08555-2741 SEE 107 (Del Pyx)

08h 55m 31.52s -27° 40' 53.9" P.A. 288.00 sep 35.1 mag 4.89,14.00 Sp A3IV dist. 75.82 pc (247.32 l.y.)
Coord 2000 08555-2741 Discov num SEE 107 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 08 55 31.52 -27 40 53.9
Date first 1897 Date last 2010 Obs 6
Pa first 268 Pa last 288.1 P.A. Now (θ) 288.1°
Sep first 23.9 Sep last 35.09 Sep. Now (ρ) 35.09"
Mag pri 4.89 Mag sec 14.00 delta mag (ΔM) 9.11 Spectral class A3IV (white)
Pri motion ra +085 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -098 Sec motion dec
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name Del Pyx Constellation Pyxis SAO 176697 HIP 43825
Tycho2 6580-02780-1 Gaia DR2 5648709484119209728 HD 76483 HR 3556
GC 12343 ADS 7095 CD CD-27 6072 CP CP-27 3497
Bayer Delta Pyxidis Bayer name Del Pyx Distance 75.82 Distance ly 247.32
Bayer greek δ Pyx
WDS 08555-2741 SEE 107 (Del Pyx) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SEE 107 del Pyx
idgroup discov author
1 SEE See, T.J.J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08555-2741 SEE 107 1899 2 268 23.8 4.89 14.00 A3IV N 085531.52-274053.9
08555-2741 SEE 107 2000 5 287 33.9 4.89 14.00 A3IV N 085531.52-274053.9
08555-2741 SEE 107 2010 6 287 35.3 4.89 14.00 A3IV N 085531.52-274053.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 08555-2741 SEE 107 (Del Pyx) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 08555-2741 (Del Pyx) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

08555-2741 SEE 107A mag 4.89 Sp A3IV 08555-2741 SEE 107B sep 31.5 P.A. 290.30 mag 14 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 08555-2741 (Del Pyx) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 08h 55m 31.52s -27° 40' 53.9"
WDS 08555-2741 SEE 107 (Del Pyx) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

08555-2741  SEE 107 distance=0' 08541-2753  KPP2607 distance=24' 08570-2729  JRN  10 distance=24' 08561-2718  JRN   9 distance=25' 08545-2805  JRN   8 distance=28' 08571-2722  ALD  41 distance=29' 08548-2703  TDS6179AB distance=40' 08548-2703  DAM1507AB,C distance=40' 08531-2718  JRN   7 distance=40' 08528-2813  BRT2959 distance=49' 08573-2653  SWR  59 distance=54' 08574-2653  DAM1512 distance=55' 08597-2749  TOK  23 distance=57' 08597-2718  TDS6238 distance=60' 08533-2649  BRT2961 distance=60' 08577-2645  TDS6224 distance=63' 08559-2638  SKF1461 distance=64' 08531-2647  BRT2960 distance=64' 08504-2739  B  1108 distance=70' 08523-2837  TDS6153 distance=70' 09015-2742  BRT2963 distance=80' 08568-2905  DAW  96 distance=86' 08559-2615  B   169 distance=86' 09014-2819  HDS1310 distance=87' 09021-2802  TDS6258AB distance=91' 09021-2802  DAM1523AB,C distance=91' 08492-2708  TDS6116 distance=91' 09023-2724  B   173 distance=92' 08493-2823  RST1406 distance=94' 08587-2905  HJ 2481 distance=94' 08513-2857  B   167 distance=95' 09014-2639  TDS6250 distance=101' 08516-2612  B  2190 distance=103' 08537-2601  HJ 2475 distance=104' 08505-2901  RST1407 distance=105' 08583-2924  I   818 distance=110' 08489-2848  HJ 4141 distance=111' 08493-2625  HO  356 distance=113' 08476-2822  WNO   3 distance=113' 08567-2549  SKF1462 distance=114' 08456-2707  SEE 105AB distance=116' 08456-2707  SEE 105AC distance=116' 08456-2707  SEE 105AD distance=116' 08551-2545  TDS6181 distance=116' 08468-2716  LDS 233 distance=121' 08462-2743  TDS6085 distance=124' 09002-2928  LDS3846 distance=124' 08534-2943  HJ 2474AB distance=125' 08589-2938  RST1410AB distance=125' 08589-2938  DAM1513AC distance=125' 08595-2935  TDS6236 distance=126' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 08555-2741 SEE 107 288 35.1 0
Show 08541-2753 KPP2607 25 23.8 24
Show 08570-2729 JRN 10 125 3.1 24
Show 08561-2718 JRN 9 119 7.6 25
Show 08545-2805 JRN 8 140 6.1 28
Show 08571-2722 ALD 41 198 2.5 29
Show 08548-2703 TDS6179 AB 23 2.3 40
Show 08548-2703 DAM1507 AB,C 74 5.8 40
Show 08531-2718 JRN 7 139 7.6 40
Show 08528-2813 BRT2959 91 3.1 49
Show 08573-2653 SWR 59 82 24.5 54
Show 08574-2653 DAM1512 328 5.5 55
Show 08597-2749 TOK 23 271 1.9 57
Show 08597-2718 TDS6238 248 0.8 60
Show 08533-2649 BRT2961 3 4.4 60
Show 08577-2645 TDS6224 153 0.7 63
Show 08559-2638 SKF1461 319 6.7 64
Show 08531-2647 BRT2960 34 4.7 64
Show 08504-2739 B 1108 335 4.6 70
Show 08523-2837 TDS6153 3 0.6 70
Show 09015-2742 BRT2963 207 7.4 80
Show 08568-2905 DAW 96 231 0.6 86
Show 08559-2615 B 169 297 0.3 86
Show 09014-2819 HDS1310 192 0.3 87
Show 09021-2802 TDS6258 AB 100 0.9 91
Show 09021-2802 DAM1523 AB,C 227 3.1 91
Show 08492-2708 TDS6116 238 2.6 91
Show 09023-2724 B 173 283 7.0 92
Show 08493-2823 RST1406 151 0.4 94
Show 08587-2905 HJ 2481 268 7.3 94
Show 08513-2857 B 167 43 4.7 95
Show 09014-2639 TDS6250 231 0.5 101
Show 08516-2612 B 2190 21 11.4 103
Show 08537-2601 HJ 2475 234 20.3 104
Show 08505-2901 RST1407 216 1.1 105
Show 08583-2924 I 818 342 1.1 110
Show 08489-2848 HJ 4141 332 9.9 111
Show 08493-2625 HO 356 278 1.5 113
Show 08476-2822 WNO 3 287 25.1 113
Show 08567-2549 SKF1462 241 4.0 114
Show 08456-2707 SEE 105 AB 115 20.7 116
Show 08456-2707 SEE 105 AC 147 20.9 116
Show 08456-2707 SEE 105 AD 250 22.6 116
Show 08551-2545 TDS6181 308 0.9 116
Show 08468-2716 LDS 233 89 109.9 121
Show 08462-2743 TDS6085 308 0.6 124
Show 09002-2928 LDS3846 204 138.3 124
Show 08534-2943 HJ 2474 AB 198 21.2 125
Show 08589-2938 RST1410 AB 307 8.8 125
Show 08589-2938 DAM1513 AC 196 11.8 125
Show 08595-2935 TDS6236 181 0.7 126

WDS 08555-2741 : COMPONENTS
B pa=290.3°
08555-2741 A
Name Del Pyx Coord arcsec 2000 085531.52-274053.9 Mag 4.89 Spectral class A3IV (white)
PmRA 85.00 PmDE -98.0 SAO 176697 HIP 43825
Tycho2 6580-02780-1 HD 76483 HR 3556 GC 12343
CD CD-27 6072 CP CP-27 3497 Bayer Delta Pyxidis Bayer name Del Pyx
Tycho2 6580-02780-1 Pflag RAmdeg 133.88153371 DEmdeg -27.68186339
PmRA 80.0 PmDE -97.5 E RAmdeg 3 E DEmdeg 3
E pmRA 1.0 E pmDE 1.1 EpRAm 1991.48 EpDEm 1991.50
Num 12 Q RAmdeg 1.7 Q DEmdeg 1.7 Q pmRA 1.5
Q pmDE 1.5 BTmag 5.033 E BTmag 0.014 VTmag 4.884
E VTmag 0.009 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 43825
CCDM RAdeg 133.88132556 DEdeg -27.68163639 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.62 E RAdeg 3.3 E DEdeg 3.2 Posflg
Corr 0.0
SAO 176697 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0057
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.105 Vmag 4.9 SpType A2
Double code Source 70 CatNum 12343 DM CD-27 6072
DMcomp BDsup HD 76483 M HD 0
GC 12343 RA1950rad 2.32730804 DE1950rad -0.47976528 PmRA2000 0.006
PmDE2000 -0.102
Catalog H HIP 43825 Proxy RAhms 08 55 31.52
DEdms -27 40 53.9 Vmag 4.87 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 133.881 DEdeg -27.6816 AstroRef Plx 14.4
CCDM 08555-2741 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 1
MultFlag G Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 76483 BD
CD CD-27 6072 CP CP-27 3497 Dm number -27 6072 VIred 0.13
SpType A3IV R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 085531.52-274053.9
Hipparcos 2
HIP 43825 Sn 1 So 1 Nc 1
RArad 2.3366697488 DErad -0.4831355117 Plx 13.19 PmRA 81.9
PmDE -100.43 E RArad 0.47 E DErad 0.51 E Plx 0.77
E pmRA 0.52 E pmDE 0.53 Hpmag 4.9192 E Hpmag 0.0005
SHp 0.005 VA 0 BV 0.142 E BV 0.003
VI 0.16
Ccdm 08555-2741 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 1.54 DDEs 4.7
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 4 Vmag 4.9 Sp A2 PmNote *
PmRA 76 PmDE -105 Dm number -27 6072 Cat1 CD
Name2 176697 Cat2 SAO HD 76483 M HD
ADS BDS A 7095 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 08512S2718A
HIC 43825
08555-2741 B
Coord arcsec 2000 085529.30-274043.0 Mag 14 Calc delta mag 9.11 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 08555-2741 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num SEE 107 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1897 Theta 268 Rho 23.8
Obs 2 Vmag 14.0 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
ADS BDS A 7095 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 08512S2718B