10363-4634 TDS 7370

10h 36m 20.73s -46° 34' 15.8" P.A. 45.00 sep 1.7 mag 11.23,12.98
Coord 2000 10363-4634 Discov num TDS7370 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 10 36 20.73 -46 34 15.8
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 45 Pa last 44.5 P.A. Now (θ) 44.5°
Sep first 1.7 Sep last 1.72 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.72"
Mag pri 11.23 Mag sec 12.98 delta mag (ΔM) 1.75 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -009 Sec motion ra -009
Pri motion dec +007 Sec motion dec +007
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Vela Tycho2 8197-01329-1 Gaia DR2 5366379018644193664
WDS 10363-4634 TDS 7370 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
10363-4634 TDS7370 1991 1 45 1.7 11.23 12.98 103620.73-463415.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 10363-4634 TDS 7370 : MEASURES
No records found.


10363-4634 TDS7370A mag 11.23 10363-4634 TDS7370B sep 1.5 P.A. 34.00 mag 12.98 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 10363-4634 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 10h 36m 20.73s -46° 34' 15.8"
WDS 10363-4634 TDS 7370 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

10363-4634  TDS7370 distance=0' 10361-4631  DAM2447 distance=4' 10355-4632  TDS7360 distance=10' 10343-4629  B  1164 distance=22' 10392-4616  CPO 298 distance=35' 10374-4602  DAM2462 distance=35' 10335-4659  HJ 4332 distance=38' 10376-4556  CPO 296 distance=41' 10391-4602  CPO 297 distance=43' 10379-4555  TDS7382 distance=43' 10404-4626  DBR 308 distance=43' 10386-4558  B  2715 distance=44' 10329-4700  YSJ   1Aa,Ab distance=44' 10329-4700  HJ 4330AB distance=44' 10402-4659  B  1168CD distance=46' 10402-4659  B  1168AB distance=47' 10402-4659  B  1168AC distance=47' 10352-4545  SWR  95 distance=51' 10327-4558  DAM2416 distance=53' 10323-4601  TDS7328 distance=54' 10325-4552  DON 416 distance=58' 10312-4609  COO 105 distance=59' 10372-4735  LDS 310 distance=62' 10340-4732  B  1163 distance=63' 10372-4531  TDS7376 distance=64' 10316-4545  TDS7320 distance=70' 10424-4713  RST2705 distance=73' 10292-4626  B  1157 distance=74' 10295-4609  TDS7294 distance=75' 10302-4553  B  1159 distance=77' 10382-4748  RST 501 distance=77' 10363-4751  I   175 distance=77' 10301-4721  HJ 4324 distance=80' 10373-4753  HDS1520 distance=80' 10348-4753  TDS7349 distance=81' 10352-4755  SWR  96 distance=82' 10369-4757  TDS7374 distance=83' 10435-4721  TDS7435 distance=87' 10440-4722  RST2706 distance=92' 10315-4757  KPP1557 distance=96' 10450-4713  TDS7451 distance=97' 10373-4814  SEE 119 distance=100' 10320-4504  PZ    3 distance=102' 10425-4516  COO 111 distance=102' 10312-4507  TDS7315 distance=103' 10282-4736  TDS7288 distance=104' 10308-4508  TDS7308 distance=105' 10266-4607  TDS7273 distance=105' 10272-4725  CPO 291 distance=106' 10462-4718  TDS7465 distance=110' 10398-4821  RST 503 distance=113' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 10363-4634 TDS7370 45 1.7 0
Show 10361-4631 DAM2447 356 1.6 4
Show 10355-4632 TDS7360 114 1.5 10
Show 10343-4629 B 1164 81 0.7 22
Show 10392-4616 CPO 298 267 3.4 35
Show 10374-4602 DAM2462 306 3.7 35
Show 10335-4659 HJ 4332 162 28.4 38
Show 10376-4556 CPO 296 21 3.8 41
Show 10391-4602 CPO 297 50 4.2 43
Show 10379-4555 TDS7382 264 1.2 43
Show 10404-4626 DBR 308 274 1.9 43
Show 10386-4558 B 2715 313 5.5 44
Show 10329-4700 YSJ 1 Aa,Ab 97 0.4 44
Show 10329-4700 HJ 4330 AB 163 40.3 44
Show 10402-4659 B 1168 CD 172 7.8 46
Show 10402-4659 B 1168 AB 119 2.0 47
Show 10402-4659 B 1168 AC 332 28.1 47
Show 10352-4545 SWR 95 271 38.4 51
Show 10327-4558 DAM2416 177 2.2 53
Show 10323-4601 TDS7328 180 1.5 54
Show 10325-4552 DON 416 357 2.1 58
Show 10312-4609 COO 105 309 5.0 59
Show 10372-4735 LDS 310 145 7.1 62
Show 10340-4732 B 1163 27 2.4 63
Show 10372-4531 TDS7376 105 1.0 64
Show 10316-4545 TDS7320 251 1.0 70
Show 10424-4713 RST2705 71 1.6 73
Show 10292-4626 B 1157 31 0.2 74
Show 10295-4609 TDS7294 263 0.7 75
Show 10302-4553 B 1159 289 0.5 77
Show 10382-4748 RST 501 278 0.8 77
Show 10363-4751 I 175 166 1.8 77
Show 10301-4721 HJ 4324 245 8.3 80
Show 10373-4753 HDS1520 183 0.1 80
Show 10348-4753 TDS7349 295 0.6 81
Show 10352-4755 SWR 96 265 9.0 82
Show 10369-4757 TDS7374 207 2.1 83
Show 10435-4721 TDS7435 194 3.8 87
Show 10440-4722 RST2706 203 1.6 92
Show 10315-4757 KPP1557 357 11.8 96
Show 10450-4713 TDS7451 323 0.8 97
Show 10373-4814 SEE 119 0 0.2 100
Show 10320-4504 PZ 3 218 13.7 102
Show 10425-4516 COO 111 227 2.9 102
Show 10312-4507 TDS7315 270 0.5 103
Show 10282-4736 TDS7288 137 0.8 104
Show 10308-4508 TDS7308 326 0.6 105
Show 10266-4607 TDS7273 359 0.4 105
Show 10272-4725 CPO 291 91 11.4 106
Show 10462-4718 TDS7465 152 2.3 110
Show 10398-4821 RST 503 219 4.1 113

WDS 10363-4634 : COMPONENTS
B pa=34.0°
10363-4634 A
Coord arcsec 2000 103620.73-463415.8 Mag 11.23 PmRA -9.00 PmDE 7.0
Tycho2 8197-01329-1
Tycho2 8197-01329-1 Pflag RAmdeg 159.08637369 DEmdeg -46.57105654
PmRA -8.6 PmDE 7.3 E RAmdeg 50 E DEmdeg 50
E pmRA 3.1 E pmDE 2.9 EpRAm 1988.78 EpDEm 1988.36
Num 2 Q RAmdeg Q DEmdeg Q pmRA
Q pmDE BTmag 12.733 E BTmag 0.196 VTmag 11.145
E VTmag 0.065 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 159.08640222 DEdeg -46.57107333 EpRA 1990 1.73
EpDE 1990 1.80 E RAdeg 51.4 E DEdeg 50.5 Posflg
Corr -0.2
10363-4634 B
Coord arcsec 2000 103620.81-463414.6 Mag 12.98 PmRA -9.00 PmDE 7.0
Calc delta mag 1.75 Calc coord yes