13464-4418  UC 2612 distance=133' 13339-4802  RST 642 distance=134' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 13379-4556 B 2317 12 1.7 0
Show 13364-4556 NSN 398 277 1.7 16
Show 13402-4543 B 2018 AB 171 0.9 29
Show 13402-4543 HJ 4602 AB,C 187 23.7 29
Show 13407-4556 DON 613 273 5.6 30
Show 13360-4524 UC 2567 93 37.0 38
Show 13359-4524 BRT 818 247 5.8 39
Show 13413-4537 YMG 51 26 3.6 42
Show 13412-4621 DON1106 100 5.6 43
Show 13355-4635 DON 607 172 1.0 46
Show 13404-4633 UC 2584 324 20.9 46
Show 13340-4641 SKF1590 BC 71 8.4 61
Show 13353-4500 RST4986 355 1.1 62
Show 13392-4454 WIS 226 283 457.4 64
Show 13316-4537 CPO 372 358 4.2 69
Show 13438-4637 DON 615 216 4.6 75
Show 13449-4535 SKF 470 128 30.7 77
Show 13440-4643 RST 650 108 1.5 79
Show 13348-4709 UC 2561 299 41.6 80
Show 13392-4714 KPP1019 131 8.2 80
Show 13315-4644 KOU 20 41 10.6 82
Show 13404-4435 CPO 374 7 4.6 86
Show 13297-4611 HDS1890 27 0.4 87
Show 13444-4650 UC 2602 221 10.4 87
Show 13428-4444 BRT 820 210 13.5 89
Show 13302-4512 BRT 817 145 3.8 92
Show 13398-4725 RST 648 272 0.9 92
Show 13415-4431 YMG 52 Aa,Ab 296 0.7 94
Show 13415-4431 YMG 52 AB 317 2.5 94
Show 13457-4643 RST 656 103 0.6 94
Show 13385-4419 SWR 143 19 45.5 97
Show 13291-4629 UC 2546 77 41.8 97
Show 13376-4736 SKF2385 AB 188 10.2 101
Show 13408-4736 SKF1129 151 19.2 105
Show 13472-4640 HRG 91 0 9.1 107
Show 13361-4742 RST 644 140 2.0 108
Show 13448-4434 RST4990 336 2.8 111
Show 13413-4740 RST 649 121 2.4 111
Show 13469-4453 UC 2614 82 19.3 114
Show 13383-4750 RST 646 93 1.8 115
Show 13414-4744 TDS8934 292 0.2 115
Show 13440-4738 CPO 375 273 5.2 121
Show 13262-4603 I 926 240 1.3 122
Show 13495-4537 UC 2620 118 50.5 124
Show 13257-4602 UC 2535 198 74.4 127
Show 13487-4658 HDS1941 123 0.5 128
Show 13481-4447 KPP1443 221 10.9 129
Show 13264-4505 BRT 815 72 5.3 131
Show 13434-4754 SKF1130 345 8.6 132
Show 13464-4418 UC 2612 241 35.5 133
Show 13339-4802 RST 642 35 5.1 134

WDS 13379-4556 : COMPONENTS
B pa=8.7°
13379-4556 A
Coord arcsec 2000 133752.29-455549.0 Mag 10.28 Spectral class F5 (yellow-white) PmRA -52.00
PmDE -26.0 Tycho2 8261-01957-1
Tycho2 8261-01957-1 Pflag RAmdeg 204.46788106 DEmdeg -45.93027779
PmRA -49.7 PmDE -25.9 E RAmdeg 22 E DEmdeg 24
E pmRA 1.4 E pmDE 1.4 EpRAm 1983.54 EpDEm 1981.84
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.0 Q DEmdeg 2.1 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 2.1 BTmag 10.751 E BTmag 0.044 VTmag 10.283
E VTmag 0.042 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 204.46804778 DEdeg -45.93022306 EpRA 1990 1.73
EpDE 1990 1.61 E RAdeg 25.2 E DEdeg 28.9 Posflg
Corr -0.1
Ccdm 13379-4556 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -1.82 DDEs 10.7
R dRAs 66 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.5 Sp F5 PmNote
PmRA -52 PmDE -26 Dm number -45 8582 Cat1 CD
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
13379-4556 B
Coord arcsec 2000 133752.31-455547.3 Mag 12.8 Calc delta mag 2.52 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 13379-4556 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num B 2317 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year Theta 019 Rho 2.0
Obs Vmag 13.0 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD