10463-7210 B 1693

10h 46m 19.24s -72° 09' 56.8" P.A. 337.00 sep 5.2 mag 8.08,12.90 Sp K0IIICN
Coord 2000 10463-7210 Discov num B  1693 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 10 46 19.24 -72 09 56.8
Date first 1940 Date last 2015 Obs 2
Pa first 339 Pa last 337 P.A. Now (θ) 337°
Sep first 5.2 Sep last 5.224 Sep. Now (ρ) 5.224"
Mag pri 8.08 Mag sec 12.90 delta mag (ΔM) 4.82 Spectral class K0IIICN (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra -024 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +012 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Carina Tycho2 9219-00003-1 Gaia DR2 5229485938338690688 HD 93634
WDS 10463-7210 B 1693 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 B van den Bos, W.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
10463-7210 B 1693 1940 1 339 5.2 8.08 12.90 K0IIICN 104619.24-720956.8
10463-7210 B 1693 2015 2 337 5.2 8.08 12.90 K0IIICN 104619.24-720956.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 10463-7210 B 1693 : MEASURES
No records found.


10463-7210 B  1693A mag 8.08 Sp K0IIICN 10463-7210 B  1693B sep 4.8 P.A. 352.60 mag 12.9 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 10463-7210 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 10h 46m 19.24s -72° 09' 56.8"
WDS 10463-7210 B 1693 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

10463-7210  B  1693 distance=1' 10465-7224  I   861 distance=15' 10488-7224  LDS6178 distance=19' 10442-7154  HEI 357 distance=19' 10491-7148  HEI 358 distance=27' 10429-7145  BVD 146 distance=30' 10386-7151  LDS6177 distance=41' 10529-7244  HRG  54 distance=46' 10534-7133  B  2261 distance=50' 10549-7252  TDS7551 distance=58' 10583-7228  HEI 359 distance=58' 10594-7220  B  2262 distance=61' 10326-7208  DAW 196 distance=64' 10325-7226  RSS  14 distance=65' 10319-7207  DUN  91 distance=67' 10387-7309  TRR   8 distance=68' 10570-7121  HJ 4392EN distance=70' 10355-7301  TRR   7 distance=71' 10463-7058  HEI 224 distance=73' 10449-7054  WIS 171 distance=77' 10443-7052  DUN  99AB distance=79' 10443-7052  DUN  99AC distance=79' 10443-7052  CHR 227Ba,Bb distance=80' 10443-7052  DUN  99BC distance=80' 10347-7310  TDS7347 distance=80' 10543-7059  LDS6179 distance=81' 11006-7259  FIN 175AB distance=81' 11006-7259  SHT  19AC distance=81' 10343-7110  HDS1516 distance=83' 10492-7337  HJ 4377 distance=88' 10377-7335  HJ 4344 distance=94' 10310-7313  HJ 4333 distance=94' 10537-7043  HJ 4383 distance=94' 11016-7109  KPP1707 distance=95' 11046-7257  WNO  24AB distance=95' 11046-7257  LDS 333AC distance=95' 10525-7344  HDS1553 distance=98' 10478-7031  DON1091AB distance=100' 10478-7031  HJ 4376AC distance=100' 10493-7350  TDS7485 distance=102' 11020-7329  HDS1576 distance=106' 10460-7023  KPP2479 distance=108' 10270-7316  RSS 238 distance=109' 10410-7401  HDS1527 distance=114' 10419-7018  TDS7423 distance=115' 10580-7025  LDS 325 distance=120' 11055-7052  B  2005 distance=120' 10360-7019  DON 425 distance=122' 10527-6957  TDS7526 distance=137' 10282-7024  DON 412 distance=137' 10334-7008  MLO  34 distance=138' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 10463-7210 B 1693 337 5.2 1
Show 10465-7224 I 861 162 1.4 15
Show 10488-7224 LDS6178 339 5.1 19
Show 10442-7154 HEI 357 143 0.9 19
Show 10491-7148 HEI 358 111 0.8 27
Show 10429-7145 BVD 146 32 52.1 30
Show 10386-7151 LDS6177 340 4.0 41
Show 10529-7244 HRG 54 101 1.2 46
Show 10534-7133 B 2261 21 6.0 50
Show 10549-7252 TDS7551 352 1.1 58
Show 10583-7228 HEI 359 36 0.8 58
Show 10594-7220 B 2262 67 3.2 61
Show 10326-7208 DAW 196 10 7.5 64
Show 10325-7226 RSS 14 165 49.2 65
Show 10319-7207 DUN 91 61 10.0 67
Show 10387-7309 TRR 8 36 8.3 68
Show 10570-7121 HJ 4392 EN 155 25.1 70
Show 10355-7301 TRR 7 81 26.2 71
Show 10463-7058 HEI 224 122 3.3 73
Show 10449-7054 WIS 171 179 34.9 77
Show 10443-7052 DUN 99 AB 75 62.6 79
Show 10443-7052 DUN 99 AC 45 42.6 79
Show 10443-7052 CHR 227 Ba,Bb 48 0.6 80
Show 10443-7052 DUN 99 BC 295 33.6 80
Show 10347-7310 TDS7347 129 1.0 80
Show 10543-7059 LDS6179 223 7.1 81
Show 11006-7259 FIN 175 AB 214 4.2 81
Show 11006-7259 SHT 19 AC 89 6.4 81
Show 10343-7110 HDS1516 214 0.3 83
Show 10492-7337 HJ 4377 283 6.4 88
Show 10377-7335 HJ 4344 107 20.9 94
Show 10310-7313 HJ 4333 103 32.4 94
Show 10537-7043 HJ 4383 290 1.5 94
Show 11016-7109 KPP1707 50 13.2 95
Show 11046-7257 WNO 24 AB 234 14.4 95
Show 11046-7257 LDS 333 AC 78 25.5 95
Show 10525-7344 HDS1553 81 0.5 98
Show 10478-7031 DON1091 AB 147 7.7 100
Show 10478-7031 HJ 4376 AC 154 12.8 100
Show 10493-7350 TDS7485 94 0.8 102
Show 11020-7329 HDS1576 237 0.2 106
Show 10460-7023 KPP2479 340 22.2 108
Show 10270-7316 RSS 238 161 15.9 109
Show 10410-7401 HDS1527 162 1.0 114
Show 10419-7018 TDS7423 7 0.8 115
Show 10580-7025 LDS 325 64 29.3 120
Show 11055-7052 B 2005 267 5.1 120
Show 10360-7019 DON 425 32 3.7 122
Show 10527-6957 TDS7526 154 2.4 137
Show 10282-7024 DON 412 114 3.5 137
Show 10334-7008 MLO 34 154 4.2 138

WDS 10463-7210 : COMPONENTS
B pa=352.6°
10463-7210 A
Coord arcsec 2000 104619.24-720956.8 Mag 8.08 Spectral class K0IIICN (yellow-orange) PmRA -24.00
PmDE 12.0 Tycho2 9219-00003-1 HD 93634 DM CP-71 1123
Tycho2 9219-00003-1 Pflag RAmdeg 161.58019889 DEmdeg -72.16578024
PmRA -24.7 PmDE 8.3 E RAmdeg 6 E DEmdeg 6
E pmRA 1.2 E pmDE 1.2 EpRAm 1991.01 EpDEm 1991.10
Num 11 Q RAmdeg 1.2 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 1.2
Q pmDE 0.7 BTmag 9.442 E BTmag 0.018 VTmag 8.076
E VTmag 0.012 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 161.58038444 DEdeg -72.16579944 EpRA 1990 1.66
EpDE 1990 1.75 E RAdeg 6.0 E DEdeg 6.4 Posflg
Corr 0.0
Ccdm 10463-7210 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 1.43 DDEs 2.8
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 8.4 Sp K2 PmNote *
PmRA -16 PmDE -1 Dm number -71 1123 Cat1 CPD
Name2 Cat2 HD 93634 M HD
10463-7210 B
Coord arcsec 2000 104619.10-720952.0 Mag 12.9 Calc delta mag 4.82 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 10463-7210 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num B 1693 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1940 Theta 339 Rho 5.2
Obs 1 Vmag 13.2 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD