01148-1534 LDS 5324

01h 14m 50.70s -15° 35' 11.6" P.A. 35.00 sep 69.0 mag 10.94,18.90
Coord 2000 01148-1534 Discov num LDS5324 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 14 50.70 -15 35 11.6
Date first 1954 Date last 2015 Obs 5
Pa first 33 Pa last 34.9 P.A. Now (θ) 34.9°
Sep first 65.9 Sep last 68.969 Sep. Now (ρ) 68.969"
Mag pri 10.94 Mag sec 18.90 delta mag (ΔM) 7.96 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -096 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -007 Sec motion dec
Notes U (Proper motion indicates non-physical)
This double is not physical.
Constellation Cetus Tycho2 5851-01431-1 Gaia DR2 2454842713272441088
WDS 01148-1534 LDS 5324 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01148-1534 LDS5324 1998 2 34 68.2 10.94 18.90 D 011450.70-153511.6
01148-1534 LDS5324 2010 4 35 68.7 10.94 18.90 UD 011450.70-153511.6
01148-1534 LDS5324 2015 5 35 69.0 10.94 18.90 U 011450.70-153511.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01148-1534 LDS 5324 : MEASURES
No records found.


01148-1534 LDS5324A mag 10.94 01148-1534 LDS5324B sep 68.2 P.A. 33.90 mag 18.9 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01148-1534 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 14m 50.70s -15° 35' 11.6"
WDS 01148-1534 LDS 5324 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01148-1534  LDS5324 distance=0' 01162-1529  GWP 159 distance=21' 01127-1529  KPP2043 distance=32' 01173-1538  SKF2145 distance=36' 01170-1508  GWP 162 distance=41' 01129-1443  GWP 152 distance=59' 01159-1428  HDO  44 distance=64' 01104-1510  LDS3239 distance=68' 01137-1429  RST4168 distance=68' 01195-1542  HU  416 distance=69' 01163-1427  RST4170 distance=72' 01200-1549  HJ 2036 distance=76' 01205-1514  TDS1848 distance=85' 01089-1538  RST3354 distance=86' 01212-1544  GWP 173 distance=93' 01185-1652  GWP 168 distance=94' 01101-1425  HDS 153 distance=98' 01080-1551  KPP2612 distance=100' 01083-1613  GWP 133 distance=102' 01200-1648  AOT   1 distance=105' 01077-1557  HDS 148 distance=105' 01218-1503  GWP 174 distance=106' 01082-1625  RST3353 distance=108' 01183-1711  SKF 329 distance=108' 01215-1629  HU  417 distance=111' 01107-1710  HU  415 distance=112' 01197-1709  GWP 170 distance=118' 01090-1704  NSN  48 distance=123' 01121-1338  SKI   1 distance=125' 01188-1728  ARA 143 distance=127' 01081-1702  LDS3235 distance=130' 01224-1652  AOT   2 distance=133' 01152-1318  GAL  36 distance=138' 01222-1705  GWP 176 distance=139' 01237-1631  AOT   3 distance=140' 01168-1318  DEA  14 distance=140' 01247-1540  HDS 182 distance=142' 01247-1541  LDS3276AB distance=143' 01247-1541  RAO 532Aa,Ab distance=143' 01069-1408  GAL 306 distance=145' 01064-1418  SKF2144 distance=145' 01249-1534  BRT 604 distance=145' 01245-1615  HU  418 distance=146' 01113-1753  HDS 157 distance=147' 01251-1547  CLZ   7 distance=150' 01221-1723  LDS5331 distance=150' 01232-1407  SKF2149 distance=150' 01125-1308  LDS3244 distance=151' 01086-1331  GWP 134 distance=154' 01069-1352  KPP2089 distance=155' 01258-1444  LDS5333 distance=167' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01148-1534 LDS5324 35 69.0 0
Show 01162-1529 GWP 159 148 44.8 21
Show 01127-1529 KPP2043 52 16.3 32
Show 01173-1538 SKF2145 73 24.1 36
Show 01170-1508 GWP 162 296 12.6 41
Show 01129-1443 GWP 152 192 60.7 59
Show 01159-1428 HDO 44 16 11.4 64
Show 01104-1510 LDS3239 67 2.3 68
Show 01137-1429 RST4168 23 1.8 68
Show 01195-1542 HU 416 71 0.7 69
Show 01163-1427 RST4170 88 1.6 72
Show 01200-1549 HJ 2036 338 2.2 76
Show 01205-1514 TDS1848 315 1.8 85
Show 01089-1538 RST3354 137 3.6 86
Show 01212-1544 GWP 173 331 14.5 93
Show 01185-1652 GWP 168 174 13.2 94
Show 01101-1425 HDS 153 225 0.1 98
Show 01080-1551 KPP2612 305 24.0 100
Show 01083-1613 GWP 133 326 17.1 102
Show 01200-1648 AOT 1 312 28.6 105
Show 01077-1557 HDS 148 23 0.1 105
Show 01218-1503 GWP 174 143 41.6 106
Show 01082-1625 RST3353 54 0.3 108
Show 01183-1711 SKF 329 135 2.5 108
Show 01215-1629 HU 417 327 2.7 111
Show 01107-1710 HU 415 0 1.9 112
Show 01197-1709 GWP 170 66 43.8 118
Show 01090-1704 NSN 48 12 8.7 123
Show 01121-1338 SKI 1 250 8.2 125
Show 01188-1728 ARA 143 222 7.0 127
Show 01081-1702 LDS3235 168 10.2 130
Show 01224-1652 AOT 2 179 16.6 133
Show 01152-1318 GAL 36 264 12.5 138
Show 01222-1705 GWP 176 352 43.6 139
Show 01237-1631 AOT 3 229 10.5 140
Show 01168-1318 DEA 14 158 38.5 140
Show 01247-1540 HDS 182 214 0.3 142
Show 01247-1541 LDS3276 AB 163 33.6 143
Show 01247-1541 RAO 532 Aa,Ab 228 0.3 143
Show 01069-1408 GAL 306 15 41.7 145
Show 01064-1418 SKF2144 331 22.6 145
Show 01249-1534 BRT 604 102 5.0 145
Show 01245-1615 HU 418 101 4.1 146
Show 01113-1753 HDS 157 289 0.3 147
Show 01251-1547 CLZ 7 335 25.7 150
Show 01221-1723 LDS5331 286 155.3 150
Show 01232-1407 SKF2149 244 11.8 150
Show 01125-1308 LDS3244 8 14.7 151
Show 01086-1331 GWP 134 229 24.7 154
Show 01069-1352 KPP2089 285 16.9 155
Show 01258-1444 LDS5333 102 283.0 167

WDS 01148-1534 : COMPONENTS
B pa=33.9°
01148-1534 A
Coord arcsec 2000 011450.70-153511.6 Mag 10.94 PmRA -96.00 PmDE -7.0
Tycho2 5851-01431-1
Tycho2 5851-01431-1 Pflag RAmdeg 18.71125657 DEmdeg -15.58657407
PmRA -57.2 PmDE -40.0 E RAmdeg 60 E DEmdeg 73
E pmRA 2.4 E pmDE 2.5 EpRAm 1983.60 EpDEm 1979.26
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 2.0 Q DEmdeg 1.6 Q pmRA 2.0
Q pmDE 1.6 BTmag 11.794 E BTmag 0.127 VTmag 10.945
E VTmag 0.099 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 18.71139000 DEdeg -15.58648056 EpRA 1990 1.89
EpDE 1990 1.50 E RAdeg 63.1 E DEdeg 79.3 Posflg
Corr 0.0
01148-1534 B
Coord arcsec 2000 011453.33-153415.0 Mag 18.9 Calc delta mag 7.96 Calc coord yes