09069+4605 TDS 514

09h 06m 54.13s +46° 05' 04.2" P.A. 22.00 sep 0.7 mag 11.76,11.91
Coord 2000 09069+4605 Discov num TDS 514 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 06 54.13 +46 05 04.2
Date first 1991 Date last 2016 Obs 2
Pa first 10 Pa last 21.9 P.A. Now (θ) 21.9°
Sep first 0.9 Sep last 0.698 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.698"
Mag pri 11.76 Mag sec 11.91 delta mag (ΔM) 0.15 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -026 Sec motion ra -026
Pri motion dec -003 Sec motion dec -003
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Lynx Tycho2 3424-00764-1 Gaia DR2 1009907477430691968
WDS 09069+4605 TDS 514 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09069+4605 TDS 514 1991 1 10 0.9 11.76 11.91 090654.13+460504.2
09069+4605 TDS 514 2016 2 22 0.7 11.76 11.91 090654.13+460504.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09069+4605 TDS 514 : MEASURES
No records found.


09069+4605 TDS 514A mag 11.76 09069+4605 TDS 514B sep 0.7 P.A. 15.60 mag 11.91 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09069+4605 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 06m 54.13s +46° 05' 04.2"
WDS 09069+4605 TDS 514 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09069+4605  TDS 514 distance=0' 09076+4551  SKF 881 distance=17' 09087+4620  KPP1497 distance=24' 09097+4555  SKF 886 distance=31' 09037+4531  COU2686 distance=48' 09081+4510  HJ 1164AB distance=56' 09081+4510  ES 1147AC distance=56' 09012+4552  SKF 858 distance=61' 09020+4534  DAM1522 distance=61' 09020+4531  SKF 862 distance=62' 09068+4707  COU2687 distance=62' 09120+4531  YSC  91Ba,Bb distance=64' 09120+4531  YSC  91A,Ba distance=64' 09120+4531  YSC  91A,Bb distance=64' 09114+4520  CVR 523 distance=65' 09050+4501  SKF 874 distance=68' 09099+4502  A  1586 distance=71' 09036+4709  A  1585 (Alkaphrah) distance=73' 09036+4459  BVD 206 distance=75' 09135+4638  UC 1768 distance=76' 09080+4720  STF1310AB distance=76' 09080+4720  SIN  43AC distance=76' 08589+4607  COU2685 distance=84' 09136+4659  STF1318 distance=89' 09020+4722  ES  598 distance=92' 09134+4709  CBL 275 distance=93' 09008+4718  CVR1184 distance=97' 09162+4540  COU2688 distance=100' 09033+4740  HU  720 distance=103' 09150+4704  UC 1770 distance=103' 09105+4747  TDS6370 distance=109' 09138+4443  HDS1335 distance=110' 09088+4416  COU2619 distance=111' 09177+4612  JNN  68 distance=113' 08559+4632  LDS 908 distance=117' 09183+4622  LDS3870AB distance=119' 09183+4622  LDS3870AC distance=119' 09167+4709  LDS3867 distance=120' 09047+4407  LDS3850 distance=121' 09163+4455  HJ 1165 distance=121' 08591+4736  SKF 516 distance=122' 08589+4737  SLW 319 distance=124' 09108+4409  SKF 966 distance=124' 08553+4656  HJ 1163 distance=131' 09168+4731  HJ 2488 distance=134' 08558+4459  SLW 311 distance=134' 08577+4743  UC 1734 distance=137' 08592+4803  HU  628BC distance=142' 08592+4803  HJ 2477A,BC (Talitha) distance=142' 08532+4625  TOB  49 distance=144' 09144+4403  BRT 103 distance=146' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09069+4605 TDS 514 22 0.7 0
Show 09076+4551 SKF 881 59 1.5 17
Show 09087+4620 KPP1497 39 11.2 24
Show 09097+4555 SKF 886 116 2.2 31
Show 09037+4531 COU2686 99 0.4 48
Show 09081+4510 HJ 1164 AB 173 6.0 56
Show 09081+4510 ES 1147 AC 278 39.8 56
Show 09012+4552 SKF 858 279 0.8 61
Show 09020+4534 DAM1522 288 5.3 61
Show 09020+4531 SKF 862 105 1.1 62
Show 09068+4707 COU2687 180 0.5 62
Show 09120+4531 YSC 91 Ba,Bb 158 0.1 64
Show 09120+4531 YSC 91 A,Ba 305 0.8 64
Show 09120+4531 YSC 91 A,Bb 302 0.8 64
Show 09114+4520 CVR 523 16 13.4 65
Show 09050+4501 SKF 874 27 14.3 68
Show 09099+4502 A 1586 290 3.1 71
Show Alkaphrah 09036+4709 A 1585 278 0.3 73
Show 09036+4459 BVD 206 291 17.3 75
Show 09135+4638 UC 1768 170 13.0 76
Show 09080+4720 STF1310 AB 57 20.2 76
Show 09080+4720 SIN 43 AC 281 81.5 76
Show 08589+4607 COU2685 201 1.1 84
Show 09136+4659 STF1318 227 2.6 89
Show 09020+4722 ES 598 266 8.5 92
Show 09134+4709 CBL 275 138 14.9 93
Show 09008+4718 CVR1184 241 4.7 97
Show 09162+4540 COU2688 48 0.4 100
Show 09033+4740 HU 720 136 0.8 103
Show 09150+4704 UC 1770 151 8.3 103
Show 09105+4747 TDS6370 175 0.6 109
Show 09138+4443 HDS1335 90 0.2 110
Show 09088+4416 COU2619 240 1.2 111
Show 09177+4612 JNN 68 348 0.2 113
Show 08559+4632 LDS 908 132 9.9 117
Show 09183+4622 LDS3870 AB 214 15.9 119
Show 09183+4622 LDS3870 AC 185 142.7 119
Show 09167+4709 LDS3867 276 441.3 120
Show 09047+4407 LDS3850 86 215.3 121
Show 09163+4455 HJ 1165 118 25.7 121
Show 08591+4736 SKF 516 31 1.6 122
Show 08589+4737 SLW 319 297 10.4 124
Show 09108+4409 SKF 966 114 1.7 124
Show 08553+4656 HJ 1163 173 16.8 131
Show 09168+4731 HJ 2488 238 10.2 134
Show 08558+4459 SLW 311 179 142.5 134
Show 08577+4743 UC 1734 272 9.6 137
Show 08592+4803 HU 628 BC 206 0.9 142
Show Talitha 08592+4803 HJ 2477 A,BC 90 2.4 142
Show 08532+4625 TOB 49 254 20.4 144
Show 09144+4403 BRT 103 154 4.4 146

WDS 09069+4605 : COMPONENTS
B pa=15.6°
09069+4605 A
Coord arcsec 2000 090654.13+460504.2 Mag 11.76 PmRA -26.00 PmDE -3.0
Tycho2 3424-00764-1
Tycho2 3424-00764-1 Pflag P RAmdeg 136.72552434 DEmdeg 46.08449451
PmRA -25.5 PmDE -2.5 E RAmdeg 69 E DEmdeg 73
E pmRA 2.2 E pmDE 2.0 EpRAm 1979.32 EpDEm 1974.59
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 0.5 Q pmRA 0.6
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 12.707 E BTmag 0.219 VTmag 11.764
E VTmag 0.141 Prox 9 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 136.72556361 DEdeg 46.08433444 EpRA 1990 1.80
EpDE 1990 1.83 E RAdeg 74.4 E DEdeg 81.4 Posflg D
Corr 0.3
09069+4605 B
Coord arcsec 2000 090654.15+460504.8 Mag 11.91 PmRA -26.00 PmDE -3.0
Tycho2 3424-00764-2 Calc delta mag 0.15 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 3424-00764-2 Pflag P RAmdeg 136.72552434 DEmdeg 46.08449451
PmRA -25.5 PmDE -2.5 E RAmdeg 69 E DEmdeg 73
E pmRA 2.2 E pmDE 2.0 EpRAm 1979.32 EpDEm 1974.59
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 0.5 Q pmRA 0.6
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 12.295 E BTmag 0.154 VTmag 11.911
E VTmag 0.159 Prox 9 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 136.72563056 DEdeg 46.08458750 EpRA 1990 1.80
EpDE 1990 1.82 E RAdeg 73.8 E DEdeg 80.0 Posflg D
Corr 0.3