11596-4032 RST 1627

11h 59m 34.65s -40° 32' 12.2" P.A. 120.00 sep 0.6 mag 10.81,11.16
Coord 2000 11596-4032 Discov num RST1627 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 11 59 34.65 -40 32 12.2
Date first 1934 Date last 1991 Obs 4
Pa first 118 Pa last 120.3 P.A. Now (θ) 120.3°
Sep first 0.4 Sep last 0.56 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.56"
Mag pri 10.81 Mag sec 11.16 delta mag (ΔM) 0.35 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -004 Sec motion ra -004
Pri motion dec +007 Sec motion dec +007
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Centaurus Tycho2 7746-00462-1
WDS 11596-4032 RST 1627 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RST Rossiter, R.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
11596-4032 RST1627 1991 4 120 0.6 10.81 11.16 115934.65-403212.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 11596-4032 RST 1627 : MEASURES
No records found.


11596-4032 RST1627A mag 10.81 11596-4032 RST1627B sep 0.5 P.A. 127.60 mag 11.16 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 11596-4032 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 11h 59m 34.65s -40° 32' 12.2"
WDS 11596-4032 RST 1627 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

11596-4032  RST1627 distance=0' 12012-4033  RST1631 distance=19' 11583-4057  HJ 4484AB distance=29' 12019-4100  WG  148 distance=40' 12039-4024  NSN  97 distance=50' 12042-4048  RST1638 distance=56' 11583-3938  COO 132 distance=57' 11597-3931  RST5361 distance=62' 12047-4013  RST1639 distance=63' 12048-4003  RST1641 distance=67' 11550-4114  I  1216 distance=68' 12048-3959  WG  149 distance=69' 12020-4138  KPP1236 distance=72' 12048-4113  TDS8209 distance=72' 12057-4049  HDS1705 distance=72' 12017-4150  I   895 distance=82' 11553-3926  TDS8114 distance=83' 11585-4155  LDS6256 distance=85' 12053-3937  RST1644 distance=86' 12046-4137  UC 2262 distance=86' 12041-4143  I  1217 distance=87' 12036-3918  RST1637 distance=88' 12033-3915  RSS 279 distance=89' 12072-4013  RST1646AB distance=89' 12072-4013  SKF1913AB,C distance=89' 11554-4154  I    80 distance=95' 11541-3919  TDS8103 distance=97' 12036-3901  SEE 143 distance=103' 11553-3859  RST1624 distance=105' 11569-3851  KPP3857 distance=107' 11594-4219  HJ 4485 distance=108' 12076-3933  CVN  12AB distance=110' 12076-3933  SON   1AC distance=110' 11555-4220  B  2734 distance=117' 11507-4137  RST1616 distance=120' 12100-4018  WG  150 distance=120' 11517-3912  HDS1673 distance=121' 11513-4151  TDS8072 distance=122' 12008-4234  UC 2250 distance=123' 12098-4113  RST1648 distance=124' 11548-4224  I    79 distance=124' 12088-3927  UC 2280 distance=125' 11526-4210  RST1620 distance=126' 12075-3901  B   801 distance=129' 12056-4224  TDS 656 distance=131' 12027-4240  UC 2256 distance=133' 11580-4244  TDS8144 distance=134' 11568-3820  B  1202 distance=137' 12108-4130  RST1652 distance=140' 11479-3945  UC 2207 distance=143' 11563-3817  LDS 372 distance=143' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 11596-4032 RST1627 120 0.6 0
Show 12012-4033 RST1631 34 1.1 19
Show 11583-4057 HJ 4484 AB 316 2.8 29
Show 12019-4100 WG 148 291 7.4 40
Show 12039-4024 NSN 97 36 1.1 50
Show 12042-4048 RST1638 196 1.3 56
Show 11583-3938 COO 132 335 5.1 57
Show 11597-3931 RST5361 48 4.3 62
Show 12047-4013 RST1639 256 3.9 63
Show 12048-4003 RST1641 130 2.1 67
Show 11550-4114 I 1216 58 1.9 68
Show 12048-3959 WG 149 129 1.3 69
Show 12020-4138 KPP1236 172 9.5 72
Show 12048-4113 TDS8209 98 9.4 72
Show 12057-4049 HDS1705 351 0.2 72
Show 12017-4150 I 895 318 0.8 82
Show 11553-3926 TDS8114 167 0.7 83
Show 11585-4155 LDS6256 312 23.5 85
Show 12053-3937 RST1644 151 0.7 86
Show 12046-4137 UC 2262 71 21.1 86
Show 12041-4143 I 1217 339 6.3 87
Show 12036-3918 RST1637 19 0.3 88
Show 12033-3915 RSS 279 300 9.1 89
Show 12072-4013 RST1646 AB 51 0.5 89
Show 12072-4013 SKF1913 AB,C 222 45.6 89
Show 11554-4154 I 80 92 1.3 95
Show 11541-3919 TDS8103 245 0.7 97
Show 12036-3901 SEE 143 332 0.3 103
Show 11553-3859 RST1624 306 1.6 105
Show 11569-3851 KPP3857 202 3.1 107
Show 11594-4219 HJ 4485 335 15.6 108
Show 12076-3933 CVN 12 AB 126 0.8 110
Show 12076-3933 SON 1 AC 122 8.2 110
Show 11555-4220 B 2734 278 12.3 117
Show 11507-4137 RST1616 50 2.6 120
Show 12100-4018 WG 150 201 3.9 120
Show 11517-3912 HDS1673 31 0.2 121
Show 11513-4151 TDS8072 342 1.0 122
Show 12008-4234 UC 2250 218 22.2 123
Show 12098-4113 RST1648 86 0.8 124
Show 11548-4224 I 79 88 0.4 124
Show 12088-3927 UC 2280 66 85.5 125
Show 11526-4210 RST1620 318 0.7 126
Show 12075-3901 B 801 218 2.4 129
Show 12056-4224 TDS 656 336 1.1 131
Show 12027-4240 UC 2256 341 9.4 133
Show 11580-4244 TDS8144 98 1.0 134
Show 11568-3820 B 1202 38 0.4 137
Show 12108-4130 RST1652 29 0.8 140
Show 11479-3945 UC 2207 145 18.4 143
Show 11563-3817 LDS 372 296 66.7 143

WDS 11596-4032 : COMPONENTS
B pa=127.6°
11596-4032 A
Coord arcsec 2000 115934.65-403212.2 Mag 10.81 PmRA -4.00 PmDE 7.0
Tycho2 7746-00462-1
Tycho2 7746-00462-1 Pflag RAmdeg 179.89444539 DEmdeg -40.53676688
PmRA -3.6 PmDE 7.3 E RAmdeg 20 E DEmdeg 22
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.6 EpRAm 1989.98 EpDEm 1989.34
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.1 Q DEmdeg 1.6 Q pmRA 1.2
Q pmDE 1.7 BTmag 10.642 E BTmag 0.034 VTmag 10.311
E VTmag 0.035 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 179.89445667 DEdeg -40.53678417 EpRA 1990 1.53
EpDE 1990 1.46 E RAdeg 19.7 E DEdeg 21.7 Posflg P
Corr 0.1
Ccdm 11596-4032 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -1.34 DDEs -13.6
R dRAs 66 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.6 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number -39 7409 Cat1 CD
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
11596-4032 B
Coord arcsec 2000 115934.68-403212.5 Mag 11.16 PmRA -4.00 PmDE 7.0
Calc delta mag 0.35 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 11596-4032 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num RST1627 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1934 Theta 118 Rho 0.4
Obs 2 Vmag 10.6 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD