13201-3132 LDS 5776

13h 20m 03.00s -31° 32' 24.0" P.A. 258.00 sep 237.0 mag 18.80,19.60
Coord 2000 13201-3132 Discov num LDS5776 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 13 20 03.00 -31 32 24.0
Date first 1960 Date last 1960 Obs 1
Pa first 258 Pa last 258 P.A. Now (θ) 258°
Sep first 237.0 Sep last 237 Sep. Now (ρ) 237"
Mag pri 18.80 Mag sec 19.60 delta mag (ΔM) 0.8 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -093 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -058 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Centaurus
WDS 13201-3132 LDS 5776 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
13201-3132 LDS5776 1960 1 258 237.0 18.80 19.60 132003.00-313224.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 13201-3132 LDS 5776 : MEASURES
No records found.


13201-3132 LDS5776A mag 18.8 13201-3132 LDS5776B sep 203.6 P.A. 256.00 mag 19.6 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 13201-3132 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 13h 20m 03.00s -31° 32' 24.0"
WDS 13201-3132 LDS 5776 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

13201-3132  LDS5776 distance=0' 13188-3202  TDS8775 distance=34' 13185-3206  SEE 175AB distance=40' 13185-3206  SEE 175AC distance=40' 13166-3131  LDS4335 distance=46' 13208-3045  KPP3038 distance=49' 13168-3057  WIS 219 distance=55' 13179-3016  LDS5774 distance=80' 13160-3030  KPP2345 distance=82' 13141-3215  HDS1854Aa,Ab distance=88' 13141-3215  HJ 4574AB distance=88' 13129-3133  B   245 distance=92' 13271-3203  LDS4363 distance=95' 13127-3152  MUG   3 distance=96' 13273-3111  DAE   4 distance=96' 13261-3233  B   249 distance=99' 13183-2956  KPP1821 distance=100' 13126-3207  SWR 138 distance=102' 13124-3104  B   244 distance=102' 13122-3104  TSN 106 distance=105' 13263-3254  SKF1228 distance=114' 13117-3216  HJ 4572 distance=116' 13273-3244  SEE 178 distance=117' 13194-2936  RST1714 distance=118' 13124-3024  LDS4325 distance=121' 13106-3128  RST1706 distance=121' 13297-3123  UC 2547 distance=124' 13272-3008  BRT3001 distance=126' 13117-3025  LDS5772 distance=127' 13291-3039  TDS8844 distance=129' 13285-3022  RST1724 distance=130' 13282-3014  RST1723 distance=132' 13155-3331  ARU  12 distance=133' 13298-3220  LDS 446 distance=133' 13158-2930  SKF1954 distance=134' 13141-3323  B  2016 distance=135' 13193-3347  BRT1673 distance=135' 13092-3147  UC 2489 distance=140' 13276-3310  LDS5780 distance=140' 13308-3057  KPP1861 distance=142' 13164-3348  LDS4334 distance=144' 13103-3248  TOK 850 distance=145' 13234-2911  LDS5777 distance=147' 13094-3037  B   241 distance=148' 13316-3208  SKF1958 distance=152' 13318-3156  LDS5783 distance=153' 13248-3352  UC 2532 distance=153' 13080-3101  SKF1227 distance=159' 13265-2916  LDS5778 distance=159' 13212-2854  UC 2521 distance=160' 13122-3337  LDS6273 distance=160' grafico limitrofi
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 13201-3132 LDS5776 258 237.0 0
Show 13188-3202 TDS8775 351 2.1 34
Show 13185-3206 SEE 175 AB 106 12.4 40
Show 13185-3206 SEE 175 AC 113 41.1 40
Show 13166-3131 LDS4335 334 40.9 46
Show 13208-3045 KPP3038 43 5.0 49
Show 13168-3057 WIS 219 281 920.4 55
Show 13179-3016 LDS5774 288 215.8 80
Show 13160-3030 KPP2345 87 20.3 82
Show 13141-3215 HDS1854 Aa,Ab 174 0.3 88
Show 13141-3215 HJ 4574 AB 155 20.8 88
Show 13129-3133 B 245 278 8.2 92
Show 13271-3203 LDS4363 208 35.7 95
Show 13127-3152 MUG 3 333 8.2 96
Show 13273-3111 DAE 4 334 0.5 96
Show 13261-3233 B 249 297 0.8 99
Show 13183-2956 KPP1821 176 14.1 100
Show 13126-3207 SWR 138 296 34.7 102
Show 13124-3104 B 244 215 1.4 102
Show 13122-3104 TSN 106 109 650.7 105
Show 13263-3254 SKF1228 288 25.2 114
Show 13117-3216 HJ 4572 303 26.0 116
Show 13273-3244 SEE 178 229 14.3 117
Show 13194-2936 RST1714 228 1.1 118
Show 13124-3024 LDS4325 96 29.9 121
Show 13106-3128 RST1706 267 0.4 121
Show 13297-3123 UC 2547 203 44.5 124
Show 13272-3008 BRT3001 226 3.0 126
Show 13117-3025 LDS5772 275 289.3 127
Show 13291-3039 TDS8844 340 0.6 129
Show 13285-3022 RST1724 213 1.7 130
Show 13282-3014 RST1723 241 2.3 132
Show 13155-3331 ARU 12 116 0.4 133
Show 13298-3220 LDS 446 134 33.6 133
Show 13158-2930 SKF1954 230 29.0 134
Show 13141-3323 B 2016 359 0.3 135
Show 13193-3347 BRT1673 136 2.6 135
Show 13092-3147 UC 2489 359 9.6 140
Show 13276-3310 LDS5780 260 314.8 140
Show 13308-3057 KPP1861 318 14.4 142
Show 13164-3348 LDS4334 331 30.8 144
Show 13103-3248 TOK 850 327 1.8 145
Show 13234-2911 LDS5777 96 272.8 147
Show 13094-3037 B 241 56 3.3 148
Show 13316-3208 SKF1958 165 112.7 152
Show 13318-3156 LDS5783 261 218.9 153
Show 13248-3352 UC 2532 131 14.8 153
Show 13080-3101 SKF1227 264 25.0 159
Show 13265-2916 LDS5778 239 309.2 159
Show 13212-2854 UC 2521 256 16.1 160
Show 13122-3337 LDS6273 239 5.3 160

WDS 13201-3132 : COMPONENTS
B pa=256.0°
13201-3132 A
Coord arcsec 2000 132003.00-313224.0 Mag 18.8 PmRA -93.00 PmDE -58.0
13201-3132 B
Coord arcsec 2000 131947.55-313313.3 Mag 19.6 Calc delta mag 0.8 Calc coord yes