01151+3125 WFC 248

01h 15m 05.29s +31° 24' 31.6" P.A. 8.00 sep 10.7 mag 11.92,11.73
Coord 2000 01151+3125 Discov num WFC 248 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 15 05.29 +31 24 31.6
Date first 1902 Date last 2015 Obs 16
Pa first 5 Pa last 8.2 P.A. Now (θ) 8.2°
Sep first 10.2 Sep last 10.686 Sep. Now (ρ) 10.686"
Mag pri 11.92 Mag sec 11.73 delta mag (ΔM) 0.19 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +032 Sec motion ra +036
Pri motion dec -009 Sec motion dec -005
rPM=0.156 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pisces Tycho2 2291-01622-1 Gaia DR2 310551458627992704
WDS 01151+3125 WFC 248 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 WFC (Washington Fundamental Cat. - astrographs)
94 WFC Urban, S.E., Corbin, T.E., Wycoff, G.L., Martin, J.C., Jackson, E.S.,
94 WFC Zacharias, M.I., & Hall, D.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01151+3125 WFC 248 2003 7 9 10.7 11.73 11.73 D 011505.29+312431.6
01151+3125 WFC 248 2004 9 8 10.7 11.73 11.73 D 011505.29+312431.6
01151+3125 WFC 248 2013 10 7 10.1 11.92 11.73 011505.29+312431.6
01151+3125 WFC 248 2015 12 8 10.7 11.92 11.73 011505.29+312431.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01151+3125 WFC 248 : MEASURES
No records found.


01151+3125 WFC 248A mag 11.92 01151+3125 WFC 248B sep 10.7 P.A. 7.00 mag 11.73 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01151+3125 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 15m 05.29s +31° 24' 31.6"
WDS 01151+3125 WFC 248 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01151+3125  WFC 248 distance=1' 01151+3112  A  1261 distance=14' 01143+3140  WIS  23 distance=19' 01134+3057  ES 2547AB distance=37' 01135+3208  GRV  77 distance=49' 01129+3205  STF  98AB distance=49' 01129+3205  WAL  11AC distance=49' 01129+3205  WAL  11AD distance=49' 01183+3157  LDS1093 distance=51' 01111+3125  STT  25 distance=51' 01191+3139  TDS  47 distance=53' 01143+3033  HJ  636 distance=53' 01195+3106  LDS1094 distance=58' 01181+3042  CVR 378 distance=58' 01178+3216  LDS1092 distance=63' 01149+3236  SEI  14AB distance=73' 01149+3236  SEI  14AC distance=73' 01177+3017  SLW  59 distance=76' 01141+3010  LDS1089 distance=77' 01089+3117  GRV  72 distance=79' 01116+3231  TOK 451AB distance=81' 01215+3120  LDS1096 distance=82' 01085+3127  KPP1037 distance=85' 01130+3004  STT  26AB distance=86' 01130+3004  STT  26AC distance=86' 01210+3042  MLB 678 distance=87' 01179+3245  DAM 869 distance=89' 01177+3247  SEI  16 distance=89' 01189+3244  CVR 380 distance=93' 01223+3139  GRV  84 distance=94' 01129+2953  LDS1088 distance=97' 01079+3153  ES 2402 distance=97' 01103+3244  ES 2365 distance=99' 01205+3014  LDS1095 distance=100' 01088+3024  HDS 149 distance=101' 01131+2942  A  1260AB distance=106' 01131+2942  GRV  76AC distance=106' 01069+3109  GUR  33 distance=106' 01104+2952  BU    2 distance=111' 01217+3238  COU 665 distance=113' 01224+3229  BRT 232 distance=114' 01116+2939  LDS3240 distance=116' 01231+3220  WIS  31 distance=117' 01073+3227  DBR  87 distance=118' 01071+3225  DBR  88AB distance=118' 01071+3225  DBR  88AC distance=118' 01071+3225  DBR  88AD distance=118' 01243+3139  SLW  65 distance=120' 01094+2949  ALP   4 distance=121' 01062+3211  S   393AB distance=123' 01062+3211  S   393AC distance=123' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01151+3125 WFC 248 8 10.7 1
Show 01151+3112 A 1261 320 0.6 14
Show 01143+3140 WIS 23 327 999.9 19
Show 01134+3057 ES 2547 AB 101 8.6 37
Show 01135+3208 GRV 77 130 54.5 49
Show 01129+3205 STF 98 AB 250 20.0 49
Show 01129+3205 WAL 11 AC 35 85.0 49
Show 01129+3205 WAL 11 AD 91 90.7 49
Show 01183+3157 LDS1093 191 45.9 51
Show 01111+3125 STT 25 -1 -1.0 51
Show 01191+3139 TDS 47 182 1.3 53
Show 01143+3033 HJ 636 288 20.4 53
Show 01195+3106 LDS1094 165 2.9 58
Show 01181+3042 CVR 378 38 7.1 58
Show 01178+3216 LDS1092 28 19.4 63
Show 01149+3236 SEI 14 AB 74 8.1 73
Show 01149+3236 SEI 14 AC 115 11.2 73
Show 01177+3017 SLW 59 296 10.1 76
Show 01141+3010 LDS1089 286 7.0 77
Show 01089+3117 GRV 72 316 44.6 79
Show 01116+3231 TOK 451 AB 181 774.3 81
Show 01215+3120 LDS1096 291 10.2 82
Show 01085+3127 KPP1037 225 8.3 85
Show 01130+3004 STT 26 AB 258 10.7 86
Show 01130+3004 STT 26 AC 341 117.7 86
Show 01210+3042 MLB 678 151 1.7 87
Show 01179+3245 DAM 869 179 6.2 89
Show 01177+3247 SEI 16 176 5.8 89
Show 01189+3244 CVR 380 61 8.9 93
Show 01223+3139 GRV 84 278 49.7 94
Show 01129+2953 LDS1088 114 40.9 97
Show 01079+3153 ES 2402 242 2.8 97
Show 01103+3244 ES 2365 65 6.2 99
Show 01205+3014 LDS1095 3 113.2 100
Show 01088+3024 HDS 149 186 0.4 101
Show 01131+2942 A 1260 AB 63 0.2 106
Show 01131+2942 GRV 76 AC 170 61.6 106
Show 01069+3109 GUR 33 147 0.2 106
Show 01104+2952 BU 2 153 2.1 111
Show 01217+3238 COU 665 172 1.1 113
Show 01224+3229 BRT 232 305 3.7 114
Show 01116+2939 LDS3240 248 33.8 116
Show 01231+3220 WIS 31 209 978.6 117
Show 01073+3227 DBR 87 108 1.6 118
Show 01071+3225 DBR 88 AB 318 13.8 118
Show 01071+3225 DBR 88 AC 75 6.2 118
Show 01071+3225 DBR 88 AD 199 2.9 118
Show 01243+3139 SLW 65 302 8.0 120
Show 01094+2949 ALP 4 141 40.4 121
Show 01062+3211 S 393 AB 295 60.0 123
Show 01062+3211 S 393 AC 234 138.9 123

WDS 01151+3125 : COMPONENTS
B pa=7.0°
01151+3125 A
Coord arcsec 2000 011505.29+312431.6 Mag 11.92 PmRA 32.00 PmDE -9.0
01151+3125 B
Coord arcsec 2000 011505.39+312442.2 Mag 11.73 PmRA 36.00 PmDE -5.0
Tycho2 2291-01622-1 Calc delta mag 0.19 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 2291-01622-1 Pflag RAmdeg 18.77205895 DEmdeg 31.40878357
PmRA 26.6 PmDE -13.2 E RAmdeg 112 E DEmdeg 128
E pmRA 2.8 E pmDE 3.0 EpRAm 1967.19 EpDEm 1958.39
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.7 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 1.8
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 12.160 E BTmag 0.168 VTmag 11.728
E VTmag 0.168 Prox 108 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 18.77198556 DEdeg 31.40881528 EpRA 1990 1.57
EpDE 1990 1.37 E RAdeg 132.2 E DEdeg 162.1 Posflg
Corr -0.1