09362-2347 TDS 6677

09h 36m 12.35s -23° 47' 14.7" P.A. 202.00 sep 2.1 mag 11.25,12.52
Coord 2000 09362-2347 Discov num TDS6677 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 36 12.35 -23 47 14.7
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 202 Pa last 202.4 P.A. Now (θ) 202.4°
Sep first 2.1 Sep last 2.06 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.06"
Mag pri 11.25 Mag sec 12.52 delta mag (ΔM) 1.27 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -008 Sec motion ra -008
Pri motion dec +005 Sec motion dec +005
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Hydra Tycho2 6601-01415-1 Gaia DR2 5662860366267307264
WDS 09362-2347 TDS 6677 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09362-2347 TDS6677 1991 1 202 2.1 11.25 12.52 093612.35-234714.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09362-2347 TDS 6677 : MEASURES
No records found.


09362-2347 TDS6677A mag 11.25 09362-2347 TDS6677B sep 2.0 P.A. 200.70 mag 12.52 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09362-2347 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 36m 12.35s -23° 47' 14.7"
WDS 09362-2347 TDS 6677 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09362-2347  TDS6677 distance=0' 09350-2327  TDS6660 distance=27' 09380-2356  ARA2154 distance=28' 09378-2312  TDS6699 distance=42' 09330-2348  B  2690 distance=45' 09366-2442  FIN 383 distance=56' 09329-2428  ARA2312 distance=61' 09409-2343  BRT1479 distance=64' 09412-2355  UC 1820 distance=69' 09323-2305  ARA1767 distance=70' 09387-2246  TDS6713 distance=71' 09413-2335  H N  20 distance=71' 09311-2329  LDS3902 distance=72' 09357-2230  ARA1768 distance=78' 09305-2401  B   183 distance=80' 09376-2228  TDS6697 distance=82' 09421-2343  RST2648 distance=82' 09347-2509  B  2220 distance=85' 09359-2517  UC 1814 distance=91' 09363-2214  LDS 274 distance=92' 09301-2441  TDS6605 distance=100' 09382-2523  TDS6707 distance=101' 09299-2440  RST2632 distance=102' 09432-2423  KPP2578 distance=103' 09305-2454  UC 1806 distance=103' 09365-2204  TDS6681 distance=104' 09309-2501  DAM1637 distance=104' 09428-2258  DON1085AB distance=104' 09291-2429  TSN 151 distance=107' 09310-2507  B   184AB distance=107' 09310-2507  B   184BC distance=107' 09440-2336  ARA2156 distance=107' 09282-2353  TDS6580 distance=111' 09443-2334  TDS6776 distance=112' 09354-2539  UC 1813 distance=112' 09285-2426  B   181 distance=113' 09443-2313  I   838 distance=117' 09278-2407  KPP2960 distance=118' 09326-2535  RST2634 distance=119' 09381-2548  TDS6705 distance=124' 09322-2539  OL   40 distance=125' 09362-2142  DON 345 distance=125' 09373-2554  TDS6693 distance=128' 09347-2555  RST2638 distance=130' 09381-2139  TDS6704 distance=131' 09307-2537  HJ 2498 distance=134' 09441-2228  ARA1469 distance=136' 09440-2222  DAM1715 distance=137' 09355-2604  RST2640 distance=138' 09443-2225  RST2651 distance=140' 09370-2610  WSI 127AB distance=144' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09362-2347 TDS6677 202 2.1 0
Show 09350-2327 TDS6660 140 1.0 27
Show 09380-2356 ARA2154 145 10.1 28
Show 09378-2312 TDS6699 359 0.9 42
Show 09330-2348 B 2690 273 9.3 45
Show 09366-2442 FIN 383 138 0.1 56
Show 09329-2428 ARA2312 218 12.1 61
Show 09409-2343 BRT1479 243 4.6 64
Show 09412-2355 UC 1820 11 14.1 69
Show 09323-2305 ARA1767 334 14.6 70
Show 09387-2246 TDS6713 243 0.5 71
Show 09413-2335 H N 20 293 51.8 71
Show 09311-2329 LDS3902 274 233.3 72
Show 09357-2230 ARA1768 54 14.2 78
Show 09305-2401 B 183 330 4.3 80
Show 09376-2228 TDS6697 230 5.0 82
Show 09421-2343 RST2648 133 1.7 82
Show 09347-2509 B 2220 83 21.2 85
Show 09359-2517 UC 1814 221 68.2 91
Show 09363-2214 LDS 274 328 4.4 92
Show 09301-2441 TDS6605 209 0.5 100
Show 09382-2523 TDS6707 24 0.8 101
Show 09299-2440 RST2632 157 2.2 102
Show 09432-2423 KPP2578 247 23.3 103
Show 09305-2454 UC 1806 163 20.3 103
Show 09365-2204 TDS6681 121 0.5 104
Show 09309-2501 DAM1637 287 26.3 104
Show 09428-2258 DON1085 AB 282 15.8 104
Show 09291-2429 TSN 151 197 0.4 107
Show 09310-2507 B 184 AB 331 6.9 107
Show 09310-2507 B 184 BC 130 5.8 107
Show 09440-2336 ARA2156 303 11.8 107
Show 09282-2353 TDS6580 166 2.2 111
Show 09443-2334 TDS6776 310 0.5 112
Show 09354-2539 UC 1813 113 37.2 112
Show 09285-2426 B 181 264 0.3 113
Show 09443-2313 I 838 335 2.7 117
Show 09278-2407 KPP2960 250 3.2 118
Show 09326-2535 RST2634 243 0.4 119
Show 09381-2548 TDS6705 108 0.9 124
Show 09322-2539 OL 40 8 1.4 125
Show 09362-2142 DON 345 218 1.8 125
Show 09373-2554 TDS6693 194 0.5 128
Show 09347-2555 RST2638 120 0.9 130
Show 09381-2139 TDS6704 253 0.4 131
Show 09307-2537 HJ 2498 33 16.4 134
Show 09441-2228 ARA1469 136 12.2 136
Show 09440-2222 DAM1715 50 5.4 137
Show 09355-2604 RST2640 280 2.8 138
Show 09443-2225 RST2651 143 0.5 140
Show 09370-2610 WSI 127 AB 54 0.4 144

WDS 09362-2347 : COMPONENTS
B pa=200.7°
09362-2347 A
Coord arcsec 2000 093612.35-234714.7 Mag 11.25 PmRA -8.00 PmDE 5.0
Tycho2 6601-01415-1
Tycho2 6601-01415-1 Pflag RAmdeg 144.05143589 DEmdeg -23.78742342
PmRA -8.0 PmDE 4.5 E RAmdeg 47 E DEmdeg 63
E pmRA 3.2 E pmDE 3.1 EpRAm 1988.82 EpDEm 1986.29
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 3.8 Q DEmdeg 0.1 Q pmRA 3.8
Q pmDE 0.1 BTmag 13.194 E BTmag 0.270 VTmag 11.252
E VTmag 0.073 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 144.05145611 DEdeg -23.78743333 EpRA 1990 1.86
EpDE 1990 1.98 E RAdeg 48.4 E DEdeg 64.9 Posflg
Corr 0.0
09362-2347 B
Coord arcsec 2000 093612.30-234716.6 Mag 12.52 PmRA -8.00 PmDE 5.0
Calc delta mag 1.27 Calc coord yes