00521+4326 COU 1653

00h 52m 05.87s +43° 25' 58.6" P.A. 38.00 sep 0.1 mag 11.00,11.00 Sp F2
Coord 2000 00521+4326 Discov num COU1653 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 52 05.87 +43 25 58.6
Date first 1978 Date last 2014 Obs 7
Pa first 5 Pa last 37.7 P.A. Now (θ) 37.7°
Sep first 0.2 Sep last 0.107 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.107"
Mag pri 11.00 Mag sec 11.00 delta mag (ΔM) 0 Spectral class F2 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra -004 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -010 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Andromeda Tycho2 2810-00222-1 Gaia DR2 375910106275014400
WDS 00521+4326 COU 1653 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 COU Couteau, P.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00521+4326 COU1653 1992 3 14 0.2 11.00 11.00 F2 005205.87+432558.6
00521+4326 COU1653 2008 4 14 0.2 11.00 11.00 F2 005205.87+432558.6
00521+4326 COU1653 2012 5 21 0.2 11.00 11.00 F2 005205.87+432558.6
00521+4326 COU1653 2014 7 38 0.1 11.00 11.00 F2 005205.87+432558.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00521+4326 COU 1653 : MEASURES
No records found.


00521+4326 COU1653A mag 11 Sp F2 00521+4326 COU1653B sep 0.1 P.A. 29.30 mag 11 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00521+4326 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 52m 05.87s +43° 25' 58.6"
WDS 00521+4326 COU 1653 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00521+4326  COU1653 distance=1' 00542+4318  COU1654 distance=25' 00527+4257  HDS 115 distance=30' 00526+4407  KPP2563 distance=42' 00495+4404  HDS 109 distance=47' 00516+4412  YR   19AB distance=47' 00516+4412  YSC 123Aa,Ab distance=47' 00469+4339  HDS 102 distance=58' 00463+4324  BU  866AB distance=64' 00463+4324  FOX 113AC distance=64' 00523+4220  HDS 114 distance=67' 00515+4435  BRT  72 distance=69' 00455+4324  BU  865AB distance=73' 00455+4324  FOX 112AC distance=73' 00586+4352  ES 1491 distance=77' 00490+4435  MCT   2 distance=77' 00520+4444  GRV  46 distance=80' 00568+4427  GRV  53 distance=81' 00446+4341  LDS5177 distance=83' 00566+4436  ES 1490 distance=86' 00475+4214  ES 1488 distance=89' 00474+4440  A  1508 distance=90' 00599+4257  COU1655 distance=91' 00536+4156  ES 1606 distance=95' 01007+4344  COU1656AB distance=96' 01007+4344  COU1656AC distance=96' 00596+4420  UC  481 distance=98' 00486+4458  A   654 distance=100' 00544+4148  COU1355 distance=102' 00561+4153  JNN9001 distance=103' 00427+4322  BRT  71 distance=103' 00471+4158  HO  492 distance=105' 00457+4208  SKF 184 distance=106' 00430+4405  ES 1408 distance=107' 00480+4148  TDS1616 distance=109' 01017+4356  ES 1492 distance=109' 00508+4136  ES 1605 distance=113' 00524+4132  ES 1489 distance=115' 01001+4443  STF  79 distance=116' 00587+4457  A   925 distance=116' 00588+4455  HJ 1060 distance=116' 01018+4240  KPP 577 distance=116' 00415+4319  YSC 171 distance=116' 00448+4202  LDS5178 distance=118' 00586+4153  TDS1697AB distance=118' 00586+4153  COU1504AC distance=118' 00576+4509  TDS1682 distance=120' 00487+4619  SMA  10 distance=120' 01006+4209  TDS1714 distance=121' 00417+4411  JNN  13 distance=122' 00496+4128  COU1503 distance=122' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00521+4326 COU1653 38 0.1 1
Show 00542+4318 COU1654 90 0.4 25
Show 00527+4257 HDS 115 3 0.1 30
Show 00526+4407 KPP2563 98 23.2 42
Show 00495+4404 HDS 109 136 0.2 47
Show 00516+4412 YR 19 AB 170 0.0 47
Show 00516+4412 YSC 123 Aa,Ab 323 0.0 47
Show 00469+4339 HDS 102 90 0.1 58
Show 00463+4324 BU 866 AB 79 1.5 64
Show 00463+4324 FOX 113 AC 17 38.3 64
Show 00523+4220 HDS 114 165 5.0 67
Show 00515+4435 BRT 72 49 4.5 69
Show 00455+4324 BU 865 AB 192 1.3 73
Show 00455+4324 FOX 112 AC 144 36.9 73
Show 00586+4352 ES 1491 135 2.0 77
Show 00490+4435 MCT 2 257 1.0 77
Show 00520+4444 GRV 46 86 40.9 80
Show 00568+4427 GRV 53 143 40.8 81
Show 00446+4341 LDS5177 325 4.7 83
Show 00566+4436 ES 1490 152 2.7 86
Show 00475+4214 ES 1488 282 7.0 89
Show 00474+4440 A 1508 204 2.6 90
Show 00599+4257 COU1655 2 1.3 91
Show 00536+4156 ES 1606 44 1.9 95
Show 01007+4344 COU1656 AB 25 1.6 96
Show 01007+4344 COU1656 AC 88 36.1 96
Show 00596+4420 UC 481 82 53.3 98
Show 00486+4458 A 654 83 5.7 100
Show 00544+4148 COU1355 122 0.5 102
Show 00561+4153 JNN9001 71 13.2 103
Show 00427+4322 BRT 71 315 3.6 103
Show 00471+4158 HO 492 118 2.9 105
Show 00457+4208 SKF 184 278 2.1 106
Show 00430+4405 ES 1408 263 7.7 107
Show 00480+4148 TDS1616 298 0.5 109
Show 01017+4356 ES 1492 75 3.1 109
Show 00508+4136 ES 1605 279 6.0 113
Show 00524+4132 ES 1489 26 5.9 115
Show 01001+4443 STF 79 194 7.9 116
Show 00587+4457 A 925 109 1.0 116
Show 00588+4455 HJ 1060 288 8.8 116
Show 01018+4240 KPP 577 334 5.4 116
Show 00415+4319 YSC 171 296 0.0 116
Show 00448+4202 LDS5178 13 2.8 118
Show 00586+4153 TDS1697 AB 85 1.1 118
Show 00586+4153 COU1504 AC 359 0.9 118
Show 00576+4509 TDS1682 37 0.5 120
Show 00487+4619 SMA 10 326 3.8 120
Show 01006+4209 TDS1714 44 0.5 121
Show 00417+4411 JNN 13 14 0.5 122
Show 00496+4128 COU1503 296 1.0 122

WDS 00521+4326 : COMPONENTS
B pa=29.3°
00521+4326 A
Coord arcsec 2000 005205.87+432558.6 Mag 11 Spectral class F2 (yellow-white) PmRA -4.00
PmDE -10.0 Tycho2 2810-00222-1
Tycho2 2810-00222-1 Pflag RAmdeg 13.02446577 DEmdeg 43.43294391
PmRA -10.2 PmDE -7.9 E RAmdeg 19 E DEmdeg 19
E pmRA 1.3 E pmDE 1.2 EpRAm 1988.28 EpDEm 1987.52
Num 6 Q RAmdeg 1.1 Q DEmdeg 0.5 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 0.6 BTmag 10.668 E BTmag 0.035 VTmag 10.215
E VTmag 0.031 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 13.02450139 DEdeg 43.43296111 EpRA 1990 1.87
EpDE 1990 1.85 E RAdeg 20.3 E DEdeg 20.5 Posflg
Corr -0.1
00521+4326 B
Coord arcsec 2000 005205.87+432558.7 Mag 11 Calc coord yes