01240-0800 HJ 1079 (44 Cet)

01h 24m 02.43s -08° 00' 26.1" P.A. 295.00 sep 100.1 mag 6.24,12.14 Sp F0V dist. 67.52 pc (220.25 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01240-0800 Discov num HJ 1079 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 24 02.43 -08 00 26.1
Date first 1828 Date last 2015 Obs 12
Pa first 301 Pa last 295.4 P.A. Now (θ) 295.4°
Sep first 60.0 Sep last 100.115 Sep. Now (ρ) 100.115"
Mag pri 6.24 Mag sec 12.14 delta mag (ΔM) 5.9 Spectral class F0V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +181 Sec motion ra +002
Pri motion dec -067 Sec motion dec -028
Notes N L U (See Notes, Linear solution, Proper motion indicates non-physical)
This double is not physical.
Name 44 Cet Var name AV Cet Constellation Cetus SAO 129275
HIP 6539 Tycho2 5274-01983-1 Gaia DR2 2478133530644396800 HD 8511
HR 401 GC 1696 BD BD-08 243 Flamsteed 44 Ceti
Flamsteed name 44 Cet Distance 67.52 Distance ly 220.25
WDS 01240-0800 HJ 1079 (44 Cet) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 1079 44 Cet. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, AV Cet.
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01240-0800 HJ 1079 1998 8 296 97.3 6.50 11.20 F0V N D 012402.43-080026.1
01240-0800 HJ 1079 1999 10 295 97.4 6.50 11.20 F0V NLD 012402.43-080026.1
01240-0800 HJ 1079 2010 11 296 99.3 6.24 12.14 F0V NL U 012402.43-080026.1
01240-0800 HJ 1079 2015 12 295 100.1 6.24 12.14 F0V NL U 012402.43-080026.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01240-0800 HJ 1079 (44 Cet) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 01240-0800 (44 Cet) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

01240-0800 HJ 1079A mag 6.24 Sp F0V 01240-0800 HJ 1079B sep 99.3 P.A. 295.60 mag 12.14 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01240-0800 (44 Cet) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 24m 02.43s -08° 00' 26.1"
WDS 01240-0800 HJ 1079 (44 Cet) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01240-0800  HJ 1079 distance=0' 01240-0811  BU  505 distance=11' 01261-0723  CVR 385 distance=48' 01282-0817  BRT 351 distance=64' 01243-0655  BU 1163 distance=66' 01211-0707  WAM   1 distance=69' 01274-0855  GWP 191 distance=74' 01190-0759  HJ 2035 distance=75' 01284-0720  KPP2521 distance=76' 01196-0846  HJ 3424 distance=82' 01182-0817  UC  542 distance=89' 01220-0927  HU    6AB distance=93' 01220-0927  HJ 2039AB,C distance=93' 01301-0737  UC  566 distance=93' 01190-0856  ENG   5 distance=94' 01281-0916  HU    7 distance=98' 01307-0804  A   441 distance=100' 01208-0934  CLZ   5 distance=106' 01203-0933  LDS9116 distance=109' 01300-0905  WIS  36 distance=109' 01270-0621  HDS 189 distance=109' 01306-0703  CVR 388 distance=114' 01280-0939  KPP1704 distance=115' 01237-0955  HJ 3433 distance=115' 01303-0649  UC  567 distance=118' 01312-0702  HDS 198 distance=122' 01248-0559  RST4176 distance=123' 01284-0617  KPP 598 distance=123' 01176-0919  SKF 200 distance=124' 01250-0557  STF 120 distance=125' 01163-0709  STF 106 distance=127' 01184-0937  CVR1071 distance=129' 01210-0600  CVR 383 distance=129' 01259-1009  RST4178 distance=132' 01213-0551  KPP3452 distance=136' 01234-1017  RST4745 distance=138' 01150-0852  GRV 985 distance=143' 01144-0755  WSI  70Aa,Ab distance=144' 01144-0755  STFA  3AB distance=144' 01170-0621  GWP 163 distance=145' 01249-1025  TDS1871 distance=146' 01150-0908  UC  527 distance=151' 01139-0737  STF 101 distance=153' 01324-0930  LDS2204 distance=154' 01142-0847  SKF   3 distance=154' 01165-0615  GWP 160 distance=155' 01345-0806  LDS3291 distance=155' 01343-0827  A   314 distance=156' 01204-1026  LDS5329 distance=156' 01189-1018  RST4171 distance=158' 01135-0738  JNN  14 distance=159' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01240-0800 HJ 1079 295 100.1 0
Show 01240-0811 BU 505 49 78.9 11
Show 01261-0723 CVR 385 92 7.6 48
Show 01282-0817 BRT 351 302 3.9 64
Show 01243-0655 BU 1163 235 0.1 66
Show 01211-0707 WAM 1 149 1.9 69
Show 01274-0855 GWP 191 138 39.0 74
Show 01190-0759 HJ 2035 338 35.6 75
Show 01284-0720 KPP2521 157 22.7 76
Show 01196-0846 HJ 3424 74 20.5 82
Show 01182-0817 UC 542 242 37.6 89
Show 01220-0927 HU 6 AB 240 0.7 93
Show 01220-0927 HJ 2039 AB,C 245 51.7 93
Show 01301-0737 UC 566 345 29.0 93
Show 01190-0856 ENG 5 52 208.6 94
Show 01281-0916 HU 7 209 1.7 98
Show 01307-0804 A 441 272 1.4 100
Show 01208-0934 CLZ 5 90 8.9 106
Show 01203-0933 LDS9116 15 9.2 109
Show 01300-0905 WIS 36 62 999.9 109
Show 01270-0621 HDS 189 355 0.1 109
Show 01306-0703 CVR 388 222 8.7 114
Show 01280-0939 KPP1704 175 13.2 115
Show 01237-0955 HJ 3433 274 27.7 115
Show 01303-0649 UC 567 297 34.4 118
Show 01312-0702 HDS 198 114 0.0 122
Show 01248-0559 RST4176 299 3.3 123
Show 01284-0617 KPP 598 351 5.5 123
Show 01176-0919 SKF 200 57 1.5 124
Show 01250-0557 STF 120 278 7.4 125
Show 01163-0709 STF 106 307 4.6 127
Show 01184-0937 CVR1071 109 3.9 129
Show 01210-0600 CVR 383 113 16.5 129
Show 01259-1009 RST4178 273 1.7 132
Show 01213-0551 KPP3452 330 2.1 136
Show 01234-1017 RST4745 158 0.1 138
Show 01150-0852 GRV 985 283 7.3 143
Show 01144-0755 WSI 70 Aa,Ab 77 0.2 144
Show 01144-0755 STFA 3 AB 331 47.1 144
Show 01170-0621 GWP 163 321 13.3 145
Show 01249-1025 TDS1871 301 1.9 146
Show 01150-0908 UC 527 59 25.3 151
Show 01139-0737 STF 101 347 20.9 153
Show 01324-0930 LDS2204 238 17.6 154
Show 01142-0847 SKF 3 250 4.2 154
Show 01165-0615 GWP 160 160 23.2 155
Show 01345-0806 LDS3291 294 7.6 155
Show 01343-0827 A 314 5 0.4 156
Show 01204-1026 LDS5329 316 50.1 156
Show 01189-1018 RST4171 153 1.1 158
Show 01135-0738 JNN 14 229 3.0 159

WDS 01240-0800 : COMPONENTS
B pa=295.6°
01240-0800 A
Name 44 Cet Coord arcsec 2000 012402.43-080026.1 Mag 6.24 Spectral class F0V (yellow-white)
PmRA 181.00 PmDE -67.0 SAO 129275 HIP 6539
Tycho2 5274-01983-1 HD 8511 HR 401 GC 1696
BD BD-08 243 Flamsteed 44 Ceti Flamsteed name 44 Cet
Tycho2 5274-01983-1 Pflag RAmdeg 21.01057852 DEmdeg -8.00741713
PmRA 179.6 PmDE -66.9 E RAmdeg 3 E DEmdeg 4
E pmRA 1.1 E pmDE 1.1 EpRAm 1991.63 EpDEm 1991.05
Num 14 Q RAmdeg 1.0 Q DEmdeg 0.5 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 6.491 E BTmag 0.014 VTmag 6.239
E VTmag 0.009 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 6539
CCDM RAdeg 21.01016333 DEdeg -8.00725556 EpRA 1990 1.76
EpDE 1990 1.31 E RAdeg 3.4 E DEdeg 3.8 Posflg
Corr -0.3
SAO 129275 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0114
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.066 Vmag 6.5 SpType A5
Double code Source 70 CatNum 1696 DM BD-08 243
DMcomp BDsup HD 8511 M HD 0
GC 1696 RA1950rad 0.35572216 DE1950rad -0.14428599 PmRA2000 0.0117
PmDE2000 -0.07
Catalog H HIP 6539 Proxy RAhms 01 24 02.43
DEdms -08 00 26.1 Vmag 6.21 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 21.0101 DEdeg -8.00725 AstroRef Plx 14.83
CCDM 01240-0800 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 8511 BD BD-08 243
CD CP Dm number -08 243 VIred 0.26
SpType F0V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 012402.43-080026.1
Hipparcos 2
HIP 6539 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 0.3666960966 DErad -0.1397529217 Plx 14.81 PmRA 180.69
PmDE -66.9 E RArad 0.27 E DErad 0.19 E Plx 0.33
E pmRA 0.31 E pmDE 0.18 Hpmag 6.2821 E Hpmag 0.0009
SHp 0.007 VA 0 BV 0.235 E BV 0.005
VI 0.26
Ccdm 01240-0800 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 2.50 DDEs -27.0
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 6.5 Sp A5 PmNote *
PmRA 170 PmDE -67 Dm number -08 243 Cat1 BD
Name2 129275 Cat2 SAO HD 8511 M HD
HIC 6539
01240-0800 B
Coord arcsec 2000 012356.40-075943.2 Mag 12.14 PmRA 2.00 PmDE -28.0
Calc delta mag 5.9 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 01240-0800 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num HJ 1079 DRAs -3.47 DDEs 15.3
R dRAs 90 Year 1924 Theta 298 Rho 84.6
Obs 5 Vmag 11.2 Sp PmNote *
PmRA -12 PmDE -34 Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD