09550+4834 CBL 40

09h 55m 00.70s +48° 34' 18.6" P.A. 303.00 sep 9.9 mag 12.70,13.20
Coord 2000 09550+4834 Discov num CBL  40 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 55 00.70 +48 34 18.6
Date first 2000 Date last 2016 Obs 14
Pa first 303 Pa last 303.3 P.A. Now (θ) 303.3°
Sep first 9.8 Sep last 9.905 Sep. Now (ρ) 9.905"
Mag pri 12.70 Mag sec 13.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +150 Sec motion ra +150
Pri motion dec -007 Sec motion dec -007
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Ursa Major Gaia DR2 823440716356126592
WDS 09550+4834 CBL 40 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CBL Caballero, R.
24 CBL (updated coordinates and proper motions for 57 LDS pairs, from 2MASS, UCAC3,
24 CBL NOMAD. New measures from 2MASS)
32 CBL Caballero, R., Genet, R., Armstrong, J.D., McGaughey, S., Krach, C.,
32 CBL Leatualli, A., Rohzinski, A., Rohzinski, C., Rohzinski, E., Rohzinski, N.,
32 CBL Wandell, M., Martinez, J. & Smith, T.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09550+4834 CBL 40 2000 2 303 9.8 12.70 13.20 VD 095500.70+483418.6
09550+4834 CBL 40 2002 2 303 9.9 12.70 13.20 VD 095500.70+483418.6
09550+4834 CBL 40 2010 3 303 8.8 12.70 13.20 V 095500.70+483418.6
09550+4834 CBL 40 2016 4 303 9.9 12.70 13.20 V 095500.70+483418.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09550+4834 CBL 40 : MEASURES
No records found.


09550+4834 CBL  40A mag 12.7 09550+4834 CBL  40B sep 7.7 P.A. 314.80 mag 13.2 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09550+4834 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 55m 00.70s +48° 34' 18.6"
Primaries only

09550+4834  CBL  40 distance=0' 09554+4846  DAM 278 distance=13' 09541+4809  ES  602 distance=28' 09519+4810  TDS6863 distance=40' 09503+4828  TDS6845 distance=48' 09598+4858  WIS 164 distance=54' 10007+4904  HDS1445 distance=64' 09519+4937  SKF 793 distance=70' 09491+4918  CVR1245 distance=73' 10028+4828  CRC  58 distance=78' 09470+4823  TDS6806 distance=81' 10009+4938  UC 1861 distance=86' 09545+5001  AZC 158 distance=87' 10037+4820  UC 1874 distance=88' 09469+4759  CVR1240 distance=88' 09506+4954  HJ 2508 distance=92' 10023+4940  HU  725 distance=97' 09538+4658  ES  913 distance=98' 09574+4658  KPP1996 distance=99' 10021+4722  HDS1448 distance=102' 09568+5015  DAM1863 distance=103' 09445+4830  HJ 2503 distance=105' 09576+5018  ES  720AB distance=107' 09576+5018  UC 1851AC distance=107' 09576+5018  RAO 240Ca,Cb distance=108' 09546+4646  CVR1252 distance=108' 10028+4953  HDS1450Aa,Ab distance=110' 10028+4953  HJ 2515AB distance=110' 10043+4732  CBL 299 distance=113' 09499+5017  CBL 290 distance=115' 09460+4952  UC  137 distance=118' 09457+4953  NSN 597 distance=121' 10032+5007  BU 1424BC distance=122' 10032+5007  BU 1424AB distance=123' 09427+4826  HDS1399 distance=123' 09533+5037  STT 209 distance=125' 09424+4847  KPP3222 distance=126' 09484+4646  HJ 1171 distance=128' 09434+4931  TDS6766 distance=128' 09422+4921  ES  600 distance=135' 09505+5043  LDS3934 distance=137' 10009+4631  ES  914 distance=137' 09438+4717  TDS6770 distance=137' 09562+4617  BVD 209 distance=139' 10073+4942  TDS7033 distance=139' 09556+5056  SLW 406 distance=142' 10044+5023  REB   1 distance=142' 10075+4949  DAM2022 distance=144' 09455+5026  TDS6788 distance=145' 09464+5036  LDS3923 distance=149' 09428+4708  TDS6760 distance=151' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09550+4834 CBL 40 303 9.9 0
Show 09554+4846 DAM 278 140 6.4 13
Show 09541+4809 ES 602 32 3.6 28
Show 09519+4810 TDS6863 327 0.5 40
Show 09503+4828 TDS6845 342 2.4 48
Show 09598+4858 WIS 164 309 999.9 54
Show 10007+4904 HDS1445 170 0.2 64
Show 09519+4937 SKF 793 74 169.7 70
Show 09491+4918 CVR1245 96 3.9 73
Show 10028+4828 CRC 58 306 0.2 78
Show 09470+4823 TDS6806 312 1.7 81
Show 10009+4938 UC 1861 109 7.4 86
Show 09545+5001 AZC 158 85 13.8 87
Show 10037+4820 UC 1874 299 56.4 88
Show 09469+4759 CVR1240 85 3.5 88
Show 09506+4954 HJ 2508 306 13.4 92
Show 10023+4940 HU 725 155 0.7 97
Show 09538+4658 ES 913 337 7.6 98
Show 09574+4658 KPP1996 301 15.8 99
Show 10021+4722 HDS1448 33 0.3 102
Show 09568+5015 DAM1863 32 1.0 103
Show 09445+4830 HJ 2503 158 37.0 105
Show 09576+5018 ES 720 AB 93 3.4 107
Show 09576+5018 UC 1851 AC 288 120.0 107
Show 09576+5018 RAO 240 Ca,Cb 0 0.7 108
Show 09546+4646 CVR1252 348 4.5 108
Show 10028+4953 HDS1450 Aa,Ab 98 0.8 110
Show 10028+4953 HJ 2515 AB 9 56.1 110
Show 10043+4732 CBL 299 335 26.4 113
Show 09499+5017 CBL 290 311 21.2 115
Show 09460+4952 UC 137 251 26.9 118
Show 09457+4953 NSN 597 221 1.2 121
Show 10032+5007 BU 1424 BC 355 10.6 122
Show 10032+5007 BU 1424 AB 227 26.1 123
Show 09427+4826 HDS1399 196 0.4 123
Show 09533+5037 STT 209 309 4.9 125
Show 09424+4847 KPP3222 71 13.4 126
Show 09484+4646 HJ 1171 176 17.4 128
Show 09434+4931 TDS6766 325 0.4 128
Show 09422+4921 ES 600 63 4.5 135
Show 09505+5043 LDS3934 189 19.9 137
Show 10009+4631 ES 914 327 6.1 137
Show 09438+4717 TDS6770 169 1.9 137
Show 09562+4617 BVD 209 327 8.6 139
Show 10073+4942 TDS7033 161 0.4 139
Show 09556+5056 SLW 406 265 89.0 142
Show 10044+5023 REB 1 209 16.1 142
Show 10075+4949 DAM2022 232 6.6 144
Show 09455+5026 TDS6788 0 1.6 145
Show 09464+5036 LDS3923 192 11.3 149
Show 09428+4708 TDS6760 284 0.6 151

WDS 09550+4834 : COMPONENTS
B pa=314.8°
09550+4834 A
Coord arcsec 2000 095500.70+483418.6 Mag 12.7 PmRA 150.00 PmDE -7.0
09550+4834 B
Coord arcsec 2000 095500.15+483424.0 Mag 13.2 PmRA 150.00 PmDE -7.0
Calc delta mag 0.5 Calc coord yes