09023-6444 TDS 6261

09h 02m 17.82s -64° 44' 17.4" P.A. 79.00 sep 0.5 mag 11.04,11.05
Coord 2000 09023-6444 Discov num TDS6261 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 02 17.82 -64 44 17.4
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 79 Pa last 79.4 P.A. Now (θ) 79.4°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.53 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.53"
Mag pri 11.04 Mag sec 11.05 delta mag (ΔM) 0.01 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +000 Sec motion ra +000
Pri motion dec -005 Sec motion dec -005
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Volans Tycho2 8935-02516-1 Gaia DR2 5296476020719151616
WDS 09023-6444 TDS 6261 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09023-6444 TDS6261 1991 1 79 0.5 11.04 11.05 090217.82-644417.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09023-6444 TDS 6261 : MEASURES
No records found.


09023-6444 TDS6261A mag 11.04 09023-6444 TDS6261B sep 0.2 P.A. 66.30 mag 11.05 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09023-6444 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 02m 17.82s -64° 44' 17.4"
WDS 09023-6444 TDS 6261 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09023-6444  TDS6261 distance=1' 09034-6445  TDS6274 distance=8' 09038-6441  SLR  16 distance=11' 09041-6435  TDS6285 distance=16' 09029-6512  DAM1525 distance=28' 09025-6516  RST4430 distance=34' 09080-6402  HJ 4185 distance=57' 09034-6349  JNN 314AB distance=57' 09034-6349  JNN 314AC distance=57' 09067-6351  KPP 186 distance=61' 09067-6538  TDS6323 distance=61' 09024-6547  WFC  78 distance=63' 09118-6512  HDS1333AB distance=67' 09118-6512  DAM1560AB,C distance=67' 09101-6529  KPP3777 distance=67' 09135-6455  HJ 4195 distance=73' 08516-6421  RST 360 distance=74' 08526-6524  TDS6155 distance=74' 08593-6328  HDS1303 distance=79' 08549-6342  LDS 241 distance=79' 09106-6548  BRT1974 distance=83' 08573-6326  KPP3769 distance=86' 08564-6325  DAW  46 distance=88' 08539-6335  KPP3766 distance=89' 08519-6341  HJ 4152 distance=93' 08574-6612  HJ 4164 distance=94' 09170-6440  RST4434 distance=95' 08484-6526  HRG  19 distance=98' 09004-6621  HJ 4167 distance=98' 09024-6624  TOK 197 distance=100' 09163-6532  TDS6437 distance=101' 08528-6609  TSN 148 distance=104' 08464-6505  TDS6088 distance=104' 08594-6302  RST3616 distance=104' 08547-6624  SKF  62 distance=111' 08580-6256  DBR 156 distance=112' 08472-6349  SLR   9AB distance=114' 08574-6255  DBR 155 distance=114' 08546-6628  RST 364AB distance=115' 09056-6637  HDS1321 distance=115' 08575-6254  FIN 123 distance=115' 09201-6430  LDS 265 distance=116' 08551-6254  FIN 120 distance=120' 08446-6529  KPP1632 distance=121' 09170-6331  TDS6443 distance=122' 09213-6445  KPP3782 distance=122' 09143-6624  RST 387 distance=125' 08500-6308  HRG  21 distance=126' 08432-6419  RST 348 distance=127' 08463-6603  DAM1483 distance=127' 08465-6605  RST 354 distance=128' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09023-6444 TDS6261 79 0.5 1
Show 09034-6445 TDS6274 270 0.8 8
Show 09038-6441 SLR 16 315 0.9 11
Show 09041-6435 TDS6285 332 0.7 16
Show 09029-6512 DAM1525 96 3.0 28
Show 09025-6516 RST4430 140 1.1 34
Show 09080-6402 HJ 4185 246 10.6 57
Show 09034-6349 JNN 314 AB 67 1.1 57
Show 09034-6349 JNN 314 AC 153 8.0 57
Show 09067-6351 KPP 186 302 3.5 61
Show 09067-6538 TDS6323 108 0.6 61
Show 09024-6547 WFC 78 224 9.7 63
Show 09118-6512 HDS1333 AB 93 0.3 67
Show 09118-6512 DAM1560 AB,C 266 10.8 67
Show 09101-6529 KPP3777 2 6.1 67
Show 09135-6455 HJ 4195 70 16.3 73
Show 08516-6421 RST 360 178 4.6 74
Show 08526-6524 TDS6155 306 0.4 74
Show 08593-6328 HDS1303 288 0.5 79
Show 08549-6342 LDS 241 81 119.3 79
Show 09106-6548 BRT1974 212 4.2 83
Show 08573-6326 KPP3769 15 1.9 86
Show 08564-6325 DAW 46 185 1.8 88
Show 08539-6335 KPP3766 183 1.8 89
Show 08519-6341 HJ 4152 340 7.3 93
Show 08574-6612 HJ 4164 145 10.4 94
Show 09170-6440 RST4434 243 0.2 95
Show 08484-6526 HRG 19 183 4.6 98
Show 09004-6621 HJ 4167 25 4.2 98
Show 09024-6624 TOK 197 285 0.0 100
Show 09163-6532 TDS6437 266 0.9 101
Show 08528-6609 TSN 148 46 0.3 104
Show 08464-6505 TDS6088 304 0.8 104
Show 08594-6302 RST3616 123 1.8 104
Show 08547-6624 SKF 62 345 29.9 111
Show 08580-6256 DBR 156 225 4.3 112
Show 08472-6349 SLR 9 AB 358 1.3 114
Show 08574-6255 DBR 155 268 2.4 114
Show 08546-6628 RST 364 AB 67 2.0 115
Show 09056-6637 HDS1321 37 13.9 115
Show 08575-6254 FIN 123 188 3.6 115
Show 09201-6430 LDS 265 91 8.0 116
Show 08551-6254 FIN 120 159 1.7 120
Show 08446-6529 KPP1632 140 12.5 121
Show 09170-6331 TDS6443 215 1.8 122
Show 09213-6445 KPP3782 313 1.8 122
Show 09143-6624 RST 387 40 1.0 125
Show 08500-6308 HRG 21 53 12.6 126
Show 08432-6419 RST 348 320 0.6 127
Show 08463-6603 DAM1483 111 5.2 127
Show 08465-6605 RST 354 197 1.1 128

WDS 09023-6444 : COMPONENTS
B pa=66.3°
09023-6444 A
Coord arcsec 2000 090217.82-644417.4 Mag 11.04 PmRA 0.00 PmDE -5.0
Tycho2 8935-02516-1
Tycho2 8935-02516-1 Pflag RAmdeg 135.57443201 DEmdeg -64.73814008
PmRA 0.3 PmDE -5.0 E RAmdeg 28 E DEmdeg 27
E pmRA 1.8 E pmDE 1.7 EpRAm 1984.36 EpDEm 1982.22
Num 5 Q RAmdeg 1.6 Q DEmdeg 1.8 Q pmRA 1.6
Q pmDE 1.8 BTmag 12.145 E BTmag 0.121 VTmag 10.415
E VTmag 0.039 Prox 718 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 135.57442389 DEdeg -64.73813250 EpRA 1990 1.79
EpDE 1990 1.84 E RAdeg 32.8 E DEdeg 34.0 Posflg
Corr 0.0
09023-6444 B
Coord arcsec 2000 090217.85-644417.3 Mag 11.05 PmRA 0.00 PmDE -5.0
Calc delta mag 0.01 Calc coord yes