09203-2519 TDS 6489

09h 20m 16.93s -25° 18' 43.3" P.A. 122.00 sep 1.1 mag 12.06,12.12
Coord 2000 09203-2519 Discov num TDS6489 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 20 16.93 -25 18 43.3
Date first 1991 Date last 2016 Obs 3
Pa first 137 Pa last 121.5 P.A. Now (θ) 121.5°
Sep first 1.2 Sep last 1.112 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.112"
Mag pri 12.06 Mag sec 12.12 delta mag (ΔM) 0.06 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -008 Sec motion ra -008
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec -004
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pyxis Tycho2 6591-00800-1 Gaia DR2 5638455988431064192
WDS 09203-2519 TDS 6489 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09203-2519 TDS6489 1991 1 137 1.2 12.06 12.12 092016.93-251843.3
09203-2519 TDS6489 2015 2 122 1.1 12.06 12.12 092016.93-251843.3
09203-2519 TDS6489 2016 3 122 1.1 12.06 12.12 092016.93-251843.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09203-2519 TDS 6489 : MEASURES
No records found.


09203-2519 TDS6489A mag 12.06 09203-2519 TDS6489B sep 1.0 P.A. 124.10 mag 12.12 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09203-2519 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 20m 16.93s -25° 18' 43.3"
WDS 09203-2519 TDS 6489 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09203-2519  TDS6489 distance=0' 09184-2458  UC 1775 distance=33' 09173-2532  TDS6446 distance=42' 09168-2521  DAM1588 distance=48' 09189-2433  ARA2311 distance=50' 09165-2518  B  2207 distance=52' 09217-2611  ARU   8 distance=56' 09167-2448  JNN  67 distance=58' 09155-2507  LDS 262 distance=66' 09188-2409  B  2677 distance=73' 09256-2520  RST2627 distance=73' 09216-2405  ARA2149AB distance=77' 09216-2405  ARA2149AC distance=77' 09216-2405  ARA2149BC distance=77' 09159-2430  ARA2310 distance=78' 09243-2615  FAL  29 distance=79' 09218-2404  ARA2150 distance=79' 09253-2439  TDS6547 distance=79' 09179-2406  BRT1475 distance=80' 09220-2357  WSP 142 distance=86' 09187-2352  TDS6461 distance=90' 09229-2355  TDS6518 distance=91' 09274-2524  BRT2969 distance=96' 09131-2505  LDS6224AB distance=99' 09202-2337  BRT1476 distance=102' 09127-2524  TDS 522 distance=104' 09139-2617  KPP1810 distance=104' 09243-2349  HLD  98 distance=106' 09168-2344  ARA2144 distance=106' 09190-2332  LDS3874 distance=108' 09185-2332  TDS6458 distance=110' 09203-2329  WHC   6 distance=110' 09238-2340  HDO 123AB distance=111' 09238-2340  HDO 123AC distance=111' 09198-2328  TDS6474 distance=112' 09259-2641  DAM1614 distance=113' 09174-2333  ARA2145 distance=114' 09156-2346  BRT1474 distance=114' 09204-2325  DON 333 distance=114' 09269-2630  LDS3895 distance=115' 09221-2327  TDS 528 distance=115' 09122-2555  JNN 150 distance=115' 09118-2458  RST2615 distance=118' 09262-2645  TDS6560 distance=118' 09191-2322  TDS6465 distance=119' 09277-2622  HDS1356 distance=119' 09222-2715  RST1428 distance=120' 09252-2337  ARG  22 distance=122' 09254-2339  TDS6549 distance=122' 09224-2320  ARA1766 distance=123' 09285-2426  B   181 distance=124' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09203-2519 TDS6489 122 1.1 0
Show 09184-2458 UC 1775 11 9.4 33
Show 09173-2532 TDS6446 2 0.6 42
Show 09168-2521 DAM1588 99 1.1 48
Show 09189-2433 ARA2311 288 14.6 50
Show 09165-2518 B 2207 179 2.5 52
Show 09217-2611 ARU 8 225 0.5 56
Show 09167-2448 JNN 67 146 0.1 58
Show 09155-2507 LDS 262 139 31.0 66
Show 09188-2409 B 2677 65 7.7 73
Show 09256-2520 RST2627 318 0.8 73
Show 09216-2405 ARA2149 AB 310 5.8 77
Show 09216-2405 ARA2149 AC 321 11.8 77
Show 09216-2405 ARA2149 BC 331 6.2 77
Show 09159-2430 ARA2310 334 12.5 78
Show 09243-2615 FAL 29 187 16.6 79
Show 09218-2404 ARA2150 170 15.6 79
Show 09253-2439 TDS6547 175 0.4 79
Show 09179-2406 BRT1475 44 2.8 80
Show 09220-2357 WSP 142 314 5.2 86
Show 09187-2352 TDS6461 114 0.5 90
Show 09229-2355 TDS6518 111 0.5 91
Show 09274-2524 BRT2969 110 4.2 96
Show 09131-2505 LDS6224 AB 290 174.4 99
Show 09202-2337 BRT1476 332 3.5 102
Show 09127-2524 TDS 522 129 1.8 104
Show 09139-2617 KPP1810 101 14.1 104
Show 09243-2349 HLD 98 171 3.1 106
Show 09168-2344 ARA2144 5 10.8 106
Show 09190-2332 LDS3874 265 134.6 108
Show 09185-2332 TDS6458 308 0.5 110
Show 09203-2329 WHC 6 51 1.9 110
Show 09238-2340 HDO 123 AB 5 4.8 111
Show 09238-2340 HDO 123 AC 189 53.7 111
Show 09198-2328 TDS6474 304 1.1 112
Show 09259-2641 DAM1614 196 2.8 113
Show 09174-2333 ARA2145 108 13.9 114
Show 09156-2346 BRT1474 156 2.9 114
Show 09204-2325 DON 333 158 2.2 114
Show 09269-2630 LDS3895 49 21.3 115
Show 09221-2327 TDS 528 16 0.8 115
Show 09122-2555 JNN 150 263 12.5 115
Show 09118-2458 RST2615 187 0.6 118
Show 09262-2645 TDS6560 21 2.6 118
Show 09191-2322 TDS6465 237 0.7 119
Show 09277-2622 HDS1356 306 0.4 119
Show 09222-2715 RST1428 51 1.8 120
Show 09252-2337 ARG 22 278 23.7 122
Show 09254-2339 TDS6549 141 0.7 122
Show 09224-2320 ARA1766 252 8.9 123
Show 09285-2426 B 181 264 0.3 124

WDS 09203-2519 : COMPONENTS
B pa=124.1°
09203-2519 A
Coord arcsec 2000 092016.93-251843.3 Mag 12.06 PmRA -8.00 PmDE -4.0
Tycho2 6591-00800-1
Tycho2 6591-00800-1 Pflag RAmdeg 140.07069132 DEmdeg -25.31213936
PmRA -7.5 PmDE -3.6 E RAmdeg 58 E DEmdeg 64
E pmRA 2.9 E pmDE 2.6 EpRAm 1986.40 EpDEm 1983.32
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.9 Q DEmdeg 2.0 Q pmRA 1.9
Q pmDE 2.0 BTmag 12.039 E BTmag 0.116 VTmag 11.540
E VTmag 0.107 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 140.07071056 DEdeg -25.31213111 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.72 E RAdeg 60.2 E DEdeg 68.0 Posflg
Corr 0.2
09203-2519 B
Coord arcsec 2000 092016.99-251843.9 Mag 12.12 PmRA -8.00 PmDE -4.0
Calc delta mag 0.06 Calc coord yes