01284+2654 LDS 3283

01h 28m 26.44s +26° 54' 20.6" P.A. 102.00 sep 2.9 mag 16.10,16.40
Coord 2000 01284+2654 Discov num LDS3283 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 28 26.44 +26 54 20.6
Date first 1960 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 95 Pa last 101.6 P.A. Now (θ) 101.6°
Sep first 2.0 Sep last 2.904 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.904"
Mag pri 16.10 Mag sec 16.40 delta mag (ΔM) 0.3 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +158 Sec motion ra +158
Pri motion dec -098 Sec motion dec -098
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pisces Gaia DR2 295513339311118080
WDS 01284+2654 LDS 3283 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01284+2654 LDS3283 1960 1 95 2.0 16.10 16.40 012826.44+265420.6
01284+2654 LDS3283 2000 2 102 2.9 16.10 16.40 012826.44+265420.6
01284+2654 LDS3283 2015 3 102 2.8 16.10 16.40 012826.44+265420.6
01284+2654 LDS3283 2016 5 102 2.9 16.10 16.40 V 012826.44+265420.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01284+2654 LDS 3283 : MEASURES
No records found.


01284+2654 LDS3283A mag 16.1 01284+2654 LDS3283B sep 2.6 P.A. 103.00 mag 16.4 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01284+2654 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 28m 26.44s +26° 54' 20.6"
WDS 01284+2654 LDS 3283 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01284+2654  LDS3283 distance=1' 01258+2733  COU 666 distance=53' 01271+2757  LDS1098 distance=66' 01244+2735  HJ 1078AB distance=68' 01244+2735  HJ 1078AC distance=68' 01326+2741  GRV  91 distance=74' 01224+2656  TOI1460 distance=81' 01360+2646  BU  507 distance=95' 01311+2523  LDS3288 distance=98' 01219+2745  MLB 598 distance=101' 01223+2758  CLZ  18 distance=104' 01350+2753  MLB 634 distance=105' 01255+2832  HO  310 distance=106' 01267+2511  POU 128 distance=106' 01249+2518  CVR 384 distance=108' 01334+2525  POU 134 distance=113' 01293+2501  STF 126AB distance=114' 01293+2501  STF 126BC distance=115' 01281+2457  POU 132 distance=118' 01349+2532  TDS1920 distance=120' 01279+2455  POU 130 distance=120' 01246+2506  POU 126 distance=120' 01342+2829  MLB 515 distance=125' 01338+2512  AZC  13 distance=126' 01292+2900  LDS1099 distance=126' 01249+2456  UC  555 distance=128' 01279+2442  POU 129 distance=133' 01246+2450  J   639 distance=135' 01250+2448  KPP2204 distance=135' 01338+2851  LDS1104AB distance=137' 01338+2851  LDS1104AC distance=137' 01338+2851  LDS1104AD distance=137' 01338+2851  LDS1104AE distance=137' 01338+2851  LDS1104AF distance=137' 01239+2859  MLB 514 distance=139' 01379+2753  MLB 516 distance=140' 01379+2554  A  2007 distance=141' 01376+2805  GII  73 distance=141' 01380+2755  GII 106 distance=142' 01391+2656  BU  508AB distance=144' 01391+2656  BU  508AB,C distance=144' 01198+2530  SLW  63 distance=144' 01177+2647  BRT3258 distance=145' 01248+2438  UC  554 distance=145' 01317+2436  POU 133 distance=146' 01247+2916  GRV  85 distance=151' 01204+2511  POU 116 distance=152' 01400+2702  ALP   5 distance=156' 01168+2643  BRT3257 distance=157' 01174+2746  CVR 376 distance=157' 01339+2917  TDS1916 distance=161' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01284+2654 LDS3283 102 2.9 1
Show 01258+2733 COU 666 144 0.4 53
Show 01271+2757 LDS1098 281 23.6 66
Show 01244+2735 HJ 1078 AB 91 15.8 68
Show 01244+2735 HJ 1078 AC 81 21.9 68
Show 01326+2741 GRV 91 325 41.4 74
Show 01224+2656 TOI1460 176 0.2 81
Show 01360+2646 BU 507 145 2.2 95
Show 01311+2523 LDS3288 98 301.4 98
Show 01219+2745 MLB 598 91 7.4 101
Show 01223+2758 CLZ 18 109 5.0 104
Show 01350+2753 MLB 634 350 7.2 105
Show 01255+2832 HO 310 356 1.7 106
Show 01267+2511 POU 128 271 16.5 106
Show 01249+2518 CVR 384 193 21.8 108
Show 01334+2525 POU 134 49 19.2 113
Show 01293+2501 STF 126 AB 211 41.8 114
Show 01293+2501 STF 126 BC 246 21.4 115
Show 01281+2457 POU 132 331 15.7 118
Show 01349+2532 TDS1920 248 0.5 120
Show 01279+2455 POU 130 159 15.9 120
Show 01246+2506 POU 126 211 11.7 120
Show 01342+2829 MLB 515 339 6.1 125
Show 01338+2512 AZC 13 275 39.8 126
Show 01292+2900 LDS1099 255 17.8 126
Show 01249+2456 UC 555 206 29.8 128
Show 01279+2442 POU 129 97 7.7 133
Show 01246+2450 J 639 126 4.8 135
Show 01250+2448 KPP2204 85 18.2 135
Show 01338+2851 LDS1104 AB 20 6.3 137
Show 01338+2851 LDS1104 AC 167 22.1 137
Show 01338+2851 LDS1104 AD 246 8.1 137
Show 01338+2851 LDS1104 AE 100 10.1 137
Show 01338+2851 LDS1104 AF 224 9.5 137
Show 01239+2859 MLB 514 284 2.6 139
Show 01379+2753 MLB 516 239 1.8 140
Show 01379+2554 A 2007 221 4.6 141
Show 01376+2805 GII 73 282 0.8 141
Show 01380+2755 GII 106 230 2.4 142
Show 01391+2656 BU 508 AB 53 0.7 144
Show 01391+2656 BU 508 AB,C 44 74.5 144
Show 01198+2530 SLW 63 266 16.0 144
Show 01177+2647 BRT3258 10 4.0 145
Show 01248+2438 UC 554 220 11.6 145
Show 01317+2436 POU 133 323 3.4 146
Show 01247+2916 GRV 85 86 34.6 151
Show 01204+2511 POU 116 244 7.6 152
Show 01400+2702 ALP 5 333 31.8 156
Show 01168+2643 BRT3257 223 3.5 157
Show 01174+2746 CVR 376 27 10.3 157
Show 01339+2917 TDS1916 266 1.9 161

WDS 01284+2654 : COMPONENTS
B pa=103.0°
01284+2654 A
Coord arcsec 2000 012826.44+265420.6 Mag 16.1 PmRA 158.00 PmDE -98.0
01284+2654 B
Coord arcsec 2000 012826.63+265420.0 Mag 16.4 PmRA 158.00 PmDE -98.0
Calc delta mag 0.3 Calc coord yes