00465+1558 HEI 19

00h 46m 32.87s +15° 57' 31.8" P.A. 244.00 sep 0.7 mag 11.01,11.06
Coord 2000 00465+1558 Discov num HEI  19 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 46 32.87 +15 57 31.8
Date first 1978 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 240 Pa last 244.3 P.A. Now (θ) 244.3°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.69 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.69"
Mag pri 11.01 Mag sec 11.06 delta mag (ΔM) 0.05 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +016 Sec motion ra +016
Pri motion dec -006 Sec motion dec -006
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pisces Tycho2 1188-00662-1 Gaia DR2 2781217896570329984
WDS 00465+1558 HEI 19 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 HEI Heintz, W.D.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00465+1558 HEI 19 1991 5 242 0.6 11.01 11.06 004632.87+155731.8
00465+1558 HEI 19 2016 6 244 0.7 11.01 11.06 004632.87+155731.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00465+1558 HEI 19 : MEASURES
No records found.


00465+1558 HEI  19A mag 11.01 00465+1558 HEI  19B sep 0.7 P.A. 243.40 mag 11.06 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00465+1558 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 46m 32.87s +15° 57' 31.8"
Primaries only

00465+1558  HEI  19 distance=0' 00462+1534  HEI  93 distance=24' 00468+1521  KPP2012 distance=37' 00487+1519  OSW   5 distance=49' 00484+1640  GCB   2 distance=51' 00501+1606  GWP  88 distance=52' 00502+1604  GWP  89 distance=53' 00495+1640  J   924 distance=59' 00470+1449  GRV 978 distance=69' 00490+1656  BUP  12AB distance=69' 00490+1656  BUP  12AC distance=69' 00408+1618  GWP  76 distance=86' 00474+1726  BPM  19 distance=90' 00474+1730  BPM  20 distance=94' 00436+1721  STF  51 distance=95' 00416+1452  HEI  92 distance=97' 00454+1422  LDS1079 distance=98' 00525+1507  LDS2800 distance=98' 00482+1737  GWP  87 distance=103' 00424+1721  BPM  17 distance=103' 00414+1439  KU    6 distance=109' 00539+1639  KPP 914 distance=114' 00446+1749  LDS3194 distance=115' 00415+1731  A  2204 distance=119' 00395+1454  JNN 249Ba,Bb distance=120' 00395+1454  GIC  12AB distance=120' 00554+1545  LDS2801 distance=127' 00376+1547  GWP  70 distance=130' 00512+1405  YSC  18 distance=132' 00419+1751  A  2303 distance=133' 00525+1740  A  2306 distance=133' 00384+1450  UC  408 distance=136' 00498+1352  LDS1081 distance=136' 00557+1524  LDS2802 distance=137' 00463+1815  KPP3135 distance=138' 00368+1605  KU   69 distance=141' 00529+1409  TDS1656 distance=142' 00467+1335  BPM  18 distance=143' 00367+1542  GWP  68 distance=143' 00557+1706  HEI  94 distance=148' 00522+1353  LUY6219 distance=150' 00519+1807  LDS3205 distance=150' 00386+1420  GWP  72 distance=151' 00568+1525  GWP 106 distance=152' 00419+1341  JMS   1 distance=152' 00378+1724  COU 251 distance=153' 00441+1328  GRV  39 distance=153' 00537+1758  GWP  97 distance=158' 00530+1806  A  2207 distance=159' 00363+1701  J   922AB distance=161' 00363+1701  J   922AC distance=161' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00465+1558 HEI 19 244 0.7 0
Show 00462+1534 HEI 93 109 0.2 24
Show 00468+1521 KPP2012 275 16.0 37
Show 00487+1519 OSW 5 152 73.5 49
Show 00484+1640 GCB 2 27 2.0 51
Show 00501+1606 GWP 88 304 21.1 52
Show 00502+1604 GWP 89 131 34.0 53
Show 00495+1640 J 924 308 4.2 59
Show 00470+1449 GRV 978 285 14.9 69
Show 00490+1656 BUP 12 AB 331 85.6 69
Show 00490+1656 BUP 12 AC 161 61.1 69
Show 00408+1618 GWP 76 292 29.7 86
Show 00474+1726 BPM 19 190 115.4 90
Show 00474+1730 BPM 20 54 81.7 94
Show 00436+1721 STF 51 125 3.6 95
Show 00416+1452 HEI 92 110 1.2 97
Show 00454+1422 LDS1079 168 62.5 98
Show 00525+1507 LDS2800 245 2.8 98
Show 00482+1737 GWP 87 132 27.9 103
Show 00424+1721 BPM 17 239 118.1 103
Show 00414+1439 KU 6 226 1.9 109
Show 00539+1639 KPP 914 154 7.6 114
Show 00446+1749 LDS3194 162 151.6 115
Show 00415+1731 A 2204 340 1.1 119
Show 00395+1454 JNN 249 Ba,Bb 224 0.2 120
Show 00395+1454 GIC 12 AB 13 16.2 120
Show 00554+1545 LDS2801 107 3.1 127
Show 00376+1547 GWP 70 97 105.9 130
Show 00512+1405 YSC 18 241 0.1 132
Show 00419+1751 A 2303 221 1.1 133
Show 00525+1740 A 2306 302 1.4 133
Show 00384+1450 UC 408 134 9.6 136
Show 00498+1352 LDS1081 276 21.0 136
Show 00557+1524 LDS2802 346 13.0 137
Show 00463+1815 KPP3135 272 5.2 138
Show 00368+1605 KU 69 334 37.6 141
Show 00529+1409 TDS1656 98 0.6 142
Show 00467+1335 BPM 18 68 115.6 143
Show 00367+1542 GWP 68 200 49.9 143
Show 00557+1706 HEI 94 254 1.0 148
Show 00522+1353 LUY6219 98 6.8 150
Show 00519+1807 LDS3205 263 177.6 150
Show 00386+1420 GWP 72 314 13.2 151
Show 00568+1525 GWP 106 180 77.2 152
Show 00419+1341 JMS 1 325 23.1 152
Show 00378+1724 COU 251 92 2.6 153
Show 00441+1328 GRV 39 112 25.7 153
Show 00537+1758 GWP 97 345 11.1 158
Show 00530+1806 A 2207 168 3.7 159
Show 00363+1701 J 922 AB 329 2.6 161
Show 00363+1701 J 922 AC 1 49.7 161

WDS 00465+1558 : COMPONENTS
B pa=243.4°
00465+1558 A
Coord arcsec 2000 004632.87+155731.8 Mag 11.01 PmRA 16.00 PmDE -6.0
Tycho2 1188-00662-1
Tycho2 1188-00662-1 Pflag RAmdeg 11.63690717 DEmdeg 15.95881520
PmRA 16.4 PmDE -6.4 E RAmdeg 28 E DEmdeg 31
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.4 EpRAm 1984.98 EpDEm 1981.90
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.1 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 10.927 E BTmag 0.061 VTmag 10.400
E VTmag 0.054 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 11.63686472 DEdeg 15.95882500 EpRA 1990 1.84
EpDE 1990 1.76 E RAdeg 32.9 E DEdeg 39.7 Posflg P
Corr 0.1
00465+1558 B
Coord arcsec 2000 004632.83+155731.5 Mag 11.06 PmRA 16.00 PmDE -6.0
Calc delta mag 0.05 Calc coord yes