00578+1219 GRV 55

00h 57m 48.96s +12° 19' 34.4" P.A. 105.00 sep 18.1 mag 12.31,12.59
Coord 2000 00578+1219 Discov num GRV  55 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 57 48.96 +12 19 34.4
Date first 1899 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 104 Pa last 104.7 P.A. Now (θ) 104.7°
Sep first 17.9 Sep last 18.146 Sep. Now (ρ) 18.146"
Mag pri 12.31 Mag sec 12.59 delta mag (ΔM) 0.28 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +041 Sec motion ra +043
Pri motion dec -017 Sec motion dec -016
rPM=0.049 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pisces Gaia DR2 2584350507120625024
WDS 00578+1219 GRV 55 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GRV Greaves, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00578+1219 GRV 55 2000 3 105 18.1 11.90 12.10 D 005748.96+121934.4
00578+1219 GRV 55 2010 4 105 18.2 12.31 12.59 005748.96+121934.4
00578+1219 GRV 55 2015 5 105 18.1 12.31 12.59 005748.96+121934.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00578+1219 GRV 55 : MEASURES
No records found.


00578+1219 GRV  55A mag 12.31 00578+1219 GRV  55B sep 17.8 P.A. 105.00 mag 12.59 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00578+1219 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 57m 48.96s +12° 19' 34.4"
Primaries only

00578+1219  GRV  55 distance=0' 00571+1239  HEI 304 distance=22' 00578+1150  CVR 354 distance=30' 00595+1158  LDS2805 distance=33' 01002+1156  YSC 172 distance=43' 01001+1246  GWP 113 distance=43' 00558+1255  GRV  51 distance=46' 00554+1149  LDS5305 distance=47' 01010+1224  AG   11 distance=48' 01003+1251  RAO 527 distance=48' 00554+1253  GWP 103 distance=49' 01014+1155  BU  867 distance=58' 00569+1318  LDS1083 distance=60' 00541+1247  SCA   2 distance=62' 00592+1319  LDS2804 distance=63' 00534+1159  HJ    9 distance=69' 01025+1156  CVR 363 distance=74' 00573+1100  ITF  49 distance=81' 01023+1131  PLQ  11 distance=82' 00551+1333  STF  75 distance=84' 00564+1058  ITF  57 distance=85' 01012+1111  OCC 871 distance=86' 01027+1129  OCC 872 distance=89' 00563+1053  ITF  48 distance=89' 00598+1054  DVG  12 distance=91' 00529+1316  UC  454 distance=92' 00516+1247  BU  496 distance=96' 00588+1044  GWP 109 distance=97' 01038+1130  ITF  50 distance=101' 00566+1040  STF  76 distance=101' 00509+1215  GWP  91 distance=102' 01013+1348  GRV  62 distance=103' 00599+1400  SLW  47 distance=105' 00524+1331  GRV  47 distance=107' 01052+1250  HJ   10BC distance=113' 01052+1250  HJ   10AB distance=113' 01052+1250  HJ   10AC distance=113' 00502+1150  STF  63AB distance=116' 00502+1150  BU 1351BC distance=117' 00532+1045  UC  456 distance=117' 01019+1405  GRV 984AB distance=122' 01019+1405  SLW  49AC distance=122' 00495+1241  LDS3202 distance=123' 00522+1353  LUY6219 distance=125' 00513+1101  OCC 303 distance=125' 01015+1024  GWP 117 distance=128' 00489+1225  LDS2797AB distance=130' 00489+1225  LDS2797Aa,Ab distance=130' 00567+1010  HDS 126 distance=131' 00501+1116  TDS1634 distance=131' 00529+1409  TDS1656 distance=132' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00578+1219 GRV 55 105 18.1 0
Show 00571+1239 HEI 304 87 0.8 22
Show 00578+1150 CVR 354 67 14.1 30
Show 00595+1158 LDS2805 51 50.2 33
Show 01002+1156 YSC 172 131 0.0 43
Show 01001+1246 GWP 113 138 16.4 43
Show 00558+1255 GRV 51 240 60.3 46
Show 00554+1149 LDS5305 274 8.4 47
Show 01010+1224 AG 11 10 55.8 48
Show 01003+1251 RAO 527 0 1.1 48
Show 00554+1253 GWP 103 113 25.5 49
Show 01014+1155 BU 867 352 0.7 58
Show 00569+1318 LDS1083 154 3.1 60
Show 00541+1247 SCA 2 251 14.5 62
Show 00592+1319 LDS2804 354 3.2 63
Show 00534+1159 HJ 9 100 12.5 69
Show 01025+1156 CVR 363 316 10.2 74
Show 00573+1100 ITF 49 291 11.3 81
Show 01023+1131 PLQ 11 3 9.9 82
Show 00551+1333 STF 75 273 5.2 84
Show 00564+1058 ITF 57 302 9.7 85
Show 01012+1111 OCC 871 -1 0.1 86
Show 01027+1129 OCC 872 -1 0.1 89
Show 00563+1053 ITF 48 126 2.1 89
Show 00598+1054 DVG 12 56 54.6 91
Show 00529+1316 UC 454 94 11.8 92
Show 00516+1247 BU 496 3 5.7 96
Show 00588+1044 GWP 109 212 14.5 97
Show 01038+1130 ITF 50 353 11.1 101
Show 00566+1040 STF 76 199 3.0 101
Show 00509+1215 GWP 91 95 24.4 102
Show 01013+1348 GRV 62 358 67.4 103
Show 00599+1400 SLW 47 159 45.8 105
Show 00524+1331 GRV 47 153 22.9 107
Show 01052+1250 HJ 10 BC 83 11.2 113
Show 01052+1250 HJ 10 AB 314 5.0 113
Show 01052+1250 HJ 10 AC 58 8.8 113
Show 00502+1150 STF 63 AB 250 33.1 116
Show 00502+1150 BU 1351 BC 318 118.3 117
Show 00532+1045 UC 456 297 52.5 117
Show 01019+1405 GRV 984 AB 71 31.8 122
Show 01019+1405 SLW 49 AC 281 178.9 122
Show 00495+1241 LDS3202 283 3.0 123
Show 00522+1353 LUY6219 98 6.8 125
Show 00513+1101 OCC 303 -1 0.1 125
Show 01015+1024 GWP 117 201 21.9 128
Show 00489+1225 LDS2797 AB 3 5.1 130
Show 00489+1225 LDS2797 Aa,Ab 316 0.7 130
Show 00567+1010 HDS 126 65 0.8 131
Show 00501+1116 TDS1634 77 0.6 131
Show 00529+1409 TDS1656 98 0.6 132

WDS 00578+1219 : COMPONENTS
B pa=105.0°
00578+1219 A
Coord arcsec 2000 005748.96+121934.4 Mag 12.31 PmRA 41.00 PmDE -17.0
00578+1219 B
Coord arcsec 2000 005750.13+121929.8 Mag 12.59 PmRA 43.00 PmDE -16.0
Calc delta mag 0.28 Calc coord yes