09325+0906 XMI 93

09h 32m 28.73s +09° 05' 46.2" P.A. 196.00 sep 21.8 mag 10.91,11.88
Coord 2000 09325+0906 Discov num XMI  93 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 32 28.73 +09 05 46.2
Date first 1903 Date last 2015 Obs 11
Pa first 193 Pa last 196.4 P.A. Now (θ) 196.4°
Sep first 22.0 Sep last 21.838 Sep. Now (ρ) 21.838"
Mag pri 10.91 Mag sec 11.88 delta mag (ΔM) 0.97 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +001 Sec motion ra -014
Pri motion dec -012 Sec motion dec -006
This double is not physical.
Constellation Leo Tycho2 0821-00647-1 Gaia DR2 588240546221676544
WDS 09325+0906 XMI 93 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 XMI Miret, X. & Tobal, T.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09325+0906 XMI 93 2000 5 196 21.9 10.91 12.07 D 093228.73+090546.2
09325+0906 XMI 93 2010 6 196 21.8 10.91 12.07 D 093228.73+090546.2
09325+0906 XMI 93 2015 9 196 21.8 10.91 11.88 093228.73+090546.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09325+0906 XMI 93 : MEASURES
No records found.


09325+0906 XMI  93A mag 10.91 09325+0906 XMI  93B sep 21.8 P.A. 196.20 mag 11.88 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09325+0906 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 32m 28.73s +09° 05' 46.2"
Primaries only

09325+0906  XMI  93 distance=0' 09319+0911  OCC 891 distance=11' 09322+0854  OCC9149 distance=13' 09333+0910  A  2756AB distance=13' 09312+0908  CHE 139 distance=18' 09313+0913  SKF1720 distance=19' 09338+0910  GWP1194 distance=20' 09332+0927  SKF1721 distance=24' 09325+0840  SLW 364 distance=26' 09312+0845  CHE 140 distance=29' 09320+0943  SHJ 107 distance=38' 09285+0903  STF1356 distance=60' 09290+0938  CHE 138AB distance=62' 09290+0938  LAD   1AC distance=62' 09347+0811  OCC 385 distance=64' 09358+0952  OCC 568 distance=68' 09369+0927  DAL  17 distance=69' 09344+1009  HJ  816 distance=70' 09276+0858  HEI 489 distance=73' 09276+0901  SLW 357 distance=73' 09337+1021  CVR1228 distance=78' 09285+0811  H 4  47 distance=81' 09279+0818  A  2978 distance=83' 09344+1025  SLW 368 distance=85' 09372+0958  GRV 793 distance=89' 09357+1023  GWP1200 distance=91' 09291+1024  CVR1225 distance=93' 09295+1029  GWP1185 distance=94' 09306+1036  STF1360AB distance=95' 09306+1036  STF1360AC distance=95' 09306+1036  STF1360AD distance=95' 09261+0842  CHE 135 distance=97' 09323+1046  ARY  50 distance=101' 09260+0937  LDS3890 distance=102' 09262+0823  CHE 136 distance=103' 09290+1047  TDS6592 distance=114' 09345+0716  GWP1197 distance=114' 09384+1019  GWP1207 distance=115' 09402+0908  LDS3914 distance=116' 09402+0844  OCC 372 distance=117' 09384+0743  A  2759 distance=121' 09412+0900  OCC 306 distance=130' 09275+1054  J   388 distance=131' 09319+1118  OCC9148 distance=133' 09412+0954  HMM   1Aa,Ab (Subra) distance=137' 09412+0954  ARI   1Aa,Ac (Subra) distance=137' 09412+0954  H 6  76AB (Subra) distance=137' 09233+0921  HEI 487 distance=137' 09388+1047  STT 204AB distance=138' 09388+1047  WAL  56AC distance=138' 09373+0701  HEI 751 distance=143' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09325+0906 XMI 93 196 21.8 0
Show 09319+0911 OCC 891 -1 0.1 11
Show 09322+0854 OCC9149 -1 0.4 13
Show 09333+0910 A 2756 AB 359 1.4 13
Show 09312+0908 CHE 139 56 12.2 18
Show 09313+0913 SKF1720 306 1.5 19
Show 09338+0910 GWP1194 17 102.7 20
Show 09332+0927 SKF1721 36 1.3 24
Show 09325+0840 SLW 364 213 132.3 26
Show 09312+0845 CHE 140 203 25.1 29
Show 09320+0943 SHJ 107 77 37.1 38
Show 09285+0903 STF1356 116 0.9 60
Show 09290+0938 CHE 138 AB 6 28.3 62
Show 09290+0938 LAD 1 AC 204 9.1 62
Show 09347+0811 OCC 385 -1 0.5 64
Show 09358+0952 OCC 568 -1 0.4 68
Show 09369+0927 DAL 17 279 29.0 69
Show 09344+1009 HJ 816 16 12.7 70
Show 09276+0858 HEI 489 183 0.6 73
Show 09276+0901 SLW 357 51 20.4 73
Show 09337+1021 CVR1228 72 4.3 78
Show 09285+0811 H 4 47 80 25.2 81
Show 09279+0818 A 2978 102 1.3 83
Show 09344+1025 SLW 368 339 11.3 85
Show 09372+0958 GRV 793 213 67.4 89
Show 09357+1023 GWP1200 40 21.8 91
Show 09291+1024 CVR1225 78 3.1 93
Show 09295+1029 GWP1185 300 41.6 94
Show 09306+1036 STF1360 AB 242 13.8 95
Show 09306+1036 STF1360 AC 76 104.8 95
Show 09306+1036 STF1360 AD 61 176.4 95
Show 09261+0842 CHE 135 116 2.7 97
Show 09323+1046 ARY 50 253 120.2 101
Show 09260+0937 LDS3890 46 15.8 102
Show 09262+0823 CHE 136 143 20.8 103
Show 09290+1047 TDS6592 239 1.2 114
Show 09345+0716 GWP1197 104 30.7 114
Show 09384+1019 GWP1207 137 97.5 115
Show 09402+0908 LDS3914 242 8.5 116
Show 09402+0844 OCC 372 -1 0.0 117
Show 09384+0743 A 2759 161 2.1 121
Show 09412+0900 OCC 306 -1 0.1 130
Show 09275+1054 J 388 351 4.9 131
Show 09319+1118 OCC9148 -1 0.0 133
Show Subra 09412+0954 HMM 1 Aa,Ab 22 0.0 137
Show Subra 09412+0954 ARI 1 Aa,Ac 268 0.6 137
Show Subra 09412+0954 H 6 76 AB 48 96.2 137
Show 09233+0921 HEI 487 104 2.3 137
Show 09388+1047 STT 204 AB 99 8.3 138
Show 09388+1047 WAL 56 AC 81 85.7 138
Show 09373+0701 HEI 751 155 2.0 143

WDS 09325+0906 : COMPONENTS
B pa=196.2°
09325+0906 A
Coord arcsec 2000 093228.73+090546.2 Mag 10.91 PmRA 1.00 PmDE -12.0
Tycho2 0821-00647-1
Tycho2 0821-00647-1 Pflag RAmdeg 143.11952063 DEmdeg 9.09617213
PmRA -1.5 PmDE -8.6 E RAmdeg 57 E DEmdeg 74
E pmRA 2.6 E pmDE 2.6 EpRAm 1985.52 EpDEm 1979.40
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 0.1 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 0.1 BTmag 12.143 E BTmag 0.198 VTmag 10.906
E VTmag 0.090 Prox 218 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 143.11952333 DEdeg 9.09619194 EpRA 1990 1.76
EpDE 1990 1.76 E RAdeg 58.8 E DEdeg 81.3 Posflg
Corr 0.0
09325+0906 B
Coord arcsec 2000 093228.32+090525.3 Mag 11.88 PmRA -14.00 PmDE -6.0
Tycho2 0821-00236-1 Calc delta mag 0.97 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 0821-00236-1 Pflag RAmdeg 143.11783850 DEmdeg 9.09035001
PmRA -11.4 PmDE -2.9 E RAmdeg 83 E DEmdeg 105
E pmRA 2.8 E pmDE 2.8 EpRAm 1978.36 EpDEm 1967.02
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.4 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 0.4
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 12.068 E BTmag 0.179 VTmag 12.073
E VTmag 0.263 Prox 218 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 143.11786444 DEdeg 9.09035889 EpRA 1990 1.75
EpDE 1990 1.80 E RAdeg 90.7 E DEdeg 127.3 Posflg
Corr 0.1