01280+5821 A 940 (HD 236745)

01h 27m 57.80s +58° 21' 21.6" P.A. 86.00 sep 0.6 mag 10.19,10.20 Sp B5
Coord 2000 01280+5821 Discov num A   940 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 27 57.80 +58 21 21.6
Date first 1905 Date last 2018 Obs 17
Pa first 75 Pa last 86.1 P.A. Now (θ) 86.1°
Sep first 0.4 Sep last 0.61 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.61"
Mag pri 10.19 Mag sec 10.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.01 Spectral class B5 (blue-white)
Pri motion ra -004 Sec motion ra -004
Pri motion dec +002 Sec motion dec +002
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 236745 Constellation Cassiopeia SAO 22294 Tycho2 3682-02382-1
Gaia DR2 413173173815631872 HD 236745 ADS 1156
WDS 01280+5821 A 940 (HD 236745) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 A Aitken, R.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01280+5821 A 940 1992 12 85 0.5 10.19 10.20 B5 012757.80+582121.6
01280+5821 A 940 2008 15 88 0.5 10.19 10.20 B5 012757.80+582121.6
01280+5821 A 940 2018 16 86 0.6 10.19 10.20 B5 012757.80+582121.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

WDS 01280+5821 A 940 (HD 236745) : VISUAL OBSERVATIONS REPORTS
No records found.

WDS 01280+5821 A 940 (HD 236745) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 01280+5821 (HD 236745) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

01280+5821 A   940A mag 10.19 Sp B5 01280+5821 A   940B sep 0.3 P.A. 82.60 mag 10.2 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01280+5821 (HD 236745) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 27m 57.80s +58° 21' 21.6"
WDS 01280+5821 A 940 (HD 236745) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01280+5821  A   940 distance=0' 01264+5818  STI1609 distance=13' 01261+5832  ES 1713 distance=18' 01271+5801  STI1613 distance=22' 01297+5756  STI1624 distance=29' 01300+5846  TDS1894 distance=30' 01241+5808  TDS1867 distance=34' 01323+5825  A   942 distance=34' 01236+5828  LYS   9 distance=35' 01252+5849  STI1603 distance=36' 01234+5809  STF 115AB distance=39' 01234+5809  STF 115AB,C distance=39' 01234+5809  STF 115AB,D distance=39' 01234+5809  TOK 455AG distance=39' 01234+5809  LYS   8DE distance=41' 01234+5809  LYS   8DF distance=41' 01256+5859  TDS1875 distance=43' 01334+5820  MCA   3 distance=44' 01252+5858  STI1604 distance=44' 01243+5858  ES 1712AB distance=46' 01243+5858  ES 1712BC distance=46' 01337+5809  STI1628 distance=47' 01338+5832  MLR 483 distance=48' 01226+5759  STI1588 distance=48' 01220+5833  TDS1856 distance=49' 01263+5733  STI1606 distance=51' 01216+5805  STI1581 distance=53' 01267+5913  STI1610 distance=53' 01292+5913  TDS1891 distance=53' 01211+5809  STI1577 distance=56' 01350+5812  STI1632 distance=57' 01335+5745  HDS 206 distance=58' 01217+5752  LYS   7AB distance=58' 01217+5752  LYS   7AC distance=58' 01295+5918  STI1623 distance=59' 01239+5911  TDS1865 distance=60' 01204+5819  LNV   4 distance=60' 01231+5908  STI1591 distance=61' 01202+5819  MLB 153 distance=61' 01236+5912  STI1596 distance=61' 01202+5814  BKO1063 distance=62' 01215+5748  LYS   6AB distance=62' 01215+5748  LYS   6AC distance=62' 01201+5814  H 3  23AB distance=63' 01201+5814  H 3  23AC distance=63' 01201+5814  H 3  23AD distance=63' 01201+5814  H 3  23AE distance=63' 01200+5819  STI1570 distance=63' 01219+5903  TDS  48 distance=64' 01199+5817  BKO1062 distance=64' 01198+5816  BKO1061 distance=65' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01280+5821 A 940 86 0.6 0
Show 01264+5818 STI1609 132 6.9 13
Show 01261+5832 ES 1713 140 1.6 18
Show 01271+5801 STI1613 70 14.7 22
Show 01297+5756 STI1624 342 15.2 29
Show 01300+5846 TDS1894 157 0.5 30
Show 01241+5808 TDS1867 330 0.9 34
Show 01323+5825 A 942 52 1.9 34
Show 01236+5828 LYS 9 157 11.8 35
Show 01252+5849 STI1603 55 6.2 36
Show 01234+5809 STF 115 AB 156 0.5 39
Show 01234+5809 STF 115 AB,C 286 60.3 39
Show 01234+5809 STF 115 AB,D 186 240.1 39
Show 01234+5809 TOK 455 AG 154 999.9 39
Show 01234+5809 LYS 8 DE 96 43.2 41
Show 01234+5809 LYS 8 DF 338 23.4 41
Show 01256+5859 TDS1875 327 0.6 43
Show 01334+5820 MCA 3 125 0.1 44
Show 01252+5858 STI1604 22 4.5 44
Show 01243+5858 ES 1712 AB 2 47.2 46
Show 01243+5858 ES 1712 BC 298 5.4 46
Show 01337+5809 STI1628 261 8.2 47
Show 01338+5832 MLR 483 230 0.2 48
Show 01226+5759 STI1588 140 8.0 48
Show 01220+5833 TDS1856 240 0.6 49
Show 01263+5733 STI1606 77 12.3 51
Show 01216+5805 STI1581 98 6.0 53
Show 01267+5913 STI1610 101 10.2 53
Show 01292+5913 TDS1891 109 0.6 53
Show 01211+5809 STI1577 331 4.9 56
Show 01350+5812 STI1632 60 6.2 57
Show 01335+5745 HDS 206 33 0.2 58
Show 01217+5752 LYS 7 AB 297 20.5 58
Show 01217+5752 LYS 7 AC 238 14.3 58
Show 01295+5918 STI1623 41 10.9 59
Show 01239+5911 TDS1865 45 0.6 60
Show 01204+5819 LNV 4 244 10.1 60
Show 01231+5908 STI1591 178 4.9 61
Show 01202+5819 MLB 153 155 4.6 61
Show 01236+5912 STI1596 29 7.1 61
Show 01202+5814 BKO1063 35 1.5 62
Show 01215+5748 LYS 6 AB 21 66.5 62
Show 01215+5748 LYS 6 AC 3 73.9 62
Show 01201+5814 H 3 23 AB 209 48.4 63
Show 01201+5814 H 3 23 AC 235 132.8 63
Show 01201+5814 H 3 23 AD 288 179.0 63
Show 01201+5814 H 3 23 AE 239 170.4 63
Show 01200+5819 STI1570 114 14.4 63
Show 01219+5903 TDS 48 354 1.3 64
Show 01199+5817 BKO1062 299 2.6 64
Show 01198+5816 BKO1061 3 4.0 65

WDS 01280+5821 : COMPONENTS
B pa=82.6°
01280+5821 A
Name HD 236745 Coord arcsec 2000 012757.80+582121.6 Mag 10.19 Spectral class B5 (blue-white)
PmRA -4.00 PmDE 2.0 SAO 22294 Tycho2 3682-02382-1
HD 236745 ADS 1156 DM BD+57 288
Tycho2 3682-02382-1 Pflag RAmdeg 21.99095444 DEmdeg 58.35602265
PmRA -3.5 PmDE 1.7 E RAmdeg 12 E DEmdeg 11
E pmRA 1.6 E pmDE 1.7 EpRAm 1989.92 EpDEm 1990.28
Num 8 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 1.2 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 1.1 BTmag 9.813 E BTmag 0.022 VTmag 9.580
E VTmag 0.021 Prox 548 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 21.99096917 DEdeg 58.35601972 EpRA 1990 1.53
EpDE 1990 1.62 E RAdeg 13.1 E DEdeg 11.8 Posflg P
Corr 0.2
SAO 22294 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 -0.0008
DE1950 PmDE1950 0 Vmag 9.2 SpType B5
Double code Source 38 CatNum 1234 DM BD+57 288
DMcomp BDsup HD 236745 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 0.36974536 DE1950rad 1.01398724 PmRA2000 -0.0008
PmDE2000 -0.005
Ccdm 01280+5821 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -2.18 DDEs 21.5
R dRAs 12 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.0 Sp B5 PmNote
PmRA -45 PmDE -46 Dm number +57 288 Cat1 BD
Name2 +58 141 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD 236745 M HD
ADS BDS A 1156 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 01216N5750A
01280+5821 B
Coord arcsec 2000 012757.84+582121.6 Mag 10.2 PmRA -4.00 PmDE 2.0
Calc delta mag 0.01 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 01280+5821 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num A 940 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1905 Theta 077 Rho 0.4
Obs 5 Vmag 10.0 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
ADS BDS A 1156 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 01216N5750B