00549+5839 BKO 146

00h 54m 53.80s +58° 39' 12.8" P.A. 241.00 sep 5.7 mag 13.70,14.00
Coord 2000 00549+5839 Discov num BKO 146 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 54 53.80 +58 39 12.8
Date first 2003 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 241 Pa last 241.3 P.A. Now (θ) 241.3°
Sep first 5.6 Sep last 5.665 Sep. Now (ρ) 5.665"
Mag pri 13.70 Mag sec 14.00 delta mag (ΔM) 0.3 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +020 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +006 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Gaia DR2 425942970581100800
WDS 00549+5839 BKO 146 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BKO Ladanyi, T. & Berko, E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00549+5839 BKO 146 2003 1 241 5.6 13.50 13.50 005453.50+583911.6
00549+5839 BKO 146 2015 3 241 5.7 13.70 14.00 005453.80+583912.8
00549+5839 BKO 146 2016 7 241 5.7 13.70 14.00 005453.80+583912.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00549+5839 BKO 146 : MEASURES
No records found.


00549+5839 BKO 146A mag 13.7 00549+5839 BKO 146B sep 3.8 P.A. 223.50 mag 14 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00549+5839 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 54m 53.80s +58° 39' 12.8"
WDS 00549+5839 BKO 146 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00549+5839  BKO 146 distance=0' 00547+5841  STI1469AB distance=2' 00547+5841  BKO 144AC distance=2' 00560+5833  TDS1670 distance=11' 00547+5829  CBL 588 distance=11' 00550+5824  BKO 147CD distance=15' 00550+5824  STI1472AB distance=16' 00550+5824  BKO 147AC distance=16' 00550+5858  BU 1098AB distance=20' 00550+5858  BU 1098AC distance=20' 00574+5846  STI1488 distance=21' 00564+5903  HDS 125 distance=27' 00572+5819  STI1489 distance=28' 00529+5903  STI1459 distance=28' 00525+5900  TDS1649 distance=29' 00575+5819  BKO 571 distance=29' 00513+5840  GIC  14 distance=29' 00547+5910  STI1467 distance=31' 00519+5902  STI1451 distance=33' 00586+5857  TDS1696 distance=34' 00591+5824  STI1501 distance=37' 00592+5825  BKO 151 distance=37' 00593+5823  BKO 152 distance=39' 00555+5800  ES 1771 distance=40' 00522+5805  TDS1646 distance=41' 00548+5759  STI1471 distance=41' 00552+5923  TDS1666 distance=44' 00596+5903  STI1505 distance=44' 00594+5811  STI1503 distance=45' 00492+5830  J  2385 distance=46' 00565+5928  ES 1709 distance=51' 00589+5919  TDS1702 distance=51' 00515+5923  STI1446 distance=52' 01002+5809  STI1507AB distance=52' 01002+5809  SKF  56BC distance=52' 01013+5854  STI1510 distance=53' 00557+5748  ES  405 distance=53' 00516+5926  STI1448 distance=54' 01016+5850  STI1511 distance=54' 00484+5858  STI1430 distance=54' 00483+5823  STI1429 distance=55' 01021+5843  STI1515 distance=57' 00505+5930  FMR  34BC distance=57' 01015+5816  TDS1722 distance=57' 01022+5836  TDS1733 distance=58' 01021+5854  MLB 151 distance=58' 00559+5937  STI 146 distance=58' 00479+5819  TDS1615 distance=59' 00490+5802  TDS1629 distance=60' 00520+5934  A   923 distance=60' 00584+5746  STI1493 distance=60' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00549+5839 BKO 146 241 5.7 0
Show 00547+5841 STI1469 AB 115 13.2 2
Show 00547+5841 BKO 144 AC 219 5.2 2
Show 00560+5833 TDS1670 26 0.7 11
Show 00547+5829 CBL 588 230 3.4 11
Show 00550+5824 BKO 147 CD 79 10.8 15
Show 00550+5824 STI1472 AB 2 14.2 16
Show 00550+5824 BKO 147 AC 19 51.1 16
Show 00550+5858 BU 1098 AB 63 18.0 20
Show 00550+5858 BU 1098 AC 125 93.8 20
Show 00574+5846 STI1488 269 7.9 21
Show 00564+5903 HDS 125 279 0.2 27
Show 00572+5819 STI1489 248 7.5 28
Show 00529+5903 STI1459 198 13.3 28
Show 00525+5900 TDS1649 264 0.5 29
Show 00575+5819 BKO 571 321 20.9 29
Show 00513+5840 GIC 14 11 12.2 29
Show 00547+5910 STI1467 197 9.3 31
Show 00519+5902 STI1451 15 5.0 33
Show 00586+5857 TDS1696 26 3.8 34
Show 00591+5824 STI1501 349 7.4 37
Show 00592+5825 BKO 151 160 5.2 37
Show 00593+5823 BKO 152 120 4.8 39
Show 00555+5800 ES 1771 355 7.8 40
Show 00522+5805 TDS1646 139 0.5 41
Show 00548+5759 STI1471 118 13.3 41
Show 00552+5923 TDS1666 315 0.9 44
Show 00596+5903 STI1505 286 10.9 44
Show 00594+5811 STI1503 153 3.5 45
Show 00492+5830 J 2385 236 6.9 46
Show 00565+5928 ES 1709 284 5.4 51
Show 00589+5919 TDS1702 334 0.5 51
Show 00515+5923 STI1446 122 4.3 52
Show 01002+5809 STI1507 AB 63 11.3 52
Show 01002+5809 SKF 56 BC 85 21.6 52
Show 01013+5854 STI1510 93 11.4 53
Show 00557+5748 ES 405 117 4.4 53
Show 00516+5926 STI1448 91 13.3 54
Show 01016+5850 STI1511 56 8.0 54
Show 00484+5858 STI1430 145 10.4 54
Show 00483+5823 STI1429 319 10.4 55
Show 01021+5843 STI1515 68 3.7 57
Show 00505+5930 FMR 34 BC 131 16.6 57
Show 01015+5816 TDS1722 12 0.7 57
Show 01022+5836 TDS1733 214 2.5 58
Show 01021+5854 MLB 151 239 5.5 58
Show 00559+5937 STI 146 303 13.8 58
Show 00479+5819 TDS1615 133 1.2 59
Show 00490+5802 TDS1629 121 1.0 60
Show 00520+5934 A 923 161 1.1 60
Show 00584+5746 STI1493 134 14.3 60

WDS 00549+5839 : COMPONENTS
B pa=223.5°
00549+5839 A
Coord arcsec 2000 005453.80+583912.8 Mag 13.7 PmRA 20.00 PmDE 6.0
00549+5839 B
Coord arcsec 2000 005453.47+583910.1 Mag 14 Calc delta mag 0.3 Calc coord yes