00067-4803 CPO 105

00h 06m 40.83s -48° 02' 46.6" P.A. 68.00 sep 3.6 mag 11.90,12.80
Coord 2000 00067-4803 Discov num CPO 105 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 06 40.83 -48 02 46.6
Date first 1904 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 45 Pa last 68.1 P.A. Now (θ) 68.1°
Sep first 1.9 Sep last 3.643 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.643"
Mag pri 11.90 Mag sec 12.80 delta mag (ΔM) 0.9 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -012 Sec motion ra +027
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec +006
This double is not physical.
Constellation Phoenix Gaia DR2 4978027010582652032
WDS 00067-4803 CPO 105 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CPO Cape Observatory
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00067-4803 CPO 105 1904 2 40 1.9 11.90 12.80 000640.80-480247.0
00067-4803 CPO 105 2000 3 69 3.6 11.90 12.80 000640.83-480246.6
00067-4803 CPO 105 2015 5 68 3.6 11.90 12.80 000640.83-480246.6
00067-4803 CPO 105 2016 7 68 3.6 11.90 12.80 000640.83-480246.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00067-4803 CPO 105 : MEASURES
No records found.


00067-4803 CPO 105A mag 11.9 00067-4803 CPO 105B sep 2.6 P.A. 59.00 mag 12.8 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00067-4803 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 06m 40.83s -48° 02' 46.6"
WDS 00067-4803 CPO 105 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00067-4803  CPO 105 distance=0' 00040-4808  COO 264 distance=28' 00056-4734  UC  317 distance=31' 00027-4753  TDS1267 distance=41' 00019-4836  B  1405 distance=58' 00063-4905  HDO 180 distance=62' 00065-4911  SKF 402 distance=69' 00102-4909  HU 1328 distance=75' 00143-4757  KPP2850 distance=77' 00114-4701  RST   2 distance=78' 00004-4711  HDS   1 distance=82' 00106-4917  RST   1 distance=84' 00026-4645  LIT   1 distance=89' 00160-4816  TOK 808 distance=95' 00010-4920  RST1178 distance=95' 00115-4938  HJ 3352 distance=107' 00175-4726  SKF 407 distance=116' 00091-5001  RST5492 distance=121' 00159-4922  UC  344 distance=121' 00048-4603  KPP1385 distance=122' 00101-4601  KPP2852 distance=127' 00091-5010  HJ 3347 distance=130' 00179-4917  UC  348 distance=134' 00052-4547  B   635 distance=137' 00189-4905  RST   4 distance=137' 00212-4743  HDS  46 distance=148' 00100-5028  CBL 561 distance=150' 00204-4707  LDS  13 distance=151' 00215-4900  RST   6 distance=158' 00217-4711  HDS  47 distance=161' 00156-5019  HU 1552 distance=161' 00185-4606  RST   3 distance=168' 00082-4515  UC  323 distance=169' 00040-4515  TVB  19 distance=170' 00171-5039  TDS1382 distance=186' 00180-5037  KPP2849 distance=190' 00043-4449  DON1057 distance=196' 00193-5040  RST   5 distance=200' 00228-5009  CBL 570 distance=203' 00265-4712  UC  367 distance=207' 00170-4506  TDS1380 distance=207' 00266-4652  UC  368 distance=215' 00109-5144  NSN 224 distance=226' 00235-4537  B   637 distance=226' 00262-5011  TDS1463 distance=231' 00174-5131  HDS  40 distance=233' 00003-4417  I  1477 distance=235' 00065-5200  TDS1294 distance=238' 00028-4404  TDS1268 distance=242' 00257-5050  HJ 3365 distance=251' 00087-5220  HU 1551 distance=258' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00067-4803 CPO 105 68 3.6 0
Show 00040-4808 COO 264 58 3.2 28
Show 00056-4734 UC 317 177 10.6 31
Show 00027-4753 TDS1267 109 0.6 41
Show 00019-4836 B 1405 237 5.0 58
Show 00063-4905 HDO 180 186 3.9 62
Show 00065-4911 SKF 402 86 10.3 69
Show 00102-4909 HU 1328 258 1.0 75
Show 00143-4757 KPP2850 260 4.7 77
Show 00114-4701 RST 2 67 0.6 78
Show 00004-4711 HDS 1 333 0.2 82
Show 00106-4917 RST 1 341 1.9 84
Show 00026-4645 LIT 1 138 8.5 89
Show 00160-4816 TOK 808 118 0.1 95
Show 00010-4920 RST1178 295 2.0 95
Show 00115-4938 HJ 3352 302 6.6 107
Show 00175-4726 SKF 407 86 7.6 116
Show 00091-5001 RST5492 322 1.0 121
Show 00159-4922 UC 344 218 15.1 121
Show 00048-4603 KPP1385 61 10.4 122
Show 00101-4601 KPP2852 285 6.6 127
Show 00091-5010 HJ 3347 85 24.7 130
Show 00179-4917 UC 348 310 99.6 134
Show 00052-4547 B 635 333 1.5 137
Show 00189-4905 RST 4 3 0.9 137
Show 00212-4743 HDS 46 278 0.1 148
Show 00100-5028 CBL 561 84 21.0 150
Show 00204-4707 LDS 13 296 38.3 151
Show 00215-4900 RST 6 92 1.1 158
Show 00217-4711 HDS 47 110 3.7 161
Show 00156-5019 HU 1552 63 2.2 161
Show 00185-4606 RST 3 131 2.2 168
Show 00082-4515 UC 323 10 22.7 169
Show 00040-4515 TVB 19 235 5.1 170
Show 00171-5039 TDS1382 119 2.1 186
Show 00180-5037 KPP2849 88 4.3 190
Show 00043-4449 DON1057 76 0.4 196
Show 00193-5040 RST 5 19 1.6 200
Show 00228-5009 CBL 570 260 36.2 203
Show 00265-4712 UC 367 107 41.1 207
Show 00170-4506 TDS1380 158 0.9 207
Show 00266-4652 UC 368 315 50.4 215
Show 00109-5144 NSN 224 321 13.8 226
Show 00235-4537 B 637 138 0.4 226
Show 00262-5011 TDS1463 228 2.8 231
Show 00174-5131 HDS 40 16 0.2 233
Show 00003-4417 I 1477 327 0.3 235
Show 00065-5200 TDS1294 224 2.3 238
Show 00028-4404 TDS1268 93 0.9 242
Show 00257-5050 HJ 3365 172 16.6 251
Show 00087-5220 HU 1551 125 8.1 258

WDS 00067-4803 : COMPONENTS
B pa=59.0°
00067-4803 A
Coord arcsec 2000 000640.83-480246.6 Mag 11.9 PmRA -12.00 PmDE -4.0
Ccdm 00067-4803 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -1.11 DDEs 13.6
R dRAs 66 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 11.9 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number -48 4 Cat1 CD
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
00067-4803 B
Coord arcsec 2000 000641.06-480245.2 Mag 12.8 PmRA 27.00 PmDE 6.0
Calc delta mag 0.9 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 00067-4803 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num CPO DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1904 Theta 045 Rho 1.9
Obs 1 Vmag 12.8 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD