01269-5023 ART 1

01h 26m 55.49s -50° 22' 38.8" P.A. 121.00 sep 81.9 mag 21.80,22.20 Sp M6.5V+M8V
Coord 2000 01269-5023 Discov num ART   1 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 26 55.49 -50 22 38.8
Date first 1999 Date last 2015 Obs 6
Pa first 121 Pa last 120.9 P.A. Now (θ) 120.9°
Sep first 81.9 Sep last 81.929 Sep. Now (ρ) 81.929"
Mag pri 21.80 Mag sec 22.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.4 Spectral class M6.5V+M8V (red/red)
Pri motion ra +131 Sec motion ra +135
Pri motion dec -053 Sec motion dec -047
Notes N V (See Notes, Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.05 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Phoenix Gaia DR2 4929252292521635200
WDS 01269-5023 ART 1 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
ART 1 Low-mass wide double, discovered on 2MASS and Digital Sky Survey
frames. Artigau et al. determine sectral types M6.5V +/- 0.5 and M8V Art2007
+/- 0.5, distances 63 +/- 5 and 61 +/- 6 pc. Based on evolutionary
models, the masses are 0.095 +/- 0.005 and 0.092 +/- 0.005 Msun for an
age > 1Gyr, or 0.020 +/- 0.003 and 0.019 +/- 0.003 Msun for and age
~30Myr. The projected separation is ~5100 au.
refcode metd author reference
Art2007 E+ u Artigau, E., Lafreniere, D., Doyon, R., Albert, L., Nadeau, D., & Robert, J. 2007ApJ...659L..49A
Art2007 +Ci ApJ 659, L49, 2007
idgroup discov author
1 ART Artigau, E., Lafreniere, D., Doyon, R., Albert, L., Nadeau, D., & Robert, J.
2 ART Artigau, E., Lafreniere, D., Doyon, R., Liu, M., Dupuy, T.J., Albert, L.,
2 ART Gagne, J., Malo, L., & Gratadour, D.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01269-5023 ART 1 1999 1 121 81.9 21.80 22.20 M6.5V+M8V N D 012655.49-502238.8
01269-5023 ART 1 2006 0   81.9 21.80 22.20 M6.5V+M8V N D 012655.49-502238.8
01269-5023 ART 1 2010 2 121 81.9 21.80 22.20 M6.5V+M8V NV 012655.49-502238.8
01269-5023 ART 1 2015 4 121 81.9 21.80 22.20 M6.5V+M8V NV 012655.49-502238.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01269-5023 ART 1 : MEASURES
No records found.


01269-5023 ART   1A mag 21.8 Sp M6.5V 01269-5023 ART   1B sep 61.5 P.A. 133.20 mag 22.2 Sp M8V virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01269-5023 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 26m 55.49s -50° 22' 38.8"
Primaries only

01269-5023  ART   1 distance=0' 01244-4958  TDS  49 distance=35' 01275-4928  HJ 3438 distance=55' 01243-5113  RST1219 distance=56' 01320-4947  DAM1283 distance=61' 01202-5009  LDS  44 distance=66' 01326-4944  SHY 405AC distance=68' 01326-4944  UC  575AB distance=68' 01200-5007  HJ 3427 distance=69' 01217-4934  TDS1853 distance=71' 01211-4937  UC  551 distance=73' 01325-4932  NSN 215 distance=75' 01188-5046  UC  543 distance=82' 01357-5016  HDS 214 distance=85' 01231-5140  B  1425 distance=85' 01222-4904  KPP1575 distance=92' 01330-5134  UC  580 distance=92' 01367-5040  WSP 105Aa,Ab distance=95' 01271-5158  SHY 404AC distance=96' 01271-5158  NSN 211AB distance=96' 01229-5154  RST1217 distance=99' 01333-5142  TOK 910 distance=100' 01266-4843  LIT   4 distance=100' 01163-5039  KPP3449 distance=103' 01203-4841  HJ 3428 distance=121' 01146-4954  KPP2839 distance=123' 01165-4911  UC  533AB distance=124' 01330-5215  RST5495 distance=127' 01137-5040  HJ 3421 distance=128' 01210-4829  NSN 216AB distance=128' 01174-4855  TDS1830 distance=128' 01296-5230  RST5494 distance=130' 01329-5223  KPP2834 distance=133' 01150-4918  TDS1815Aa,Ab distance=133' 01150-4918  UC  528AB distance=133' 01281-5238  CVN   2AB distance=137' 01281-5238  CVN   2AC distance=137' 01127-4946  HDS 159 distance=143' 01262-4759  KPP2840 distance=144' 01327-4808  KPP3457AB distance=146' 01322-5241  UC  572 distance=147' 01259-4754  RST  33AB distance=150' 01259-4754  KPP4348AC distance=150' 01428-5024  KPP2835 distance=152' 01223-4758  KPP3453 distance=152' 01380-5214  UC  593 distance=153' 01428-5012  B  1428 distance=153' 01205-5245  TDS1849 distance=155' 01123-4917  CPO  26 distance=156' 01430-4959  LIT   6 distance=157' 01180-4809  TOK 812 distance=160' grafico limitrofi
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01269-5023 ART 1 121 81.9 0
Show 01244-4958 TDS 49 29 0.9 35
Show 01275-4928 HJ 3438 35 12.2 55
Show 01243-5113 RST1219 266 2.7 56
Show 01320-4947 DAM1283 215 50.9 61
Show 01202-5009 LDS 44 296 26.0 66
Show 01326-4944 SHY 405 AC 231 999.9 68
Show 01326-4944 UC 575 AB 334 18.7 68
Show 01200-5007 HJ 3427 135 24.4 69
Show 01217-4934 TDS1853 151 0.5 71
Show 01211-4937 UC 551 319 19.9 73
Show 01325-4932 NSN 215 3 6.0 75
Show 01188-5046 UC 543 203 53.2 82
Show 01357-5016 HDS 214 290 1.7 85
Show 01231-5140 B 1425 240 1.6 85
Show 01222-4904 KPP1575 288 11.9 92
Show 01330-5134 UC 580 203 21.0 92
Show 01367-5040 WSP 105 Aa,Ab 348 0.4 95
Show 01271-5158 SHY 404 AC 137 388.8 96
Show 01271-5158 NSN 211 AB 112 3.0 96
Show 01229-5154 RST1217 310 0.7 99
Show 01333-5142 TOK 910 122 0.3 100
Show 01266-4843 LIT 4 113 10.2 100
Show 01163-5039 KPP3449 351 4.8 103
Show 01203-4841 HJ 3428 157 20.8 121
Show 01146-4954 KPP2839 219 5.4 123
Show 01165-4911 UC 533 AB 5 17.8 124
Show 01330-5215 RST5495 98 0.3 127
Show 01137-5040 HJ 3421 81 62.3 128
Show 01210-4829 NSN 216 AB 264 2.2 128
Show 01174-4855 TDS1830 231 0.9 128
Show 01296-5230 RST5494 123 0.4 130
Show 01329-5223 KPP2834 295 1.9 133
Show 01150-4918 TDS1815 Aa,Ab 167 0.7 133
Show 01150-4918 UC 528 AB 104 12.6 133
Show 01281-5238 CVN 2 AB 104 3.7 137
Show 01281-5238 CVN 2 AC 85 2.7 137
Show 01127-4946 HDS 159 113 0.5 143
Show 01262-4759 KPP2840 52 1.5 144
Show 01327-4808 KPP3457 AB 25 3.8 146
Show 01322-5241 UC 572 126 34.7 147
Show 01259-4754 RST 33 AB 302 1.1 150
Show 01259-4754 KPP4348 AC 3 18.2 150
Show 01428-5024 KPP2835 145 1.7 152
Show 01223-4758 KPP3453 1 30.6 152
Show 01380-5214 UC 593 59 19.7 153
Show 01428-5012 B 1428 273 2.3 153
Show 01205-5245 TDS1849 56 2.7 155
Show 01123-4917 CPO 26 41 2.0 156
Show 01430-4959 LIT 6 50 7.4 157
Show 01180-4809 TOK 812 80 0.3 160

WDS 01269-5023 : COMPONENTS
B pa=133.2°
01269-5023 A
Coord arcsec 2000 012655.49-502238.8 Mag 21.8 Spectral class M6.5V (red) PmRA 131.00
PmDE -53.0
01269-5023 B
Coord arcsec 2000 012700.18-502320.9 Mag 22.2 Spectral class M8V (red) PmRA 135.00
PmDE -47.0 Calc delta mag 0.4 Calc coord yes