09543-2734 RST 1460

09h 54m 20.15s -27° 34' 47.0" P.A. 27.00 sep 0.5 mag 11.70,12.00
Coord 2000 09543-2734 Discov num RST1460 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 54 20.15 -27 34 47.0
Date first 1934 Date last 1990 Obs 3
Pa first 19 Pa last 26.7 P.A. Now (θ) 26.7°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.45 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.45"
Mag pri 11.70 Mag sec 12.00 delta mag (ΔM) 0.3 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -020 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -014 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Antlia Tycho2 6611-00207-1
WDS 09543-2734 RST 1460 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RST Rossiter, R.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09543-2734 RST1460 1990 3 27 0.5 11.70 12.00 095420.15-273447.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09543-2734 RST 1460 : MEASURES
No records found.


09543-2734 RST1460A mag 11.7 09543-2734 RST1460B sep 0.4 P.A. 24.00 mag 12 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09543-2734 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 54m 20.15s -27° 34' 47.0"
WDS 09543-2734 RST 1460 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09543-2734  RST1460 distance=0' 09549-2716  HDS1431 distance=21' 09530-2720  RST5341 distance=24' 09541-2800  BU  215 distance=26' 09573-2715  TDS6918 distance=45' 09542-2650  BRT2974 distance=45' 09510-2706  RST 438 distance=53' 09508-2807  OL   41 distance=57' 09507-2807  DAM1791 distance=58' 09522-2644  SKF1888 distance=58' 09538-2636  HDS1429AB distance=60' 09547-2835  RST1462 distance=61' 09551-2632  I   843AB distance=64' 09551-2632  I   843AC distance=64' 09550-2838  DAM1850 distance=64' 09569-2832  ARG  23 distance=68' 09568-2633  BU  216 distance=70' 09523-2840  HWE  24 distance=71' 09579-2832  RST1469 distance=75' 09509-2839  BRT2973 distance=80' 09478-2736  HLD  99 distance=87' 09503-2622  DAM1788 distance=91' 09593-2631  LDS3945 distance=93' 09481-2816  SEE 116 distance=93' 09505-2617  B   190AB distance=94' 09505-2617  B   190AB,C distance=94' 09573-2902  WHC  30 distance=96' 09513-2904  DAM1801 distance=99' 10011-2655  UC 1862 distance=99' 09477-2823  UC 1830 distance=101' 09515-2909  RST1454 distance=102' 09487-2625  I   205AB distance=103' 09487-2625  TOK 532AC distance=103' 09517-2558  DAM1811 distance=103' 10020-2723  DAM1939 distance=104' 09545-2918  RST1461 distance=104' 10024-2717  RST 459 distance=108' 09515-2553  HDS1423 distance=109' 09465-2705  B   189 distance=110' 09517-2919  TDS6861 distance=110' 09565-2548  B  2703 distance=111' 10025-2814  JNN  71 distance=116' 09517-2542  TDS6860 distance=118' 10028-2701  I   844AB distance=119' 10028-2701  B  9014AC distance=119' 10019-2841  HJ 4277 distance=120' 09551-2938  RST1463 distance=124' 09546-2939  DAM1846 distance=124' 09525-2531  RST2660 distance=127' 09449-2723  LDS 280 distance=127' 09448-2738  B  2696 distance=127' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09543-2734 RST1460 27 0.5 0
Show 09549-2716 HDS1431 87 5.7 21
Show 09530-2720 RST5341 25 1.5 24
Show 09541-2800 BU 215 347 1.8 26
Show 09573-2715 TDS6918 125 1.0 45
Show 09542-2650 BRT2974 33 4.0 45
Show 09510-2706 RST 438 195 1.6 53
Show 09508-2807 OL 41 350 1.4 57
Show 09507-2807 DAM1791 243 6.0 58
Show 09522-2644 SKF1888 37 28.7 58
Show 09538-2636 HDS1429 AB 112 0.6 60
Show 09547-2835 RST1462 18 0.9 61
Show 09551-2632 I 843 AB 117 0.8 64
Show 09551-2632 I 843 AC 221 6.2 64
Show 09550-2838 DAM1850 96 9.5 64
Show 09569-2832 ARG 23 79 56.1 68
Show 09568-2633 BU 216 153 3.7 70
Show 09523-2840 HWE 24 196 8.9 71
Show 09579-2832 RST1469 0 1.1 75
Show 09509-2839 BRT2973 331 2.9 80
Show 09478-2736 HLD 99 218 2.0 87
Show 09503-2622 DAM1788 216 1.4 91
Show 09593-2631 LDS3945 129 164.0 93
Show 09481-2816 SEE 116 202 2.5 93
Show 09505-2617 B 190 AB 99 0.5 94
Show 09505-2617 B 190 AB,C 194 6.3 94
Show 09573-2902 WHC 30 290 46.7 96
Show 09513-2904 DAM1801 242 1.9 99
Show 10011-2655 UC 1862 251 17.6 99
Show 09477-2823 UC 1830 288 40.2 101
Show 09515-2909 RST1454 255 0.4 102
Show 09487-2625 I 205 AB 281 1.8 103
Show 09487-2625 TOK 532 AC 181 999.9 103
Show 09517-2558 DAM1811 119 2.7 103
Show 10020-2723 DAM1939 236 12.5 104
Show 09545-2918 RST1461 71 0.6 104
Show 10024-2717 RST 459 281 1.7 108
Show 09515-2553 HDS1423 131 0.5 109
Show 09465-2705 B 189 5 1.3 110
Show 09517-2919 TDS6861 148 0.5 110
Show 09565-2548 B 2703 220 13.5 111
Show 10025-2814 JNN 71 37 0.5 116
Show 09517-2542 TDS6860 170 9.8 118
Show 10028-2701 I 844 AB 1 1.9 119
Show 10028-2701 B 9014 AC 294 24.6 119
Show 10019-2841 HJ 4277 33 21.9 120
Show 09551-2938 RST1463 182 0.8 124
Show 09546-2939 DAM1846 203 9.8 124
Show 09525-2531 RST2660 190 0.6 127
Show 09449-2723 LDS 280 235 10.8 127
Show 09448-2738 B 2696 274 17.2 127

WDS 09543-2734 : COMPONENTS
B pa=24.0°
09543-2734 A
Coord arcsec 2000 095420.15-273447.0 Mag 11.7 PmRA -20.00 PmDE -14.0
Tycho2 6611-00207-1 DM CD-26 7523
Tycho2 6611-00207-1 Pflag RAmdeg 148.58399163 DEmdeg -27.57973133
PmRA -19.7 PmDE -14.3 E RAmdeg 53 E DEmdeg 41
E pmRA 3.6 E pmDE 2.8 EpRAm 1985.06 EpDEm 1979.26
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.7 Q DEmdeg 5.9 Q pmRA 1.7
Q pmDE 6.0 BTmag 11.799 E BTmag 0.098 VTmag 11.063
E VTmag 0.088 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 148.58403361 DEdeg -27.57973750 EpRA 1990 1.62
EpDE 1990 1.73 E RAdeg 59.8 E DEdeg 59.3 Posflg
Corr 0.2
09543-2734 B
Coord arcsec 2000 095420.16-273446.6 Mag 12 Calc delta mag 0.3 Calc coord yes