00503+7134 LDS 1515

00h 50m 04.93s +71° 33' 58.2" P.A. 352.00 sep 24.3 mag 9.50,20.30
Coord 2000 00503+7134 Discov num LDS1515 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 50 04.93 +71 33 58.2
Date first 1995 Date last 2014 Obs 13
Pa first 359 Pa last 351.6 P.A. Now (θ) 351.6°
Sep first 22.4 Sep last 24.328 Sep. Now (ρ) 24.328"
Mag pri 9.50 Mag sec 20.30 delta mag (ΔM) 10.8 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +509 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -047 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 4304-01287-1 Gaia DR2 536572673771652480
WDS 00503+7134 LDS 1515 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00503+7134 LDS1515 1995 2 359 22.4 9.50 20.30 005004.93+713358.2
00503+7134 LDS1515 2014 14 352 24.3 9.50 20.30 005004.93+713358.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00503+7134 LDS 1515 : MEASURES
No records found.


00503+7134 LDS1515A mag 9.5 00503+7134 LDS1515B sep 24.1 P.A. 357.30 mag 20.3 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00503+7134 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 50m 04.93s +71° 33' 58.2"
WDS 00503+7134 LDS 1515 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00503+7134  LDS1515 distance=1' 00524+7137  TDS1647 distance=12' 00518+7125  CRB 157 distance=12' 00487+7106  TDS1625 distance=30' 00437+7151  TDS1588 distance=35' 00426+7122  STF  48AB distance=38' 00426+7122  BAZ   1BC distance=38' 00584+7120  TDS1690 distance=43' 00415+7148  TDS  24 distance=44' 00437+7211  OSO  10AB distance=48' 00437+7211  OSO  10AC distance=48' 00406+7102  LDS1512 distance=57' 00464+7034  ALD   9 distance=63' 00372+7149  HDS  86 distance=63' 00540+7033  LDS1517 distance=64' 00474+7239  STF  57 distance=65' 01032+7113  JNN 250 distance=67' 01027+7106  TDS1742 distance=67' 00498+7027  ENG   2 distance=68' 00514+7010  HJ 1999 distance=85' 00360+7230  HJ 1983 distance=86' 00586+7018  TDS1693 distance=87' 00333+7059  LDS5278 distance=88' 00369+7034  KPP4423DE distance=89' 00363+7034  MLR 287 distance=90' 01085+7107  TDS1781AB distance=93' 00378+7254  HJ 1989AB distance=98' 00378+7254  HJ 1989BC distance=98' 00413+7003  LDS1513 distance=102' 00304+7232  HJ 1973 distance=108' 00323+7030  LDS1510 distance=108' 00324+7011  CBL 576 distance=121' 01099+7021  TDS1789 distance=122' 00503+6928  KPP1256 distance=126' 00411+7334  TDS1565 distance=127' 01092+7008  TDS  40 distance=128' 01078+7001  HJ 1069 distance=128' 00444+7343  HJ 1994 distance=132' 00353+6944  HDS  77 distance=132' 01015+6922  A  2901 distance=145' 00324+7335  LDS1509 distance=147' 00595+7359  HDS 128 distance=152' 00543+6903  AG    9 distance=153' 01030+6914  LAF  24AB distance=155' 01030+6914  LAF  24AC distance=155' 01030+6914  LAF  24AD distance=155' 01030+6914  LAF  24AE distance=155' 01030+6914  LAF  24AF distance=155' 01030+6914  LAF  24AG distance=155' 01030+6914  LAF  24AH distance=155' 01030+6914  LAF  24AI distance=155' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00503+7134 LDS1515 352 24.3 1
Show 00524+7137 TDS1647 22 2.7 12
Show 00518+7125 CRB 157 29 33.2 12
Show 00487+7106 TDS1625 16 3.3 30
Show 00437+7151 TDS1588 70 0.4 35
Show 00426+7122 STF 48 AB 333 5.4 38
Show 00426+7122 BAZ 1 BC 319 65.8 38
Show 00584+7120 TDS1690 81 2.2 43
Show 00415+7148 TDS 24 354 0.8 44
Show 00437+7211 OSO 10 AB 2 12.3 48
Show 00437+7211 OSO 10 AC 329 21.4 48
Show 00406+7102 LDS1512 19 28.0 57
Show 00464+7034 ALD 9 25 4.8 63
Show 00372+7149 HDS 86 351 0.4 63
Show 00540+7033 LDS1517 18 3.2 64
Show 00474+7239 STF 57 198 6.3 65
Show 01032+7113 JNN 250 34 0.1 67
Show 01027+7106 TDS1742 124 0.4 67
Show 00498+7027 ENG 2 275 94.2 68
Show 00514+7010 HJ 1999 16 25.6 85
Show 00360+7230 HJ 1983 305 40.9 86
Show 00586+7018 TDS1693 300 0.5 87
Show 00333+7059 LDS5278 224 54.7 88
Show 00369+7034 KPP4423 DE 4 3.1 89
Show 00363+7034 MLR 287 95 2.9 90
Show 01085+7107 TDS1781 AB 274 0.6 93
Show 00378+7254 HJ 1989 AB 52 31.8 98
Show 00378+7254 HJ 1989 BC 342 11.5 98
Show 00413+7003 LDS1513 26 8.0 102
Show 00304+7232 HJ 1973 38 18.0 108
Show 00323+7030 LDS1510 292 31.1 108
Show 00324+7011 CBL 576 253 16.7 121
Show 01099+7021 TDS1789 317 0.6 122
Show 00503+6928 KPP1256 63 9.6 126
Show 00411+7334 TDS1565 252 2.3 127
Show 01092+7008 TDS 40 163 0.9 128
Show 01078+7001 HJ 1069 329 16.7 128
Show 00444+7343 HJ 1994 274 16.6 132
Show 00353+6944 HDS 77 190 0.1 132
Show 01015+6922 A 2901 64 0.4 145
Show 00324+7335 LDS1509 256 1.5 147
Show 00595+7359 HDS 128 340 0.3 152
Show 00543+6903 AG 9 71 6.5 153
Show 01030+6914 LAF 24 AB 119 3.0 155
Show 01030+6914 LAF 24 AC 72 4.8 155
Show 01030+6914 LAF 24 AD 269 5.7 155
Show 01030+6914 LAF 24 AE 74 7.0 155
Show 01030+6914 LAF 24 AF 281 9.1 155
Show 01030+6914 LAF 24 AG 228 9.2 155
Show 01030+6914 LAF 24 AH 121 9.5 155
Show 01030+6914 LAF 24 AI 205 9.6 155

WDS 00503+7134 : COMPONENTS
B pa=357.3°
00503+7134 A
Coord arcsec 2000 005004.93+713358.2 Mag 9.5 PmRA 509.00 PmDE -47.0
Tycho2 4304-01287-1
Tycho2 4304-01287-1 Pflag RAmdeg 12.52054215 DEmdeg 71.56618795
PmRA 137.7 PmDE -56.4 E RAmdeg 13 E DEmdeg 14
E pmRA 1.8 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1991.11 EpDEm 1990.98
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.3 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 0.3
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 10.334 E BTmag 0.027 VTmag 9.498
E VTmag 0.019 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 12.51953833 DEdeg 71.56631861 EpRA 1990 1.70
EpDE 1990 1.68 E RAdeg 12.6 E DEdeg 14.2 Posflg
Corr 0.1
00503+7134 B
Coord arcsec 2000 005004.69+713422.3 Mag 20.3 Calc delta mag 10.8 Calc coord yes