00524+4708 TDS 1648

00h 52m 24.69s +47° 08' 13.8" P.A. 276.00 sep 0.5 mag 10.97,11.11
Coord 2000 00524+4708 Discov num TDS1648 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 52 24.69 +47 08 13.8
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 276 Pa last 276.4 P.A. Now (θ) 276.4°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.52 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.52"
Mag pri 10.97 Mag sec 11.11 delta mag (ΔM) 0.14 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -003 Sec motion ra -003
Pri motion dec -006 Sec motion dec -006
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 3266-00592-1 Gaia DR2 378236844678084992
WDS 00524+4708 TDS 1648 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00524+4708 TDS1648 1991 1 276 0.5 10.97 11.11 005224.69+470813.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00524+4708 TDS 1648 : MEASURES
No records found.


00524+4708 TDS1648A mag 10.97 00524+4708 TDS1648B sep 0.4 P.A. 279.40 mag 11.11 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00524+4708 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 52m 24.69s +47° 08' 13.8"
WDS 00524+4708 TDS 1648 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00524+4708  TDS1648 distance=0' 00538+4731  ES 1297 distance=27' 00552+4653  HDS 121 distance=32' 00514+4739  KPP2495 distance=33' 00484+4701  COU2003 distance=42' 00483+4710  UC  441 distance=42' 00518+4627  UC  448 distance=43' 00562+4639  HDS 124 distance=49' 00518+4803  A   812 distance=56' 00584+4713  ES 1299AB distance=61' 00584+4713  ES 1299AC distance=61' 00463+4715  COU2002 distance=64' 00586+4709  BRT  73 distance=64' 00554+4611  ES 1298 distance=66' 00590+4658  BRT 109 distance=68' 00581+4751  COU2253 distance=73' 00580+4621  TDS1685 distance=75' 00455+4639  UC  433 distance=78' 00531+4830  GIC9003 distance=82' 01006+4719  MAD   1 distance=85' 00440+4658  A   652 distance=87' 00461+4608  SMA   8 distance=89' 01011+4730  TDS1717 distance=92' 00434+4726  A   651 distance=94' 00462+4820  KPP2489 distance=96' 01002+4802  COU2255 distance=96' 00429+4722  ES 2581 distance=98' 00441+4615  WIS  15 distance=101' 00442+4614  STF  52 distance=101' 01017+4635  A   927 distance=102' 00447+4817  BU  231AB distance=104' 00447+4817  NOI   3Aa,Ab distance=104' 00539+4851  TDS  32 distance=105' 00421+4704  TDS1571 distance=105' 00520+4855  HU  516 distance=106' 01029+4702  GIC  17 distance=108' 00465+4539  SMA   9 distance=108' 01030+4723  STT  21 distance=110' 00578+4534  TDS1684 distance=110' 01027+4742  HJ 2010 distance=111' 00417+4727  ES 1203 distance=111' 00585+4843  COU2254 distance=113' 00414+4652  BVD 176 distance=114' 00487+4619  SMA  10 distance=115' 00425+4808  COU1854 distance=115' 00411+4659  A   650 distance=116' 01015+4820  TDS1724 distance=117' 00425+4611  TDS1576 distance=117' 01010+4830  COU2256 distance=119' 00407+4711  TDS1563 distance=120' 00473+4518  A   653 distance=123' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00524+4708 TDS1648 276 0.5 0
Show 00538+4731 ES 1297 213 4.3 27
Show 00552+4653 HDS 121 117 0.4 32
Show 00514+4739 KPP2495 34 22.3 33
Show 00484+4701 COU2003 207 0.7 42
Show 00483+4710 UC 441 176 34.1 42
Show 00518+4627 UC 448 263 19.3 43
Show 00562+4639 HDS 124 133 0.1 49
Show 00518+4803 A 812 327 1.8 56
Show 00584+4713 ES 1299 AB 248 6.0 61
Show 00584+4713 ES 1299 AC 241 14.3 61
Show 00463+4715 COU2002 272 0.2 64
Show 00586+4709 BRT 73 70 4.7 64
Show 00554+4611 ES 1298 147 1.8 66
Show 00590+4658 BRT 109 274 3.8 68
Show 00581+4751 COU2253 12 1.0 73
Show 00580+4621 TDS1685 181 0.5 75
Show 00455+4639 UC 433 307 24.5 78
Show 00531+4830 GIC9003 20 1.2 82
Show 01006+4719 MAD 1 0 0.9 85
Show 00440+4658 A 652 163 0.3 87
Show 00461+4608 SMA 8 303 9.9 89
Show 01011+4730 TDS1717 220 0.4 92
Show 00434+4726 A 651 148 0.9 94
Show 00462+4820 KPP2489 162 22.3 96
Show 01002+4802 COU2255 5 1.1 96
Show 00429+4722 ES 2581 71 10.6 98
Show 00441+4615 WIS 15 112 999.9 101
Show 00442+4614 STF 52 2 1.4 101
Show 01017+4635 A 927 10 2.4 102
Show 00447+4817 BU 231 AB 302 34.4 104
Show 00447+4817 NOI 3 Aa,Ab 267 0.0 104
Show 00539+4851 TDS 32 120 1.9 105
Show 00421+4704 TDS1571 102 1.9 105
Show 00520+4855 HU 516 111 1.3 106
Show 01029+4702 GIC 17 30 15.1 108
Show 00465+4539 SMA 9 102 12.6 108
Show 01030+4723 STT 21 175 1.4 110
Show 00578+4534 TDS1684 87 0.7 110
Show 01027+4742 HJ 2010 271 9.9 111
Show 00417+4727 ES 1203 167 8.1 111
Show 00585+4843 COU2254 162 0.4 113
Show 00414+4652 BVD 176 193 15.6 114
Show 00487+4619 SMA 10 326 3.8 115
Show 00425+4808 COU1854 87 1.1 115
Show 00411+4659 A 650 350 4.2 116
Show 01015+4820 TDS1724 71 0.7 117
Show 00425+4611 TDS1576 192 1.8 117
Show 01010+4830 COU2256 127 0.6 119
Show 00407+4711 TDS1563 288 0.4 120
Show 00473+4518 A 653 115 5.6 123

WDS 00524+4708 : COMPONENTS
B pa=279.4°
00524+4708 A
Coord arcsec 2000 005224.69+470813.8 Mag 10.97 PmRA -3.00 PmDE -6.0
Tycho2 3266-00592-1
Tycho2 3266-00592-1 Pflag RAmdeg 13.10281369 DEmdeg 47.13717299
PmRA -2.6 PmDE -5.7 E RAmdeg 24 E DEmdeg 26
E pmRA 2.0 E pmDE 1.9 EpRAm 1987.95 EpDEm 1986.91
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.5 Q DEmdeg 0.6 Q pmRA 1.5
Q pmDE 0.6 BTmag 11.850 E BTmag 0.080 VTmag 10.335
E VTmag 0.035 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 13.10281694 DEdeg 47.13718861 EpRA 1990 1.92
EpDE 1990 1.92 E RAdeg 28.4 E DEdeg 31.8 Posflg
Corr -0.1
00524+4708 B
Coord arcsec 2000 005224.66+470813.9 Mag 11.11 PmRA -3.00 PmDE -6.0
Calc delta mag 0.14 Calc coord yes