00440+2203 LDS 3193

00h 43m 58.14s +22° 02' 03.1" P.A. 134.00 sep 297.3 mag 16.13,16.85
Coord 2000 00440+2203 Discov num LDS3193 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 43 58.14 +22 02 03.1
Date first 1960 Date last 2015 Obs 7
Pa first 133 Pa last 134.1 P.A. Now (θ) 134.1°
Sep first 296.0 Sep last 297.273 Sep. Now (ρ) 297.273"
Mag pri 16.13 Mag sec 16.85 delta mag (ΔM) 0.72 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -060 Sec motion ra -070
Pri motion dec -051 Sec motion dec -066
rPM=0.187 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Andromeda Gaia DR2 2802555637694361984
WDS 00440+2203 LDS 3193 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00440+2203 LDS3193 1997 3 134 297.0 16.13 16.85 D 004358.14+220203.1
00440+2203 LDS3193 2000 4 134 296.9 16.13 16.85 D 004358.14+220203.1
00440+2203 LDS3193 2010 5 134 297.3 16.13 16.85 004358.14+220203.1
00440+2203 LDS3193 2015 6 134 297.3 16.13 16.85 004358.14+220203.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00440+2203 LDS 3193 : MEASURES
No records found.


00440+2203 LDS3193A mag 16.13 00440+2203 LDS3193B sep 286.3 P.A. 136.30 mag 16.85 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00440+2203 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 43m 58.14s +22° 02' 03.1"
WDS 00440+2203 LDS 3193 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00440+2203  LDS3193 distance=0' 00450+2210  LDS 869 distance=16' 00425+2224  CVR 344 distance=30' 00458+2137  TDS1603 distance=37' 00429+2240  SKF 229AB distance=41' 00429+2240  SKF 229CD distance=41' 00415+2134  CVR 343 distance=45' 00397+2153  NSN 508 distance=61' 00399+2133  UC  417 distance=64' 00434+2059  CVR1051 distance=64' 00399+2126  STF  46 distance=67' 00484+2135  CVR1054 distance=68' 00398+2122  J   635 distance=72' 00492+2150  J  1439 distance=75' 00494+2147  J  3282 distance=77' 00429+2047  A  2205 distance=77' 00384+2148  GRV  35 distance=78' 00394+2115  STT 550AB distance=80' 00394+2115  LUH   3AC distance=80' 00479+2305  J   636 distance=84' 00470+2315  HU  413 distance=85' 00490+2251  UC  444 distance=85' 00479+2056  NSN 510 distance=87' 00380+2229  GRV  34 distance=88' 00457+2327  LDS3197 distance=88' 00374+2159  BRT2297 distance=93' 00463+2329  POU  63 distance=93' 00376+2240  HU  411 distance=97' 00464+2334  POU  64 distance=98' 00445+2342  HJ 1051 distance=101' 00513+2206  BRT2299 distance=101' 00512+2211  KU   70 distance=102' 00511+2231  AZC   7 distance=103' 00365+2202  HU  410 distance=104' 00447+2346  CVR1053 distance=105' 00511+2236  LDS3204 distance=106' 00471+2025  J   221 distance=107' 00401+2334  POU  51 distance=107' 00516+2237  A  1808 distance=112' 00408+2016  AZC   6 distance=116' 00466+2013  A  2206 distance=116' 00446+2007  GWP  84 distance=116' 00446+2402  CVR1052 distance=120' 00445+1956  TDS1595 distance=127' 00486+2353  CVR1055 distance=128' 00403+2403  BU 1348BC distance=131' 00403+2403  STF  47AB distance=132' 00403+2403  BU 1348AC distance=132' 00430+2413  POU  57 distance=132' 00525+2300  CVR 350 distance=132' 00524+2057  LDS3206 distance=135' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00440+2203 LDS3193 134 297.3 0
Show 00450+2210 LDS 869 198 121.6 16
Show 00425+2224 CVR 344 264 8.7 30
Show 00458+2137 TDS1603 239 0.5 37
Show 00429+2240 SKF 229 AB 335 2.9 41
Show 00429+2240 SKF 229 CD 341 6.1 41
Show 00415+2134 CVR 343 104 28.3 45
Show 00397+2153 NSN 508 207 2.4 61
Show 00399+2133 UC 417 177 44.5 64
Show 00434+2059 CVR1051 20 3.2 64
Show 00399+2126 STF 46 195 6.6 67
Show 00484+2135 CVR1054 183 4.5 68
Show 00398+2122 J 635 138 3.5 72
Show 00492+2150 J 1439 181 6.9 75
Show 00494+2147 J 3282 2 6.3 77
Show 00429+2047 A 2205 2 0.4 77
Show 00384+2148 GRV 35 175 56.8 78
Show 00394+2115 STT 550 AB 80 169.1 80
Show 00394+2115 LUH 3 AC 290 42.9 80
Show 00479+2305 J 636 263 1.9 84
Show 00470+2315 HU 413 330 0.4 85
Show 00490+2251 UC 444 291 43.2 85
Show 00479+2056 NSN 510 198 30.1 87
Show 00380+2229 GRV 34 222 57.2 88
Show 00457+2327 LDS3197 63 3.7 88
Show 00374+2159 BRT2297 291 4.5 93
Show 00463+2329 POU 63 108 8.4 93
Show 00376+2240 HU 411 107 0.7 97
Show 00464+2334 POU 64 102 16.9 98
Show 00445+2342 HJ 1051 283 3.6 101
Show 00513+2206 BRT2299 216 2.4 101
Show 00512+2211 KU 70 125 53.9 102
Show 00511+2231 AZC 7 112 13.8 103
Show 00365+2202 HU 410 319 3.4 104
Show 00447+2346 CVR1053 318 4.8 105
Show 00511+2236 LDS3204 137 312.2 106
Show 00471+2025 J 221 7 5.8 107
Show 00401+2334 POU 51 137 14.8 107
Show 00516+2237 A 1808 195 0.2 112
Show 00408+2016 AZC 6 224 31.7 116
Show 00466+2013 A 2206 294 4.6 116
Show 00446+2007 GWP 84 141 18.8 116
Show 00446+2402 CVR1052 337 3.9 120
Show 00445+1956 TDS1595 273 0.8 127
Show 00486+2353 CVR1055 71 3.6 128
Show 00403+2403 BU 1348 BC 247 33.0 131
Show 00403+2403 STF 47 AB 206 16.2 132
Show 00403+2403 BU 1348 AC 233 47.2 132
Show 00430+2413 POU 57 103 13.2 132
Show 00525+2300 CVR 350 173 9.2 132
Show 00524+2057 LDS3206 241 24.8 135

WDS 00440+2203 : COMPONENTS
B pa=136.3°
00440+2203 A
Coord arcsec 2000 004358.14+220203.1 Mag 16.13 PmRA -60.00 PmDE -51.0
00440+2203 B
Coord arcsec 2000 004412.37+215836.2 Mag 16.85 PmRA -70.00 PmDE -66.0
Calc delta mag 0.72 Calc coord yes