08590-3227 B 2195 (HD 77045)

08h 59m 00.62s -32° 27' 25.1" P.A. 180.00 sep 1.0 mag 10.34,10.61 Sp A8/9IV
Coord 2000 08590-3227 Discov num B  2195 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 08 59 00.62 -32 27 25.1
Date first 1928 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 180 Pa last 180 P.A. Now (θ) 180°
Sep first 1.2 Sep last 0.979 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.979"
Mag pri 10.34 Mag sec 10.61 delta mag (ΔM) 0.27 Spectral class A8/9IV (white)
Pri motion ra -003 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -011 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 77045 Constellation Pyxis SAO 199852 Tycho2 7142-01198-1
Gaia DR2 5628959403423138688 HD 77045
WDS 08590-3227 B 2195 (HD 77045) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 B van den Bos, W.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08590-3227 B 2195 1991 5 182 1.0 10.34 10.61 A8/9IV 085900.62-322725.1
08590-3227 B 2195 2015 6 180 1.0 10.34 10.61 A8/9IV 085900.62-322725.1
08590-3227 B 2195 2016 7 180 1.0 10.34 10.61 A8/9IV 085900.62-322725.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

WDS 08590-3227 B 2195 (HD 77045) : VISUAL OBSERVATIONS REPORTS
No records found.

WDS 08590-3227 B 2195 (HD 77045) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 08590-3227 (HD 77045) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

08590-3227 B  2195A mag 10.34 Sp A8/9IV 08590-3227 B  2195B sep 1.0 P.A. 180.00 mag 10.61 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 08590-3227 (HD 77045) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 08h 59m 00.62s -32° 27' 25.1"
WDS 08590-3227 B 2195 (HD 77045) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

08590-3227  B  2195 distance=0' 08581-3243  PRO  77 distance=19' 08573-3234  TDS6217 distance=23' 08591-3203  PRO  79 distance=24' 08586-3255  TDS6231 distance=28' 08566-3235  JSP 314 distance=32' 08562-3233  TDS6198 distance=36' 08568-3205  HJ 4154 distance=37' 08560-3159  TDS6194 distance=48' 08551-3233  JSP 312 distance=51' 08557-3158  TDS6190 distance=52' 08553-3252  JSP 898 distance=54' 08542-3209  RSS 180AB distance=65' 08542-3209  SKF1460AC distance=65' 08599-3331  TDS6241 distance=65' 08554-3315  PRO  74 distance=66' 08539-3238  TDS6172 distance=66' 09040-3204  PRO  80 distance=67' 09042-3211  B  1642 distance=68' 09045-3211  DAM1529 distance=72' 08560-3125  PRO  75 distance=74' 09038-3308  TDS 511 distance=74' 08566-3118  NSN 333 distance=77' 09044-3306  RST2599 distance=78' 09051-3203  TDS6302 distance=81' 08567-3348  RST2595 distance=85' 08566-3347  TDS6204 distance=86' 09034-3333  DAM1526 distance=86' 09057-3244  TDS6309 distance=87' 09033-3336  HJ 4166A,BC distance=88' 09033-3336  RST3619BC distance=88' 09060-3239  DAM1533 distance=89' 08522-3252  TDS6152 distance=90' 09059-3259  RST2602AB distance=94' 09059-3259  RST2602AC distance=94' 09059-3301  DAM1532 distance=94' 09036-3342  SKF1466 distance=95' 08524-3142  PRO  72 distance=95' 09065-3213  HJ 4173AB distance=96' 09065-3213  HJ 4173AC distance=96' 08515-3214  PRO  71 distance=96' 08567-3401  TDS6207 distance=99' 08537-3344  B  2192 distance=101' 08516-3312  RST2588 distance=104' 09035-3355  TDS6276 distance=105' 09063-3136  HWE  23 distance=107' 08590-3415  BRT1642 distance=109' 09058-3334  TVB 212 distance=109' 08568-3042  RST3614 distance=109' 08534-3353  KPP 983 distance=111' 09055-3345  TDS6307 distance=113' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 08590-3227 B 2195 180 1.0 0
Show 08581-3243 PRO 77 261 6.6 19
Show 08573-3234 TDS6217 183 0.4 23
Show 08591-3203 PRO 79 47 8.3 24
Show 08586-3255 TDS6231 187 0.5 28
Show 08566-3235 JSP 314 74 1.3 32
Show 08562-3233 TDS6198 30 0.4 36
Show 08568-3205 HJ 4154 245 12.1 37
Show 08560-3159 TDS6194 92 1.9 48
Show 08551-3233 JSP 312 217 1.2 51
Show 08557-3158 TDS6190 214 0.7 52
Show 08553-3252 JSP 898 199 4.6 54
Show 08542-3209 RSS 180 AB 314 8.8 65
Show 08542-3209 SKF1460 AC 301 83.8 65
Show 08599-3331 TDS6241 353 0.7 65
Show 08554-3315 PRO 74 178 5.3 66
Show 08539-3238 TDS6172 228 0.5 66
Show 09040-3204 PRO 80 286 5.4 67
Show 09042-3211 B 1642 120 2.3 68
Show 09045-3211 DAM1529 173 3.9 72
Show 08560-3125 PRO 75 268 6.3 74
Show 09038-3308 TDS 511 28 1.3 74
Show 08566-3118 NSN 333 3 53.4 77
Show 09044-3306 RST2599 273 0.5 78
Show 09051-3203 TDS6302 3 0.6 81
Show 08567-3348 RST2595 180 3.3 85
Show 08566-3347 TDS6204 312 0.7 86
Show 09034-3333 DAM1526 329 6.5 86
Show 09057-3244 TDS6309 321 0.4 87
Show 09033-3336 HJ 4166 A,BC 153 13.6 88
Show 09033-3336 RST3619 BC 79 1.2 88
Show 09060-3239 DAM1533 319 1.4 89
Show 08522-3252 TDS6152 197 2.9 90
Show 09059-3259 RST2602 AB 140 1.0 94
Show 09059-3259 RST2602 AC 337 12.9 94
Show 09059-3301 DAM1532 199 2.6 94
Show 09036-3342 SKF1466 147 74.1 95
Show 08524-3142 PRO 72 173 6.1 95
Show 09065-3213 HJ 4173 AB 301 13.0 96
Show 09065-3213 HJ 4173 AC 244 14.1 96
Show 08515-3214 PRO 71 346 3.5 96
Show 08567-3401 TDS6207 123 1.8 99
Show 08537-3344 B 2192 253 1.9 101
Show 08516-3312 RST2588 118 0.3 104
Show 09035-3355 TDS6276 248 1.2 105
Show 09063-3136 HWE 23 306 3.0 107
Show 08590-3415 BRT1642 112 3.1 109
Show 09058-3334 TVB 212 209 25.7 109
Show 08568-3042 RST3614 232 0.3 109
Show 08534-3353 KPP 983 220 8.0 111
Show 09055-3345 TDS6307 351 0.4 113

WDS 08590-3227 : COMPONENTS
B pa=180.0°
08590-3227 A
Name HD 77045 Coord arcsec 2000 085900.62-322725.1 Mag 10.34 Spectral class A8/9IV (white)
PmRA -3.00 PmDE -11.0 SAO 199852 Tycho2 7142-01198-1
HD 77045 DM CD-31 6763
Tycho2 7142-01198-1 Pflag X RAmdeg DEmdeg
PmRA PmDE E RAmdeg E DEmdeg
E pmRA E pmDE EpRAm EpDEm
Num Q RAmdeg Q DEmdeg Q pmRA
Q pmDE BTmag 10.744 E BTmag 0.031 VTmag 10.340
E VTmag 0.028 Prox 10 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 134.75257444 DEdeg -32.45696861 EpRA 1990 1.58
EpDE 1990 1.73 E RAdeg 19.5 E DEdeg 16.0 Posflg D
Corr -0.3
SAO 199852 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.001
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.02 Vmag 9.9 SpType A3
Double code Source 40 CatNum 4261 DM CD-31 6763
DMcomp BDsup HD 77045 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 2.34289309 DE1950rad -0.56307554 PmRA2000 0.0013
PmDE2000 -0.017
Ccdm 08590-3227 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.67 DDEs -26.1
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.6 Sp A3 PmNote *
PmRA 13 PmDE -20 Dm number -31 6763 Cat1 CD
Name2 199852 Cat2 SAO HD 77045 M HD
08590-3227 B
Coord arcsec 2000 085900.62-322726.1 Mag 10.61 Calc delta mag 0.27 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 08590-3227 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num B 2195 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1928 Theta 182 Rho 1.0
Obs 4 Vmag 10.8 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD