01138+6407 TDS 1805

01h 13m 48.35s +64° 07' 26.0" P.A. 189.00 sep 0.7 mag 11.45,12.02 Sp G0
Coord 2000 01138+6407 Discov num TDS1805 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 13 48.35 +64 07 26.0
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 189 Pa last 188.8 P.A. Now (θ) 188.8°
Sep first 0.7 Sep last 0.68 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.68"
Mag pri 11.45 Mag sec 12.02 delta mag (ΔM) 0.57 Spectral class G0 (yellow)
Pri motion ra -007 Sec motion ra -007
Pri motion dec -012 Sec motion dec -012
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 4038-01542-1 Gaia DR2 524758352615993216
WDS 01138+6407 TDS 1805 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01138+6407 TDS1805 1991 1 189 0.7 11.45 12.02 011348.35+640726.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01138+6407 TDS 1805 : MEASURES
No records found.


01138+6407 TDS1805A mag 11.45 Sp G0 01138+6407 TDS1805B sep 0.7 P.A. 183.90 mag 12.02 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01138+6407 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 13m 48.35s +64° 07' 26.0"
WDS 01138+6407 TDS 1805 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01138+6407  TDS1805 distance=1' 01141+6411  BVD 292 distance=5' 01133+6339  TDS1804 distance=29' 01176+6346  STI 200AB distance=33' 01176+6346  MRI  36AC distance=33' 01190+6411  TDS  46 distance=34' 01103+6439  MLR  91 distance=39' 01194+6418  MLB 186 distance=41' 01200+6355  FYM 159BC distance=44' 01200+6355  STF 109AB distance=44' 01184+6333  HDS 171 distance=47' 01070+6350  TDS1775 distance=49' 01081+6336  STI 184 distance=50' 01066+6424  MLR  90 distance=50' 01085+6331  OSO  13 distance=51' 01127+6501  STF  96 distance=54' 01211+6439  S   397AB distance=58' 01148+6310  HJ 1074 distance=58' 01071+6325  MLB 248 distance=62' 01218+6334  TDS1854 distance=63' 01235+6412  UC   13 distance=64' 01043+6342  STI 171 distance=68' 01107+6515  STI 194 distance=71' 01036+6341  MLR  87AB distance=73' 01036+6341  MLB 246AB,C distance=73' 01248+6414  TDS1870 distance=73' 01036+6341  DAM 303CE distance=73' 01036+6341  MLB 246CD distance=73' 01120+6518  J  1119AB distance=73' 01120+6518  J  1119AC distance=73' 01034+6436  LDS3223 distance=75' 01024+6404  TDS1738 distance=75' 01040+6325  STI 170AB distance=78' 01040+6325  MRI  35AC distance=78' 01101+6252  MLB 249 distance=80' 01173+6525  TDS1829 distance=81' 01248+6319  STI 212 distance=88' 01128+6239  TDS1801Aa,Ab distance=90' 01128+6239  MLB1057AB distance=90' 01128+6239  MLB1057AC distance=90' 01137+6537  HU 1023 distance=90' 01276+6429  STF 121AB distance=93' 01276+6429  CTT  13AC distance=93' 01276+6429  TDS1882CD distance=93' 01276+6348  TDS1883 distance=93' 01055+6253  MLB 247 distance=93' 00598+6346  STI 158 distance=95' 01064+6246  TOK 450AB distance=96' 01202+6535  HU 1027 distance=97' 01093+6234  LDS5179 distance=99' 01066+6240  HJ 1066 distance=100' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01138+6407 TDS1805 189 0.7 1
Show 01141+6411 BVD 292 337 8.0 5
Show 01133+6339 TDS1804 342 0.6 29
Show 01176+6346 STI 200 AB 152 11.3 33
Show 01176+6346 MRI 36 AC 344 8.0 33
Show 01190+6411 TDS 46 93 0.7 34
Show 01103+6439 MLR 91 328 2.6 39
Show 01194+6418 MLB 186 61 1.8 41
Show 01200+6355 FYM 159 BC 30 28.6 44
Show 01200+6355 STF 109 AB 9 7.3 44
Show 01184+6333 HDS 171 88 1.0 47
Show 01070+6350 TDS1775 202 2.7 49
Show 01081+6336 STI 184 43 14.0 50
Show 01066+6424 MLR 90 310 2.1 50
Show 01085+6331 OSO 13 225 7.2 51
Show 01127+6501 STF 96 287 0.9 54
Show 01211+6439 S 397 AB 341 57.4 58
Show 01148+6310 HJ 1074 331 9.4 58
Show 01071+6325 MLB 248 325 3.7 62
Show 01218+6334 TDS1854 134 0.8 63
Show 01235+6412 UC 13 91 14.6 64
Show 01043+6342 STI 171 187 8.2 68
Show 01107+6515 STI 194 22 10.7 71
Show 01036+6341 MLR 87 AB 25 0.3 73
Show 01036+6341 MLB 246 AB,C 313 31.4 73
Show 01248+6414 TDS1870 304 0.5 73
Show 01036+6341 DAM 303 CE 114 8.6 73
Show 01036+6341 MLB 246 CD 217 3.7 73
Show 01120+6518 J 1119 AB 184 2.8 73
Show 01120+6518 J 1119 AC 83 26.2 73
Show 01034+6436 LDS3223 23 157.7 75
Show 01024+6404 TDS1738 44 0.4 75
Show 01040+6325 STI 170 AB 182 7.6 78
Show 01040+6325 MRI 35 AC 4 5.0 78
Show 01101+6252 MLB 249 206 3.1 80
Show 01173+6525 TDS1829 308 0.8 81
Show 01248+6319 STI 212 337 6.6 88
Show 01128+6239 TDS1801 Aa,Ab 312 0.4 90
Show 01128+6239 MLB1057 AB 221 9.2 90
Show 01128+6239 MLB1057 AC 15 11.7 90
Show 01137+6537 HU 1023 1 3.7 90
Show 01276+6429 STF 121 AB 268 12.0 93
Show 01276+6429 CTT 13 AC 351 101.0 93
Show 01276+6429 TDS1882 CD 285 0.6 93
Show 01276+6348 TDS1883 9 0.5 93
Show 01055+6253 MLB 247 295 3.4 93
Show 00598+6346 STI 158 31 14.0 95
Show 01064+6246 TOK 450 AB 244 999.9 96
Show 01202+6535 HU 1027 125 0.4 97
Show 01093+6234 LDS5179 196 14.9 99
Show 01066+6240 HJ 1066 295 7.9 100

WDS 01138+6407 : COMPONENTS
B pa=183.9°
01138+6407 A
Coord arcsec 2000 011348.35+640726.0 Mag 11.45 Spectral class G0 (yellow) PmRA -7.00
PmDE -12.0 Tycho2 4038-01542-1
Tycho2 4038-01542-1 Pflag RAmdeg 18.45139072 DEmdeg 64.12381670
PmRA -6.7 PmDE -12.4 E RAmdeg 31 E DEmdeg 33
E pmRA 3.3 E pmDE 3.3 EpRAm 1987.52 EpDEm 1988.12
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.4 Q DEmdeg 1.6 Q pmRA 0.4
Q pmDE 1.6 BTmag 11.633 E BTmag 0.068 VTmag 11.063
E VTmag 0.068 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 18.45142111 DEdeg 64.12384139 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.79 E RAdeg 42.6 E DEdeg 41.6 Posflg
Corr 0.2
01138+6407 B
Coord arcsec 2000 011348.34+640725.3 Mag 12.02 PmRA -7.00 PmDE -12.0
Calc delta mag 0.57 Calc coord yes