01113+1254 HJ 11

01h 11m 15.53s +12° 51' 10.6" P.A. 268.00 sep 10.0 mag 13.02,14.23
Coord 2000 01113+1254 Discov num HJ   11 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 11 15.53 +12 51 10.6
Date first 1825 Date last 2015 Obs 10
Pa first 273 Pa last 267.7 P.A. Now (θ) 267.7°
Sep first 5.0 Sep last 9.959 Sep. Now (ρ) 9.959"
Mag pri 13.02 Mag sec 14.23 delta mag (ΔM) 1.21 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +011 Sec motion ra -045
Pri motion dec +004 Sec motion dec -003
This double is not physical.
Constellation Pisces Gaia DR2 2584653461228962688
WDS 01113+1254 HJ 11 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01113+1254 HJ 11 1917 1 272 6.8 11.50 12.80 011115.51+125110.8
01113+1254 HJ 11 2000 2 268 9.9 13.02 14.23 D 011115.53+125110.6
01113+1254 HJ 11 2012 5 268 9.9 13.02 14.23 011115.53+125110.6
01113+1254 HJ 11 2015 7 268 10.0 13.02 14.23 011115.53+125110.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01113+1254 HJ 11 : MEASURES
No records found.


01113+1254 HJ   11A mag 13.02 01113+1254 HJ   11B sep 9.7 P.A. 267.60 mag 14.23 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01113+1254 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 11m 15.53s +12° 51' 10.6"
WDS 01113+1254 HJ 11 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01113+1254  HJ   11 distance=0' 01105+1326  BPM  24 distance=37' 01143+1301  HJ   12 distance=46' 01117+1205  LDS3242 distance=47' 01124+1341  CVR 372 distance=53' 01103+1346  LDS 875 distance=60' 01147+1327  ITF 114 distance=62' 01121+1350  LDS 876 distance=62' 01155+1248  ITF 127 distance=62' 01148+1326  ITF 115 distance=63' 01099+1352  BPM  23 distance=64' 01080+1204  A  2101 distance=67' 01116+1404  GWP 145 distance=74' 01163+1243  BPM  25 distance=75' 01137+1357  SOR   1 distance=76' 01062+1315  TOK 449AB distance=78' 01070+1339  CVR 366 distance=78' 01058+1319  BU 1228 distance=85' 01052+1250  HJ   10AB distance=89' 01052+1250  HJ   10AC distance=89' 01052+1250  HJ   10BC distance=89' 01162+1344  HJ 1076AB distance=90' 01162+1344  HJ 1076AC distance=90' 01162+1344  ABH   7AD distance=90' 01129+1420  UC  519 distance=92' 01066+1353  SHY 396 distance=92' 01071+1133  STT  22 distance=100' 01181+1234  CVR1069 distance=102' 01186+1316  J  2715 distance=111' 01125+1443  UC  515 distance=114' 01072+1428  UC  501 distance=114' 01060+1111  BPM  21 distance=126' 01084+1052  LSC  13 distance=127' 01182+1409  BPM  27 distance=128' 01177+1124  CVR 377 distance=129' 01197+1209  CHR 196 distance=131' 01194+1158  BPM  28 distance=131' 01038+1130  ITF  50 distance=137' 01042+1420  SLW  50 distance=137' 01025+1156  CVR 363 distance=140' 01203+1346  AG   16 distance=143' 01047+1441  GRV  67 distance=146' 01190+1424  CVR1072 distance=146' 01027+1129  OCC 872 distance=150' 01010+1224  AG   11 distance=153' 01105+1019  GWP 143 distance=153' 01023+1131  PLQ  11 distance=154' 01051+1457  HJ 1068AB distance=155' 01051+1457  YSC 124Aa,Ab distance=155' 01051+1457  TOK 225AC distance=155' 01114+1526  BEU   2 distance=156' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01113+1254 HJ 11 268 10.0 0
Show 01105+1326 BPM 24 103 109.8 37
Show 01143+1301 HJ 12 222 15.6 46
Show 01117+1205 LDS3242 300 260.4 47
Show 01124+1341 CVR 372 341 7.2 53
Show 01103+1346 LDS 875 346 8.7 60
Show 01147+1327 ITF 114 266 25.5 62
Show 01121+1350 LDS 876 147 34.2 62
Show 01155+1248 ITF 127 155 5.0 62
Show 01148+1326 ITF 115 130 21.0 63
Show 01099+1352 BPM 23 343 106.4 64
Show 01080+1204 A 2101 260 0.7 67
Show 01116+1404 GWP 145 153 155.5 74
Show 01163+1243 BPM 25 242 115.2 75
Show 01137+1357 SOR 1 141 0.7 76
Show 01062+1315 TOK 449 AB 285 999.9 78
Show 01070+1339 CVR 366 223 17.6 78
Show 01058+1319 BU 1228 258 0.5 85
Show 01052+1250 HJ 10 AB 314 5.0 89
Show 01052+1250 HJ 10 AC 58 8.8 89
Show 01052+1250 HJ 10 BC 83 11.2 89
Show 01162+1344 HJ 1076 AB 154 12.7 90
Show 01162+1344 HJ 1076 AC 262 39.6 90
Show 01162+1344 ABH 7 AD 352 30.4 90
Show 01129+1420 UC 519 106 7.0 92
Show 01066+1353 SHY 396 305 999.9 92
Show 01071+1133 STT 22 202 7.6 100
Show 01181+1234 CVR1069 141 3.0 102
Show 01186+1316 J 2715 75 5.5 111
Show 01125+1443 UC 515 346 34.9 114
Show 01072+1428 UC 501 317 18.4 114
Show 01060+1111 BPM 21 60 117.0 126
Show 01084+1052 LSC 13 16 0.2 127
Show 01182+1409 BPM 27 58 36.0 128
Show 01177+1124 CVR 377 308 14.4 129
Show 01197+1209 CHR 196 270 0.0 131
Show 01194+1158 BPM 28 279 75.1 131
Show 01038+1130 ITF 50 353 11.1 137
Show 01042+1420 SLW 50 164 75.7 137
Show 01025+1156 CVR 363 316 10.2 140
Show 01203+1346 AG 16 185 29.7 143
Show 01047+1441 GRV 67 117 24.9 146
Show 01190+1424 CVR1072 15 4.2 146
Show 01027+1129 OCC 872 -1 0.1 150
Show 01010+1224 AG 11 10 55.8 153
Show 01105+1019 GWP 143 305 3.6 153
Show 01023+1131 PLQ 11 3 9.9 154
Show 01051+1457 HJ 1068 AB 253 59.0 155
Show 01051+1457 YSC 124 Aa,Ab 92 0.0 155
Show 01051+1457 TOK 225 AC 352 167.4 155
Show 01114+1526 BEU 2 289 0.4 156

WDS 01113+1254 : COMPONENTS
B pa=267.6°
01113+1254 A
Coord arcsec 2000 011115.53+125110.6 Mag 13.02 PmRA 11.00 PmDE 4.0
01113+1254 B
Coord arcsec 2000 011114.87+125110.2 Mag 14.23 PmRA -45.00 PmDE -3.0
Calc delta mag 1.21 Calc coord yes