09208-3152 TDS 6494

09h 20m 48.01s -31° 51' 40.1" P.A. 6.00 sep 2.1 mag 11.14,12.54
Coord 2000 09208-3152 Discov num TDS6494 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 20 48.01 -31 51 40.1
Date first 1991 Date last 2015 Obs 3
Pa first 6 Pa last 5.8 P.A. Now (θ) 5.8°
Sep first 2.2 Sep last 2.148 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.148"
Mag pri 11.14 Mag sec 12.54 delta mag (ΔM) 1.4 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -030 Sec motion ra -030
Pri motion dec -023 Sec motion dec -023
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pyxis Tycho2 7153-00985-1 Gaia DR2 5631291433230442880
WDS 09208-3152 TDS 6494 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09208-3152 TDS6494 1991 1 6 2.2 11.14 12.54 092048.01-315140.1
09208-3152 TDS6494 2015 2 6 2.1 11.14 12.54 092048.01-315140.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09208-3152 TDS 6494 : MEASURES
No records found.


09208-3152 TDS6494A mag 11.14 09208-3152 TDS6494B sep 2.1 P.A. 4.90 mag 12.54 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09208-3152 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 20m 48.01s -31° 51' 40.1"
WDS 09208-3152 TDS 6494 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09208-3152  TDS6494 distance=0' 09207-3146  HJ 4200 distance=7' 09204-3143  DAW  47 distance=9' 09199-3142  HDS1343 distance=16' 09223-3209  RSS 199 distance=27' 09184-3156  B  1650 distance=31' 09234-3140  COO  82 distance=35' 09221-3232  TDS6507 distance=44' 09242-3201  BRT2967 distance=45' 09247-3141  TDS6542 distance=51' 09179-3109  TDS6451AB distance=57' 09179-3109  DAM1592AB,C distance=57' 09225-3245  HJ 4203AB distance=58' 09232-3102  WFC  84 distance=59' 09233-3055  LDS5701 distance=65' 09172-3238  TDS6445 distance=66' 09200-3044  TDS6479 distance=69' 09158-3123  BVD  75 distance=70' 09207-3036  RST5326 distance=76' 09179-3311  TDS6452 distance=87' 09154-3251  RST2620 distance=91' 09144-3233  RST2619 distance=92' 09222-3324  TDS6509 distance=94' 09236-3020  LDS5702 distance=98' 09136-3224  HDS1334 distance=98' 09263-3300  TDS6561 distance=98' 09266-3047  SWR  71AB distance=99' 09179-3017  RST 389 distance=103' 09181-3015  RST1424 distance=103' 09137-3056  RST2617 distance=107' 09292-3147  B  1126 distance=108' 09155-3316  DAM1578 distance=108' 09292-3149  PRO  86 distance=108' 09159-3322  TDS6431 distance=110' 09160-3323  DAM1584 distance=110' 09247-3330  TDS6543 distance=111' 09146-3032  BRT2966 distance=114' 09199-3346  TDS6476 distance=115' 09151-3022  DAW 131 distance=117' 09151-3019  LDS 261 distance=118' 09159-3331  TDS6432 distance=118' 09244-3341  RST5330 distance=119' 09147-3021  KPP 189 distance=120' 09143-3320  TDS6413 distance=121' 09207-2949  I  1130 distance=123' 09160-3339  TDS6433 distance=124' 09305-3206  LDS5704 distance=124' 09305-3205  PRO  87 distance=125' 09247-3346  TDS6544 distance=125' 09175-3350  TDS6447 distance=126' 09308-3153  DUN  78 distance=127' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09208-3152 TDS6494 6 2.1 0
Show 09207-3146 HJ 4200 75 3.0 7
Show 09204-3143 DAW 47 217 4.8 9
Show 09199-3142 HDS1343 288 0.4 16
Show 09223-3209 RSS 199 118 8.2 27
Show 09184-3156 B 1650 351 1.2 31
Show 09234-3140 COO 82 110 4.5 35
Show 09221-3232 TDS6507 100 0.4 44
Show 09242-3201 BRT2967 336 4.1 45
Show 09247-3141 TDS6542 94 0.7 51
Show 09179-3109 TDS6451 AB 218 0.7 57
Show 09179-3109 DAM1592 AB,C 290 3.8 57
Show 09225-3245 HJ 4203 AB 63 15.5 58
Show 09232-3102 WFC 84 145 9.6 59
Show 09233-3055 LDS5701 262 196.0 65
Show 09172-3238 TDS6445 242 0.9 66
Show 09200-3044 TDS6479 245 0.6 69
Show 09158-3123 BVD 75 251 31.5 70
Show 09207-3036 RST5326 198 0.2 76
Show 09179-3311 TDS6452 35 0.7 87
Show 09154-3251 RST2620 44 0.7 91
Show 09144-3233 RST2619 90 1.6 92
Show 09222-3324 TDS6509 213 1.6 94
Show 09236-3020 LDS5702 259 6.7 98
Show 09136-3224 HDS1334 336 9.0 98
Show 09263-3300 TDS6561 168 0.6 98
Show 09266-3047 SWR 71 AB 87 24.2 99
Show 09179-3017 RST 389 355 3.3 103
Show 09181-3015 RST1424 353 1.6 103
Show 09137-3056 RST2617 274 2.1 107
Show 09292-3147 B 1126 140 3.8 108
Show 09155-3316 DAM1578 302 2.3 108
Show 09292-3149 PRO 86 148 12.6 108
Show 09159-3322 TDS6431 343 3.2 110
Show 09160-3323 DAM1584 341 10.8 110
Show 09247-3330 TDS6543 106 1.1 111
Show 09146-3032 BRT2966 257 3.6 114
Show 09199-3346 TDS6476 110 0.5 115
Show 09151-3022 DAW 131 127 1.1 117
Show 09151-3019 LDS 261 15 4.1 118
Show 09159-3331 TDS6432 301 1.3 118
Show 09244-3341 RST5330 275 3.9 119
Show 09147-3021 KPP 189 161 3.3 120
Show 09143-3320 TDS6413 221 0.4 121
Show 09207-2949 I 1130 246 1.7 123
Show 09160-3339 TDS6433 178 0.5 124
Show 09305-3206 LDS5704 207 10.9 124
Show 09305-3205 PRO 87 278 6.5 125
Show 09247-3346 TDS6544 137 2.1 125
Show 09175-3350 TDS6447 235 0.5 126
Show 09308-3153 DUN 78 212 8.3 127

WDS 09208-3152 : COMPONENTS
B pa=4.9°
09208-3152 A
Coord arcsec 2000 092048.01-315140.1 Mag 11.14 PmRA -30.00 PmDE -23.0
Tycho2 7153-00985-1
Tycho2 7153-00985-1 Pflag RAmdeg 140.20004116 DEmdeg -31.86112994
PmRA -30.4 PmDE -22.9 E RAmdeg 33 E DEmdeg 35
E pmRA 2.6 E pmDE 2.4 EpRAm 1989.45 EpDEm 1988.62
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.3 Q DEmdeg 0.6 Q pmRA 0.3
Q pmDE 0.5 BTmag 11.696 E BTmag 0.055 VTmag 11.150
E VTmag 0.056 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 140.20012500 DEdeg -31.86107556 EpRA 1990 1.56
EpDE 1990 1.44 E RAdeg 33.2 E DEdeg 35.7 Posflg
Corr -0.1
09208-3152 B
Coord arcsec 2000 092048.02-315138.0 Mag 12.54 PmRA -30.00 PmDE -23.0
Calc delta mag 1.4 Calc coord yes