01060+2456 BRT 122

01h 06m 03.41s +24° 57' 14.0" P.A. 98.00 sep 4.1 mag 10.70,11.10
Coord 2000 01060+2456 Discov num BRT 122 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 06 03.41 +24 57 14.0
Date first 1895 Date last 2015 Obs 13
Pa first 106 Pa last 97.5 P.A. Now (θ) 97.5°
Sep first 3.1 Sep last 4.08 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.08"
Mag pri 10.70 Mag sec 11.10 delta mag (ΔM) 0.4 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +012 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -022 Sec motion dec
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pisces Gaia DR2 2804311729562512256
WDS 01060+2456 BRT 122 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BRT 122 J 2708. J__1955
refcode metd author reference
J__1955 Mb - Jonckheere, R. 1955JO.....38..254J
J__1955 J. Obs. 38, 254, 1955
idgroup discov author
1 BRT Barton, S.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01060+2456 BRT 122 2003 8 97 4.2 10.70 11.10 N D 010603.41+245714.0
01060+2456 BRT 122 2015 11 98 4.1 10.70 11.10 N 010603.41+245714.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01060+2456 BRT 122 : MEASURES
No records found.


01060+2456 BRT 122A mag 10.7 01060+2456 BRT 122B sep 3.7 P.A. 98.30 mag 11.1 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01060+2456 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 06m 03.41s +24° 57' 14.0"
WDS 01060+2456 BRT 122 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01060+2456  BRT 122 distance=1' 01062+2509  COU  77 distance=13' 01054+2514  LDS3229 distance=19' 01075+2454  FMR  27 distance=20' 01078+2452  POU 100 distance=25' 01081+2451  POU 103 distance=29' 01074+2426  POU  99 distance=36' 01061+2419  POU  98 distance=39' 01032+2448  POU  96 distance=40' 01048+2535  BRT 120 distance=42' 01092+2504  POU 104 distance=44' 01094+2452  CVR 369 distance=47' 01096+2441  POU 106 distance=52' 01026+2521  POU  93 distance=54' 01093+2428  COU  78 distance=54' 01022+2504  POU  92 distance=54' 01021+2512  TDS1732 distance=56' 01026+2426  POU  94AB distance=56' 01026+2426  GRV  65AC distance=56' 01102+2447  POU 107 distance=57' 01020+2444  POU  91 distance=58' 01017+2518  HDS 134 distance=63' 01014+2459  POU  88 distance=64' 01046+2558  COU 253 distance=64' 01076+2557  UC   10 distance=64' 01029+2406  POU  95 distance=67' 01012+2458  LDS 872 distance=67' 01076+2354  POU 102AB distance=68' 01076+2354  POU 101AC distance=68' 01109+2447  POU 108 distance=68' 01092+2551  HJ 3242 distance=69' 01015+2424  POU  89 distance=71' 01095+2550  DAM 376 distance=71' 01006+2509  POU  86 distance=75' 01007+2439  POU  87 distance=76' 01101+2406  AZC  12 distance=77' 01093+2355  AZC  11 distance=77' 01005+2444  UC  486 distance=77' 01042+2344  COU  76 distance=78' 01069+2341  CVR  23 distance=78' 01004+2514  GRV  60 distance=78' 01052+2614  HJ 1067 distance=79' 01098+2603  KPP1397 distance=83' 01100+2352  CVR 370 distance=85' 01097+2348  BU  303 distance=86' 01000+2426  POU  84 distance=89' 01092+2339  POU 105 distance=90' 01121+2422  POU 109 distance=91' 01019+2347  AG   12 distance=91' 00593+2508  POU  82 distance=93' 01109+2351  UC  513 distance=94' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01060+2456 BRT 122 98 4.1 1
Show 01062+2509 COU 77 231 2.8 13
Show 01054+2514 LDS3229 160 2.4 19
Show 01075+2454 FMR 27 171 362.8 20
Show 01078+2452 POU 100 84 8.6 25
Show 01081+2451 POU 103 195 1.6 29
Show 01074+2426 POU 99 5 15.0 36
Show 01061+2419 POU 98 18 11.4 39
Show 01032+2448 POU 96 57 15.4 40
Show 01048+2535 BRT 120 321 3.9 42
Show 01092+2504 POU 104 178 6.7 44
Show 01094+2452 CVR 369 297 8.1 47
Show 01096+2441 POU 106 101 15.6 52
Show 01026+2521 POU 93 315 16.7 54
Show 01093+2428 COU 78 358 0.9 54
Show 01022+2504 POU 92 328 16.8 54
Show 01021+2512 TDS1732 283 0.5 56
Show 01026+2426 POU 94 AB 225 7.2 56
Show 01026+2426 GRV 65 AC 199 28.4 56
Show 01102+2447 POU 107 13 7.7 57
Show 01020+2444 POU 91 261 2.9 58
Show 01017+2518 HDS 134 215 0.1 63
Show 01014+2459 POU 88 58 7.4 64
Show 01046+2558 COU 253 96 1.0 64
Show 01076+2557 UC 10 25 62.6 64
Show 01029+2406 POU 95 109 17.3 67
Show 01012+2458 LDS 872 68 89.6 67
Show 01076+2354 POU 102 AB 111 4.1 68
Show 01076+2354 POU 101 AC 288 16.4 68
Show 01109+2447 POU 108 34 16.3 68
Show 01092+2551 HJ 3242 333 8.2 69
Show 01015+2424 POU 89 19 6.5 71
Show 01095+2550 DAM 376 91 5.2 71
Show 01006+2509 POU 86 123 15.7 75
Show 01007+2439 POU 87 294 5.2 76
Show 01101+2406 AZC 12 291 19.4 77
Show 01093+2355 AZC 11 1 24.4 77
Show 01005+2444 UC 486 166 14.1 77
Show 01042+2344 COU 76 151 2.1 78
Show 01069+2341 CVR 23 273 7.7 78
Show 01004+2514 GRV 60 4 63.1 78
Show 01052+2614 HJ 1067 239 16.0 79
Show 01098+2603 KPP1397 244 10.4 83
Show 01100+2352 CVR 370 245 24.1 85
Show 01097+2348 BU 303 294 0.5 86
Show 01000+2426 POU 84 188 7.7 89
Show 01092+2339 POU 105 221 13.9 90
Show 01121+2422 POU 109 149 19.4 91
Show 01019+2347 AG 12 237 5.9 91
Show 00593+2508 POU 82 318 14.5 93
Show 01109+2351 UC 513 196 36.2 94

WDS 01060+2456 : COMPONENTS
B pa=98.3°
01060+2456 A
Coord arcsec 2000 010603.41+245714.0 Mag 10.7 PmRA 12.00 PmDE -22.0
01060+2456 B
Coord arcsec 2000 010603.68+245713.5 Mag 11.1 Calc delta mag 0.4 Calc coord yes