00590-0841 LDS 3215

00h 59m 01.86s -08° 40' 25.8" P.A. 178.00 sep 386.1 mag 15.70,17.10
Coord 2000 00590-0841 Discov num LDS3215 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 59 01.86 -08 40 25.8
Date first 1960 Date last 2015 Obs 6
Pa first 178 Pa last 178.4 P.A. Now (θ) 178.4°
Sep first 384.0 Sep last 386.1 Sep. Now (ρ) 386.1"
Mag pri 15.70 Mag sec 17.10 delta mag (ΔM) 1.4 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +197 Sec motion ra +192
Pri motion dec -048 Sec motion dec -082
rPM=0.165 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Cetus Gaia DR2 2474332244069691776
WDS 00590-0841 LDS 3215 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00590-0841 LDS3215 1998 3 178 385.5 15.70 17.10 D 005901.86-084025.8
00590-0841 LDS3215 2015 5 178 386.1 15.70 17.10 005901.86-084025.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00590-0841 LDS 3215 : MEASURES
No records found.


00590-0841 LDS3215A mag 15.7 00590-0841 LDS3215B sep 386.1 P.A. 178.40 mag 17.1 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00590-0841 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 59m 01.86s -08° 40' 25.8"
WDS 00590-0841 LDS 3215 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00590-0841  LDS3215 distance=0' 00595-0828  CVR 359 distance=15' 01000-0856  SLW  48 distance=21' 01021-0852  HLD  62 distance=47' 00586-0931  CVR 356 distance=52' 00588-0745  A   438 distance=56' 00562-0735  NSN  62AB distance=78' 01043-0825  LDS5312AB distance=80' 01043-0825  LDS5312Aa,Ab distance=80' 01007-0722  LDS5309 distance=83' 00569-0956  SLW  46 distance=83' 01041-0748  GWP 123 distance=92' 00547-0946  TVB  25 distance=92' 00551-0952  SKF 995 distance=92' 00529-0856  LDS3208 distance=92' 01025-1004  HJ 2012 distance=99' 00550-0722  GWP 101 distance=99' 00548-0957  CVR1059 distance=100' 01016-1014  HU  202 distance=101' 01060-0840  RST4165 distance=103' 00580-1024  GRV 983 distance=105' 01027-1011  UC  492 distance=106' 00550-0711  RST4161 distance=109' 00518-0810  RST4160AB distance=111' 00518-0810  STF  68AB,C distance=111' 01018-0652  LDS  33 distance=116' 01059-0741  SLN  50 distance=118' 01045-0700  GWP 125 distance=130' 00511-0732  KPP1409 distance=137' 01068-0958  LDS5314 distance=140' 00490-0847  GRV 979 distance=144' 01076-0733  GWP 132 distance=145' 01089-0835  RST4166 distance=147' 01046-1044  RST4164 distance=149' 00560-0615  GWP 104 distance=153' 00500-1009  GRV 980 distance=156' 01042-0620  CVR 364 distance=160' 01093-0749  HJ 1072 distance=161' 00510-1036  GRV 982 distance=162' 01079-0704  CVR 368 distance=164' 01076-1027  UC  503 distance=166' 01011-1124  UC  489 distance=167' 01017-0559  AG   13 distance=167' 01086-1011  BUP  16 (Deneb Algenubi) distance=168' 00570-0542  SKF 115 distance=181' 01096-0711  HDS 151 distance=182' 00548-0544  CVR 353 distance=188' 01086-1049  GRV1163 distance=191' 01091-1042  LDS3236 distance=192' 00534-0545  J  1441 distance=195' 01035-0535  RST4162 distance=197' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00590-0841 LDS3215 178 386.1 0
Show 00595-0828 CVR 359 120 12.2 15
Show 01000-0856 SLW 48 153 143.3 21
Show 01021-0852 HLD 62 112 1.3 47
Show 00586-0931 CVR 356 327 25.2 52
Show 00588-0745 A 438 25 1.4 56
Show 00562-0735 NSN 62 AB 313 16.4 78
Show 01043-0825 LDS5312 AB 357 241.4 80
Show 01043-0825 LDS5312 Aa,Ab 325 2.6 80
Show 01007-0722 LDS5309 72 380.3 83
Show 00569-0956 SLW 46 83 79.7 83
Show 01041-0748 GWP 123 271 20.2 92
Show 00547-0946 TVB 25 36 4.6 92
Show 00551-0952 SKF 995 224 1.0 92
Show 00529-0856 LDS3208 211 79.7 92
Show 01025-1004 HJ 2012 164 11.8 99
Show 00550-0722 GWP 101 201 7.1 99
Show 00548-0957 CVR1059 334 4.9 100
Show 01016-1014 HU 202 268 4.0 101
Show 01060-0840 RST4165 45 1.2 103
Show 00580-1024 GRV 983 241 20.9 105
Show 01027-1011 UC 492 72 13.6 106
Show 00550-0711 RST4161 335 1.7 109
Show 00518-0810 RST4160 AB 341 0.0 111
Show 00518-0810 STF 68 AB,C 295 7.8 111
Show 01018-0652 LDS 33 153 30.0 116
Show 01059-0741 SLN 50 149 10.0 118
Show 01045-0700 GWP 125 321 15.8 130
Show 00511-0732 KPP1409 53 10.6 137
Show 01068-0958 LDS5314 304 195.8 140
Show 00490-0847 GRV 979 280 11.8 144
Show 01076-0733 GWP 132 26 18.5 145
Show 01089-0835 RST4166 163 0.7 147
Show 01046-1044 RST4164 73 0.2 149
Show 00560-0615 GWP 104 78 29.3 153
Show 00500-1009 GRV 980 336 14.3 156
Show 01042-0620 CVR 364 327 12.5 160
Show 01093-0749 HJ 1072 353 36.7 161
Show 00510-1036 GRV 982 315 23.9 162
Show 01079-0704 CVR 368 346 20.6 164
Show 01076-1027 UC 503 14 11.3 166
Show 01011-1124 UC 489 333 27.6 167
Show 01017-0559 AG 13 155 2.6 167
Show Deneb Algenubi 01086-1011 BUP 16 305 259.3 168
Show 00570-0542 SKF 115 109 4.5 181
Show 01096-0711 HDS 151 73 2.5 182
Show 00548-0544 CVR 353 185 10.8 188
Show 01086-1049 GRV1163 171 17.4 191
Show 01091-1042 LDS3236 96 11.9 192
Show 00534-0545 J 1441 335 7.8 195
Show 01035-0535 RST4162 191 6.0 197

WDS 00590-0841 : COMPONENTS
B pa=178.4°
00590-0841 A
Coord arcsec 2000 005901.86-084025.8 Mag 15.7 PmRA 197.00 PmDE -48.0
00590-0841 B
Coord arcsec 2000 005902.58-084651.7 Mag 17.1 PmRA 192.00 PmDE -82.0
Calc delta mag 1.4 Calc coord yes