12517-0608 STF 1683 (HD 111767)

12h 51m 40.35s -06° 07' 59.2" P.A. 197.00 sep 15.7 mag 8.45,10.69 Sp K0 dist. 490.2 pc (1599.03 l.y.)
Coord 2000 12517-0608 Discov num STF1683 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 12 51 40.35 -06 07 59.2
Date first 1831 Date last 2016 Obs 22
Pa first 197 Pa last 196.8 P.A. Now (θ) 196.8°
Sep first 15.4 Sep last 15.671 Sep. Now (ρ) 15.671"
Mag pri 8.45 Mag sec 10.69 delta mag (ΔM) 2.24 Spectral class K0 (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra +009 Sec motion ra +008
Pri motion dec +001 Sec motion dec -003
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 111767 Constellation Virgo SAO 139004 HIP 62761
Tycho2 4956-00342-1 Gaia DR2 3677545857207360128 HD 111767 GC 17450
BD BD-05 3585 Distance 490.2 Distance ly 1599.03
WDS 12517-0608 STF 1683 (HD 111767) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 STF (F. Struve DD - Appendix list #1)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
12517-0608 STF1683 1999 12 197 15.2 8.45 10.69 K0 D 125140.35-060759.2
12517-0608 STF1683 2009 13 197 15.3 8.45 10.69 K0 D 125140.35-060759.2
12517-0608 STF1683 2012 16 198 15.3 8.45 10.69 K0 D 125140.35-060759.2
12517-0608 STF1683 2016 18 197 15.7 8.45 10.69 K0 125140.35-060759.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 12517-0608 STF 1683 (HD 111767) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 12517-0608 (HD 111767) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

12517-0608 STF1683A mag 8.45 Sp K0 12517-0608 STF1683B sep 15.7 P.A. 196.70 mag 10.69 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 12517-0608 (HD 111767) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 12h 51m 40.35s -06° 07' 59.2"
WDS 12517-0608 STF 1683 (HD 111767) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

12517-0608  STF1683 distance=0' 12533-0557  RST4506 distance=28' 12521-0539  TSN  87 distance=31' 12492-0549  OCC 718 distance=41' 12549-0620  LDS4294 distance=51' 12476-0618  RST4966 distance=63' 12559-0604  ARU  10 distance=64' 12521-0720  UC 2417 distance=73' 12564-0524  SHN 169 distance=83' 12492-0450  LDS5759 distance=86' 12561-0706  RST3815 distance=88' 12509-0428  LDS6270 distance=100' 12584-0603  BU  926 distance=102' 12548-0738  TDS8584 distance=102' 12551-0736  TDS8585AB distance=102' 12563-0452  STF1690 distance=103' 12449-0629  CVR1464 distance=104' 12464-0720  J  1604 distance=106' 12485-0743  GWP1860 distance=107' 12527-0809  BRT 441 distance=122' 13005-0604  HJ 1224 distance=133' 12472-0803  SHN 166 distance=133' 12428-0639  SKF1739 distance=137' 12511-0352  GWP1866 distance=137' 12521-0831  OCC 451 distance=144' 12437-0448  HJ  215 distance=144' 12430-0713  BRT 439 distance=146' 12438-0441  UC 2392 distance=147' 12443-0747  SLW 765 distance=148' 12453-0802  RST3806 distance=149' 12430-0447  SLW 764 distance=154' 12414-0551  LDS4247 distance=155' 12532-0333  CHR  38 distance=157' 12478-0836  BRT 440 distance=160' 12553-0336  BRT 442 distance=161' 12430-0746  RST3805 distance=162' 12453-0353  STF1677 distance=166' 12445-0815  TSN  86 distance=166' 13028-0557  GWP1895 distance=166' 13028-0631  BU  927 distance=168' 12404-0625  GWP1843 distance=169' 13000-0407  UC 2446 distance=174' 12450-0832  RST4965 distance=175' 13034-0626  BU  928AB distance=176' 13034-0626  BU  928AC distance=176' 13035-0616  AOT  49 distance=177' 12430-0403  LLO   9 distance=181' 13035-0649  AOT  50 distance=182' 12500-0909  UC 2412 distance=184' 12597-0349  CHR  39Aa,Ab distance=184' 12597-0349  STF1704AB distance=184' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 12517-0608 STF1683 197 15.7 0
Show 12533-0557 RST4506 98 0.7 28
Show 12521-0539 TSN 87 87 145.8 31
Show 12492-0549 OCC 718 340 0.1 41
Show 12549-0620 LDS4294 318 20.1 51
Show 12476-0618 RST4966 255 16.4 63
Show 12559-0604 ARU 10 248 0.6 64
Show 12521-0720 UC 2417 231 8.8 73
Show 12564-0524 SHN 169 -1 0.1 83
Show 12492-0450 LDS5759 87 16.7 86
Show 12561-0706 RST3815 54 0.9 88
Show 12509-0428 LDS6270 269 7.9 100
Show 12584-0603 BU 926 268 2.6 102
Show 12548-0738 TDS8584 204 0.3 102
Show 12551-0736 TDS8585 AB 27 0.4 102
Show 12563-0452 STF1690 150 5.8 103
Show 12449-0629 CVR1464 241 4.0 104
Show 12464-0720 J 1604 327 9.2 106
Show 12485-0743 GWP1860 65 56.5 107
Show 12527-0809 BRT 441 129 5.7 122
Show 13005-0604 HJ 1224 283 17.4 133
Show 12472-0803 SHN 166 -1 0.4 133
Show 12428-0639 SKF1739 245 1.8 137
Show 12511-0352 GWP1866 328 22.8 137
Show 12521-0831 OCC 451 -1 0.2 144
Show 12437-0448 HJ 215 295 12.5 144
Show 12430-0713 BRT 439 62 3.6 146
Show 12438-0441 UC 2392 178 8.4 147
Show 12443-0747 SLW 765 60 165.5 148
Show 12453-0802 RST3806 183 3.6 149
Show 12430-0447 SLW 764 327 12.8 154
Show 12414-0551 LDS4247 69 42.7 155
Show 12532-0333 CHR 38 155 0.5 157
Show 12478-0836 BRT 440 269 4.9 160
Show 12553-0336 BRT 442 202 8.1 161
Show 12430-0746 RST3805 6 0.7 162
Show 12453-0353 STF1677 349 16.1 166
Show 12445-0815 TSN 86 191 9.8 166
Show 13028-0557 GWP1895 269 25.0 166
Show 13028-0631 BU 927 291 4.3 168
Show 12404-0625 GWP1843 142 24.9 169
Show 13000-0407 UC 2446 204 32.5 174
Show 12450-0832 RST4965 96 7.6 175
Show 13034-0626 BU 928 AB 319 2.5 176
Show 13034-0626 BU 928 AC 220 63.0 176
Show 13035-0616 AOT 49 216 17.7 177
Show 12430-0403 LLO 9 3 1.3 181
Show 13035-0649 AOT 50 255 14.6 182
Show 12500-0909 UC 2412 59 52.8 184
Show 12597-0349 CHR 39 Aa,Ab 317 0.1 184
Show 12597-0349 STF1704 AB 54 20.6 184

WDS 12517-0608 : COMPONENTS
B pa=196.7°
12517-0608 A
Name HD 111767 Coord arcsec 2000 125140.35-060759.2 Mag 8.45 Spectral class K0 (yellow-orange)
PmRA 9.00 PmDE 1.0 SAO 139004 HIP 62761
Tycho2 4956-00342-1 HD 111767 GC 17450 BD BD-05 3585
Tycho2 4956-00342-1 Pflag RAmdeg 192.91811846 DEmdeg -6.13310901
PmRA 9.4 PmDE 0.2 E RAmdeg 8 E DEmdeg 10
E pmRA 1.2 E pmDE 1.1 EpRAm 1990.59 EpDEm 1989.59
Num 13 Q RAmdeg 1.4 Q DEmdeg 1.1 Q pmRA 1.3
Q pmDE 1.2 BTmag 9.665 E BTmag 0.024 VTmag 8.451
E VTmag 0.014 Prox 155 TYC T HIP 62761
CCDM A RAdeg 192.91809778 DEdeg -6.13310889 EpRA 1990 1.72
EpDE 1990 1.56 E RAdeg 7.9 E DEdeg 10.0 Posflg
Corr 0.3
SAO 139004 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0006
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.001 Vmag 8.6 SpType K0
Double code Source 70 CatNum 17450 DM BD-05 3585
DMcomp BDsup HD 111767 M HD 0
GC 17450 RA1950rad 3.35576205 DE1950rad -0.10230081 PmRA2000 0.0009
PmDE2000 0.004
Catalog H HIP 62761 Proxy RAhms 12 51 40.34
DEdms -06 07 59.2 Vmag 8.32 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 192.918 DEdeg -6.13311 AstroRef A Plx 1.63
CCDM 12517-0608 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source Qual A M HIP AB
Theta 197 Rho 15.448 HD 111767 BD BD-05 3585
CD CP Dm number -05 3585 VIred 0.98
SpType K0 R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 125140.34-060759.2
Hipparcos 2
HIP 62761 Sn 15 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 3.3670558487 DErad -0.1070429485 Plx 2.04 PmRA 9.86
PmDE -0.35 E RArad 1.19 E DErad 0.9 E Plx 1.38
E pmRA 1.1 E pmDE 0.78 Hpmag 8.4903 E Hpmag 0.0119
SHp 0.029 VA 0 BV 1.05 E BV 0.022
VI 1.02
Ccdm 12517-0608 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -1.62 DDEs 0.9
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 8.7 Sp K0 PmNote *
PmRA 9 PmDE -1 Dm number -05 3585 Cat1 BD
Name2 139004 Cat2 SAO HD 111767 M HD
ADS BDS A 8687 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 12465S0535A
HIC 62761
12517-0608 B
Coord arcsec 2000 125140.05-060814.2 Mag 10.69 PmRA 8.00 PmDE -3.0
Calc delta mag 2.24 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 12517-0608 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num STF1683 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1831 Theta 197 Rho 15.5
Obs 6 Vmag 11.4 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
ADS BDS A 8687 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 12465S0535B