09525+7531 TDS 6870

09h 52m 27.58s +75° 30' 51.2" P.A. 122.00 sep 1.8 mag 11.28,13.08
Coord 2000 09525+7531 Discov num TDS6870 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 52 27.58 +75 30 51.2
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 122 Pa last 121.9 P.A. Now (θ) 121.9°
Sep first 1.8 Sep last 1.78 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.78"
Mag pri 11.28 Mag sec 13.08 delta mag (ΔM) 1.8 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +001 Sec motion ra +001
Pri motion dec +004 Sec motion dec +004
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Draco Tycho2 4542-01230-1 Gaia DR2 1127360028219548288
WDS 09525+7531 TDS 6870 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09525+7531 TDS6870 1991 1 122 1.8 11.28 13.08 095227.58+753051.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09525+7531 TDS 6870 : MEASURES
No records found.


09525+7531 TDS6870A mag 11.28 09525+7531 TDS6870B sep 1.0 P.A. 158.10 mag 13.08 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09525+7531 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 52m 27.58s +75° 30' 51.2"
WDS 09525+7531 TDS 6870 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09525+7531  TDS6870 distance=0' 09508+7515  KPP3797 distance=17' 09509+7516  LDS1700 distance=17' 09578+7546  SKF2768 distance=25' 09477+7504  UC  139 distance=33' 10020+7551  LDS1707 distance=42' 09472+7618  LOC 270 distance=51' 10033+7606  LOC 286 distance=53' 09387+7516  MLR 419 distance=55' 09514+7436  STF1378 distance=56' 09396+7611  LOC 260 distance=62' 10039+7445  CRB 183 distance=64' 09380+7610  HDS1388 distance=66' 09579+7637  TOK 668 distance=69' 10016+7637  LDS1705 distance=74' 10110+7508  KUI  47 distance=74' 09460+7643  STF1373 distance=76' 09487+7414  CRB 182 distance=79' 09505+7412  LDS1699 distance=80' 09512+7654  MLR 525 distance=83' 09508+7407  TDS6850 distance=84' 10014+7414  SKF1213 distance=85' 10112+7622  HJ 3319 distance=86' 09598+7410  LDS5706 distance=86' 10063+7418  MLR 422AB distance=91' 10063+7418  LSC 124Aa,Ab distance=91' 09379+7421  HDS1387 distance=91' 10057+7410  DAM1905 distance=96' 10095+7405  TDS7071 distance=109' 10105+7404  DAM2091 distance=113' 09585+7336  TDS6937 distance=118' 09408+7721  LOC 273 distance=118' 09487+7729  LOC 272 distance=119' 10019+7334  STF1393 distance=123' 09425+7318  SKF2685 distance=140' 09509+7309  DAM1794 distance=142' 09584+7311  LDS1703 distance=142' 09499+7305  TDS6838 distance=147' 10064+7314  TDS7022 distance=148' 10071+7752  LOC 288 distance=150' 09350+7751  LOC 263 distance=153' 09568+7255  UC 1846 distance=158' 09379+7305  STF1362 distance=158' 09436+7809  LOC 274 distance=162' 10114+7302  STF1408AB distance=168' 09338+7302  HDS1377 distance=168' 09378+7814  DAM1671BD distance=171' 09378+7814  HU  870AB distance=171' 09378+7814  DAM1671AD distance=171' 09384+7242  FAR   9 distance=179' 10016+7831  LDS1704 distance=183' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09525+7531 TDS6870 122 1.8 0
Show 09508+7515 KPP3797 33 25.7 17
Show 09509+7516 LDS1700 33 25.7 17
Show 09578+7546 SKF2768 223 2.6 25
Show 09477+7504 UC 139 2 30.6 33
Show 10020+7551 LDS1707 67 11.0 42
Show 09472+7618 LOC 270 327 6.6 51
Show 10033+7606 LOC 286 79 17.2 53
Show 09387+7516 MLR 419 335 0.4 55
Show 09514+7436 STF1378 357 5.2 56
Show 09396+7611 LOC 260 320 16.7 62
Show 10039+7445 CRB 183 13 34.1 64
Show 09380+7610 HDS1388 132 0.6 66
Show 09579+7637 TOK 668 259 5.3 69
Show 10016+7637 LDS1705 133 42.2 74
Show 10110+7508 KUI 47 121 2.0 74
Show 09460+7643 STF1373 137 2.2 76
Show 09487+7414 CRB 182 329 21.4 79
Show 09505+7412 LDS1699 160 3.1 80
Show 09512+7654 MLR 525 13 1.7 83
Show 09508+7407 TDS6850 41 0.4 84
Show 10014+7414 SKF1213 192 23.9 85
Show 10112+7622 HJ 3319 5 23.7 86
Show 09598+7410 LDS5706 245 9.1 86
Show 10063+7418 MLR 422 AB 91 0.3 91
Show 10063+7418 LSC 124 Aa,Ab 332 0.0 91
Show 09379+7421 HDS1387 343 0.1 91
Show 10057+7410 DAM1905 99 13.6 96
Show 10095+7405 TDS7071 327 0.5 109
Show 10105+7404 DAM2091 136 10.0 113
Show 09585+7336 TDS6937 302 2.1 118
Show 09408+7721 LOC 273 115 6.5 118
Show 09487+7729 LOC 272 288 1.8 119
Show 10019+7334 STF1393 254 9.7 123
Show 09425+7318 SKF2685 242 14.2 140
Show 09509+7309 DAM1794 5 13.7 142
Show 09584+7311 LDS1703 277 6.1 142
Show 09499+7305 TDS6838 235 0.7 147
Show 10064+7314 TDS7022 133 0.7 148
Show 10071+7752 LOC 288 282 12.4 150
Show 09350+7751 LOC 263 203 1.6 153
Show 09568+7255 UC 1846 22 54.5 158
Show 09379+7305 STF1362 125 4.9 158
Show 09436+7809 LOC 274 3 1.3 162
Show 10114+7302 STF1408 AB 13 3.7 168
Show 09338+7302 HDS1377 182 0.2 168
Show 09378+7814 DAM1671 BD 187 3.2 171
Show 09378+7814 HU 870 AB 220 1.6 171
Show 09378+7814 DAM1671 AD 198 4.6 171
Show 09384+7242 FAR 9 82 81.5 179
Show 10016+7831 LDS1704 351 89.2 183

WDS 09525+7531 : COMPONENTS
B pa=158.1°
09525+7531 A
Coord arcsec 2000 095227.58+753051.2 Mag 11.28 PmRA 1.00 PmDE 4.0
Tycho2 4542-01230-1
Tycho2 4542-01230-1 Pflag RAmdeg 148.11496372 DEmdeg 75.51421510
PmRA 0.9 PmDE 4.4 E RAmdeg 44 E DEmdeg 47
E pmRA 2.1 E pmDE 2.2 EpRAm 1986.69 EpDEm 1986.57
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.2 Q DEmdeg 2.1 Q pmRA 0.2
Q pmDE 2.1 BTmag 12.333 E BTmag 0.128 VTmag 11.288
E VTmag 0.066 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 148.11495556 DEdeg 75.51420500 EpRA 1990 1.64
EpDE 1990 1.61 E RAdeg 44.9 E DEdeg 47.9 Posflg
Corr -0.2
09525+7531 B
Coord arcsec 2000 095227.68+753050.3 Mag 13.08 PmRA 1.00 PmDE 4.0
Calc delta mag 1.8 Calc coord yes