09375+2838 HDS 1385

09h 37m 31.79s +28° 38' 09.3" P.A. 88.00 sep 1.4 mag 12.76,13.58 dist. 43.01 pc (140.3 l.y.)
Coord 2000 09375+2838 Discov num HDS1385 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 37 31.79 +28 38 09.3
Date first 1991 Date last 2016 Obs 4
Pa first 91 Pa last 87.7 P.A. Now (θ) 87.7°
Sep first 1.4 Sep last 1.394 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.394"
Mag pri 12.76 Mag sec 13.58 delta mag (ΔM) 0.82 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -139 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -165 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Leo HIP 47228 Gaia DR2 696003195528935808 Distance 43.01
Distance ly 140.3
WDS 09375+2838 HDS 1385 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 HDS Hipparcos Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09375+2838 HDS1385 1991 1 91 1.4 12.76 13.58 093731.90+283811.0
09375+2838 HDS1385 2015 2 89 1.4 12.76 13.58 093731.79+283809.3
09375+2838 HDS1385 2016 3 88 1.4 12.76 13.58 093731.79+283809.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09375+2838 HDS 1385 : MEASURES
No records found.


09375+2838 HDS1385A mag 12.76 09375+2838 HDS1385B sep 1.2 P.A. 87.40 mag 13.58 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09375+2838 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 37m 31.79s +28° 38' 09.3"
WDS 09375+2838 HDS 1385 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09375+2838  HDS1385 distance=0' 09365+2820  ES  428 distance=23' 09354+2821  TDS6668 distance=33' 09400+2824  SLW 378 distance=36' 09377+2919  OSW  65 distance=41' 09342+2840  KPP1206 distance=44' 09390+2923  CVR1234 distance=49' 09358+2926  A   343 distance=54' 09333+2822  H N  29 distance=58' 09333+2809  SLW 366 distance=64' 09344+2930  SLW 367 distance=67' 09417+2755  TDS6748 distance=70' 09426+2908  BRT  19 distance=75' 09413+2738  HJ  819 distance=79' 09415+2727  KPP 583 distance=89' 09392+3014  LDS3909 distance=100' 09390+3017  COU1254Ba,Bb distance=100' 09356+3015  CVR1231 distance=100' 09390+3017  ARY  51AB distance=101' 09412+2706  A  2052 distance=104' 09297+2833  BRT  18 distance=105' 09335+2704  TDS6651 distance=108' 09459+2851  GRV 799 distance=112' 09301+2736  MLB 523 distance=117' 09327+2659  LWR   8BH distance=117' 09454+2935  BRT 247 distance=118' 09327+2659  LDS3903AB distance=118' 09327+2659  LAF  38AC distance=118' 09327+2659  LAF  38AD distance=118' 09327+2659  LAF  38AE distance=118' 09327+2659  LAF  38AF distance=118' 09327+2659  LAF  38AG distance=118' 09327+2659  MET  99AI distance=118' 09413+2650  GRV 795 distance=119' 09287+2923  UC 1799 distance=125' 09282+2811  COU1121 distance=127' 09279+2838  CBL 279 distance=127' 09378+3045  SLW 372 distance=127' 09330+3032  UC 1808 distance=128' 09448+3005  CVR1237 distance=129' 09321+3027  A   224 distance=130' 09439+2658  RAO 687 distance=132' 09309+2658  LDS 909AB distance=134' 09309+2658  LMP   7AC distance=134' 09309+2658  LMP   7AD distance=134' 09385+3051  ES  429 distance=135' 09338+2621  HJ  467 distance=146' 09387+3106  UC 1816 distance=149' 09262+2838  A   223AD distance=150' 09260+2839  A   222 distance=152' 09428+3055  SLW 385 distance=154' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09375+2838 HDS1385 88 1.4 0
Show 09365+2820 ES 428 203 13.6 23
Show 09354+2821 TDS6668 245 1.6 33
Show 09400+2824 SLW 378 146 159.3 36
Show 09377+2919 OSW 65 177 88.2 41
Show 09342+2840 KPP1206 259 9.3 44
Show 09390+2923 CVR1234 100 4.9 49
Show 09358+2926 A 343 175 1.1 54
Show 09333+2822 H N 29 263 27.6 58
Show 09333+2809 SLW 366 41 12.8 64
Show 09344+2930 SLW 367 141 11.8 67
Show 09417+2755 TDS6748 108 0.5 70
Show 09426+2908 BRT 19 22 3.7 75
Show 09413+2738 HJ 819 194 21.6 79
Show 09415+2727 KPP 583 93 5.4 89
Show 09392+3014 LDS3909 107 72.6 100
Show 09390+3017 COU1254 Ba,Bb 88 0.6 100
Show 09356+3015 CVR1231 93 3.2 100
Show 09390+3017 ARY 51 AB 273 118.7 101
Show 09412+2706 A 2052 318 5.2 104
Show 09297+2833 BRT 18 94 3.5 105
Show 09335+2704 TDS6651 268 1.2 108
Show 09459+2851 GRV 799 180 37.8 112
Show 09301+2736 MLB 523 99 5.5 117
Show 09327+2659 LWR 8 BH 317 9.5 117
Show 09454+2935 BRT 247 145 5.3 118
Show 09327+2659 LDS3903 AB 64 65.6 118
Show 09327+2659 LAF 38 AC 187 4.9 118
Show 09327+2659 LAF 38 AD 192 5.4 118
Show 09327+2659 LAF 38 AE 81 9.8 118
Show 09327+2659 LAF 38 AF 165 10.2 118
Show 09327+2659 LAF 38 AG 215 13.7 118
Show 09327+2659 MET 99 AI 254 7.1 118
Show 09413+2650 GRV 795 228 23.3 119
Show 09287+2923 UC 1799 59 31.1 125
Show 09282+2811 COU1121 35 1.0 127
Show 09279+2838 CBL 279 115 45.8 127
Show 09378+3045 SLW 372 330 117.3 127
Show 09330+3032 UC 1808 129 63.4 128
Show 09448+3005 CVR1237 210 4.9 129
Show 09321+3027 A 224 145 4.0 130
Show 09439+2658 RAO 687 68 2.3 132
Show 09309+2658 LDS 909 AB 30 86.9 134
Show 09309+2658 LMP 7 AC 352 65.0 134
Show 09309+2658 LMP 7 AD 65 64.2 134
Show 09385+3051 ES 429 15 4.0 135
Show 09338+2621 HJ 467 277 8.8 146
Show 09387+3106 UC 1816 214 30.5 149
Show 09262+2838 A 223 AD 7 2.5 150
Show 09260+2839 A 222 4 0.4 152
Show 09428+3055 SLW 385 342 117.8 154

WDS 09375+2838 : COMPONENTS
B pa=87.4°
09375+2838 A
Coord arcsec 2000 093731.79+283809.3 Mag 12.76 PmRA -139.00 PmDE -165.0
HIP 47228
Catalog H HIP 47228 Proxy H RAhms 09 37 31.90
DEdms +28 38 11.0 Vmag 12.2 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 144.383 DEdeg 28.6364 AstroRef A Plx 26.05
CCDM 09375+2838 N CCDM H Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source Qual D M HIP AB
Theta 91 Rho 1.403 HD BD
CD CP Dm number VIred 1.04
SpType R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 093731.90+283811.0
Hipparcos 2
HIP 47228 Sn 15 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 2.5199570283 DErad 0.4997992199 Plx 23.25 PmRA -140.01
PmDE -165.69 E RArad 5.03 E DErad 5.13 E Plx 6.06
E pmRA 6.19 E pmDE 5.97 Hpmag 12.3408 E Hpmag 0.0127
SHp 0.077 VA 0 BV 0 E BV 0
VI 0
Ccdm 09375+2838 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 1.80 DDEs 9.6
R dRAs 82 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 12.8 Sp PmNote *
PmRA -139 PmDE -165 Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
HIC 47228
09375+2838 B
Coord arcsec 2000 093731.88+283809.4 Mag 13.58 Calc delta mag 0.82 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 09375+2838 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num HDS DRAs 1.91 DDEs 9.5
R dRAs 82 Year 1991 Theta 91 Rho 1.4
Obs 1 Vmag 13.6 Sp PmNote *
PmRA -139 PmDE -165 Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
HIC 47228